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- 10 black & white photos and contour maps of Mauna Kea summit area including Lake Waiau (see abstract for details)
- 1998 Palila population census; breeding and nonbreeding censuses of the 1998 palila population on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- 2010 Annual report to the Board of Land and Natural Resources, status of the implementation of the Mauna Kea Comprehensive Management Plan
- 2011 Annual report to the Board of Land and Natural Resources, status of the implementation of the Mauna Kea Comprehensive Management Plan
- 2012 Annual report to the Board of Land and Natural Resources, status of the implementation of the Mauna Kea Comprehensive Management Plan
- 2012 Moon Mars Analog Mission Activities on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- 2013 Annual report to the Board of Land and Natural Resources, status of the implementation of the Mauna Kea Comprehensive Management Plan
- 2013 invasive species & native arthropod monitoring report: includes results for alien arthropods and wekiu bug monitoring, early detection, prevention, rapid response, & control
- 2014 Annual report to the Board of Land and Natural Resources, status of the implementation of the Mauna Kea Comprehensive Management Plan
- 2015 Annual report to the Board of Land and Natural Resources, status of the implementation of the Mauna Kea Comprehensive Management Plan
- 2015-2016 Palila abundance estimates
- 2016 Annual report to the Board of Land and Natural Resources, status of the implementation of the Mauna Kea Comprehensive Management Plan
- 2017 Annual report to the Board of Land and Natural Resources, status of the implementation of the Mauna Kea Comprehensive Management Plan
- $220,799 to State in Observatory suit and two photos from Hawaii Tribune Herald February 25, 1973
- 230 Thorium dating of toolstone procurement strategies, production scale and ritual practices at the Mauna Kea Adze Quarry complex, Hawaii
- $29 mm economic boost on way for roaring astronomy, educational tourism
- “$3 Million observatory started” and “Project’s booster misses ceremony”
- 30 years of the endangered species act, Mauna Kea silversword
- 4 astronomers going to India
- 4 June, 1972: 1 egg present!!!
- "4.4 quake reported on Mauna Kea", "County: lights have saved millions", "Development on Mauna Kea", and "Keck Telescope finds ancient galaxy clusters"
- 5,000-mile-wide telescope nearing completion: units extend from here to Virgin Islands
- ? (50-Ha-G28-030) - Hawaiian Archaeological Survey (HAS) data
- ? (50-Ha-G28-031) - Hawaiian Archaeological Survey (HAS) data
- ? (50-Ha-G28-033) - Hawaiian Archaeological Survey (HAS) data
- 6. Island of Hawaii - Mauna Kea
- 7 selected for Mauna Kea board
- 7. Summit Science
- A 10-meter telescope for millimeter and submillimeter astronomy at Mauna Kea, Hamakua, Hawaii : draft environmental impact statement
- A 10-meter telescope for millimeter and submillimeter astronomy at Mauna Kea, Hamakua, Hawaii : environmental impact statement, notice of preparation
- A 10-meter telescope for millimeter and submillimeter astronomy at Mauna Kea, Hamakua, Hawaii for California Institute of Technology : final environmental impact statement
- A Big Isle boost
- A biological evaluation of ohia decline on the island of Hawaii
- A brachypterous Nysius sp. from the summit of Mauna Kea
- A brief history of the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory
- A brief memoir of the life of Mr. David Douglas, with extracts from his letters
- A case study of trade-wind rainbands and their interaction with the island-induced airflow
- A Christmas holiday mountain trip
- A chronology of ornithological exploration in the Hawaiian Islands, from Cook to Perkins
- A Climate Transect through Tropical Montane Rain Forest in Hawaii
- A comparative study of the vertical magnetic component and magnetic susceptibility on the volcanoes of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa, Hawaii
- A comparison of different magnetic methods for determining the relative grain size of magnetite in natural materials: some results from lake sediments
- A comparison of observing conditions on the summit cones and shield of Mauna Kea
- A consensus taxonomy for the Hawaiian honeycreepers
- A cultural resources management plan for the University of Hawaii management areas on Mauna Kea, Kaohe Ahupuaa, Hamakua District, Hawaii Island, State of Hawaii. TMK: (3) 4-4-015:09, 12. A sub-plan for the Mauna Kea comprehensive management plan
- A day among the Akiapolaau at Mauna Kea
- A dream comes true
- A dream of Mauna Kea is realized
- A dream of Mauna Kea realized
- A European traveler's account of a trip over Hawaii
- A fibered large interferometer on top of Mauna Kea: OHANA, the Optical Hawaiian Array for Nano-radian Astronomy
- A fledgling-mass threshold greatly affects juvenile survival in the Hawaii Akepa (Loxops Coccineus Coccineus)
- A forest dies on Mauna Kea; how feral sheep are destroying an Hawaiian woodland
- A Fully Fertile Intergeneric Hybrid Derivative from Argroxiphium sandwicense ssp. Macrocephalum x Dubautia menziesii (Asteraceae) and Its Relevance to Plant Evolution in the Hawaiian islands
- A gentle rain of starlight: the story of astronomy on Mauna Kea
- A Hawaiian mountain climate cross-section
- A Heroic Person by Rachel Yamakawa (6th grader) and introduction by Kyoji Nariai (Stars are 'Subaru': Mr. Akiyama's Mauna Kea)
- A landscape perspective of the Hawaiian rain forest dieback
- A large deep Hawaiian earthquake - the Honomu, Hawaii event of April 26, 1973
- A late quaternary geomagnetic secular variation record from Lake Waiau, Hawaii, and the question of the Pacific nondipole low
- A late quaternary record of geomagnetic secular variation and volcanic activity from Lake Waiau, Hawaii
- A lava tube stream conduit system on Mauna Kea volcano, Hawaii
- A list of birds located on the island of Hawaii in May 1940
- A list of mosses and vascular plants collected on Mauna Kea, August 1935
- A mathematical approach to defining spatially recurring species groups in a montane rain forest on Mauna Loa, Hawaii
- A Maunakea o Kalani
- A Microanalytical Approach to Understanding the Origin of Cumulate Xenoliths from Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- A morphometric analysis and taxonomic appraisal of the Hawaiian silversword Argyroxiphium sandwicense DC (Asteraceae)
- A morphometric analysis and taxonomic appraisal of the Hawaiian Silversword Argyroxiphium sandwicense DC(Asteraceae).
- A narrative of an 1823 tour of Hawaii or Owhyhee : with remarks on the history, traditions, manners, customs and language of the inhabitants of the Sandwich Islands
- A new approach for analyzing bird densities from variable circular-plot counts
- A new eye opens on the cosmos
- A new species of flightless, jumping, alpine moth of the genus Thyrocopa from Hawaii (Lepidoptera: Xyloryctidae: Xyloryctinae)
- A new subspecies of the Elepaio Chasiempis sandwichensis, from the Island of Hawaii
- A new variety of silversword
- A New-Generation Telescope for the 21st Century: leading the way in computer-controlled observing without compromise!
- A PCR approach to detection of malaria in Hawaiian birds
- A photo showing a model of Saturn V booster rocket and Ken Miller, Bishop Museum's planetarium chairman
- A plan for Mauna Kea
- A plan for Mauna Kea. Prepared by Department of Land and Natural Resources. State of Hawaii, May 1976
- A population model of the endangered Hawaiian dark-rumped petrel
- A preliminary petrographic study of Hawaiian stone adze quarries
- A preliminary survey of wekiu bug populations at Puu Hau Kea, in the Mauna Kea Ice Age Natural Area Reserve, Hawaii Island, Hawaii
- A re-examination of Kenneth P. Emory's theory of Necker type Marae in the summit region of Mauna Kea, Hawaii: many Marae or shrines later
- A reappraisal of redistribution: complex Hawaiian chiefdoms
- A reassessment of factors, particularly Rattus rattus L., that influenced the decline of endemic forest birds in the Hawaiian Islands
- A recent sighting of the akiapolau in South Kona, Hawaii
- A regional synthesis of Hamakua District, Hawaii Island
- A remarkable new micropterous Nysius species from the aeolian zone of Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeidae)
- A research design for archaeological studies at the Pohakuloa Training Area, Island of Hawaii
- A residence of twenty-one years in the Sandwich islands; or, The civil, religious, and political history of those islands
- A review of archaeobotany and palaeoethnobotany in Hawaii
- A review of biological control introductions in Hawaii: 1890 to 1985
- A revision of the tracheline spiders (Araneae, Corinnidae) of southern South America
- A scientific expedition
- A short history of cattle and range management in Hawaii
- A social impact assessment: indigenous Hawaiian cultural values of the proposed Saddle Road alignments, project A-AD-6(1) [part of the EIS for the Saddle Road project]
- A Space Lookout to Be Protected
- A specimen of Nuku puu (Aves: Drepanidini: Hemignathus lucidus) from the island of Hawaii
- A Spectral Mapping Signature for the Rapid Ohia Death (ROD) Pathogen in Hawaiian Forests
- A study in the genus Tetramolopium nees (Family: Compositae)
- A study of microseismic and man-made vibrations on Mauna Kea, preliminary report
- A study of the breeding biology of four species of Hawaiian honeycreepers (Drepanididae)
- A study on the soils containing amorphous materials in the island of Hawaii
- A study plan to inventory vascular plants and vertebrates
- A summary of nine years of weather data from Mauna Kea Observatory
- A survey of livestock in Hawaii
- A systematic analysis of the endemic avifauna of the Hawaiian Islands
- A taxonomic revision of the Hawaiian species of the Genus Sophora Linnaeus (Family Leguminosae)
- A technological analysis of the debitage assemblage from Kookoolau rockshelter no.1, Mauna Kea Adze quarry, Hawaii
- A thinning and fertilizing experiment in metrosideros dieback stands in Hawaii
- A Three-Dimensional Simulation of Airflow and Orographic Rain over the Island of Hawaii
- A tree grows at Lake Waiau...and scientist is delighted
- A trip to the summit of Mauna Kea
- A trip to the summit of Mauna Kea
- A variable circular-plot method for estimating bird numbers
- A view into the subsurface of Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii: Crystallization processes interpreted through the petrology and petrography of gabbroic and ultramafic xenoliths
- A vision of Mauna Kea realized: isle astronomy pioneer being feted by Regents Board
- A voyage round the world, from 1806 to 1812
- A voyage to the Pacific Ocean, undertaken by the command of his majesty for making discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere to determine the position and extent of the west side of North America, its distance from Asia; and the practicability of a Northern passage to Europe ...
- A Water-Budget Model and Assessment of Groundwater Recharge for the Island of Hawaii
- A world of astronomy news : amateur activities trigger an astronomical revival in Hawaiʻi, New Zealand, and El Salvador
- Ablation of snow under the vertical sun in Hawaii
- Abundance and diets of rats in two native Hawaiian forests
- Abundance, distribution, and removals of feral pigs at Big Island National Wildlife Refuge Complex 2010-2015
- Access way arthropod monitoring report: Thirty Meter Telescope project, astronomy precinct, Mauna Kea science reserve, Hamakua district, Island of Hawaii
- Acclimatization to high altitude: truths and misconceptions
- Action taken to solve dust problem
- Acute mountain sickness and the edemas of high altitude: a common pathogenesis?
- Acute Mountain Sickness in a General Tourist Population at Moderate Altitudes
- Adaptation in the Hawaii akepa to breed and moult during a seasonal food decline
- Adaptations of terrestrial arthropods to the alpine environment
- Adaptive radiation and genetic differentiation in the Hawaiian silversword alliance (Compositae: Madinae)
- Adaptive radiation and hybridization in the Hawaii silversword alliance
- Adaptive radiation and macroevolution in the Hawaiian silverswords
- Adaptive radiation in the Hawaiian Silversword Alliance (Compositae-Madiinae. ). II. Cytogenetics of artificial and natural hybrids
- Adaptive radiation in the Hawaiian Silversword Alliance (Compositae-Madiinae). I. Cytogenetics of spontaneous hybrids
- Adaptive radiation of the Hawaiian silversword alliance (Compositae-Madiinae): ecological, morphological, and physiological diversity
- Addendum to Notice of intent to decommission the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory
- Additional new and noteworthy records for Hawaiian mosses
- Additional new and noteworthy records for Hawaiian mosses. 5
- Additional notes on the insects occurring on Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa
- Address given at Mauna Kea Station dedication
- Aeolian communities: Mt. Saint Helens and Mauna Kea
- Aeromagnetic study of the Island of Hawaii
- Ages and inferred causes of Late Pleistocene glaciations on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Agreement between: the Science Research Council and the University of Hawaii concerning the construction and operation of a 3.8-meter telescope on Mauna Kea
- "Ah, Honolulu city lights…they turn sky gazers off" and "Big Island seeks ties to Chile town"
- Aha Pawalu: a cultural protocol for Kanaloa-Kahoolawe. Consultants to the Kahoolawe Island Reserve Commission: Edith Kanakaole Foundation
- Ahinahina
- Ahinahina, the unique silversword
- Ahu a Umi Heiau, a native Hawaiian astronomical and directional register
- Aina Mauna legacy program Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, final report
- Aina Mauna legacy program: draft environmental assessment
- Air motions over the windward coast of the Island of Hawaii
- Air movements and weather in the Mauna Kea--Mauna Loa Saddle, Hawaii
- Akepa (Loxops coccineus)
- Akiapolaau (Hemignathus munroi), Nukupuu (Hemignathus lucidus)
- Akiapolaau and its remaining habitat
- Akiapolaau five-year recovery work plan
- Akiapolaau Hemignathus munroi
- Akua Hawaii : Hawaiian gods and their stories
- Alala or Hawaiian Crow Corvus hawaiiensis
- Alala, Akohekohe, and Palila: population and habitat viability assessment reports
- Alala, Puaiohi, Palila, Hawaiian Creeper, Akepa, Maui Parrotbill, Akohekohe, Elepaio, Nene, Endangered Hawaiian Forest Birds Studbooks
- Alien and native plant response to release from feral sheep browsing on Mauna Kea
- Alien arthropods in Hawaii: trouble in paradise
- Alien dominance of the parasitoid wasp community along an elevation gradient on Hawaii Island
- Alien grass invasion and fire in the seasonal submontane zone of Hawaii
- Almost heaven: landing the Thirty Meter Telescope fortifies Mauna Kea's position as earth's eye on the sky
- Aloha, Prince Philip
- Alpine archaeology in Hawaii
- Alpine predator: the amazing wekiu bug thrives in Mauna Kea cold
- Alte terre in aree estreme tropicali: la gestione dei parchi naturali ad alta quota nelle isole Hawaii. I vulcani Mauna Kea e Haleakala
- Alteration of native Hawaiian vegetation : effects of humans, their activities and introductions
- Alteration of wildlife habitat as a prohibited taking under the Endangered Species Act
- Alternative telescope site is a good back-up
- Altitude acclimatization guide
- Altitude delaying Keck telescope completion: lofty Mauna Kea atmosphere is too light for the heavy workload
- Altitude-induced hypertension in bi-landers
- Altitudinal ecotypes in Hawaiian Metrosideros
- Altitudinal resource zonation versus vertical control: land use conflict on two Hawaiian mountains
- Altitudinal variation in Hawaiian Metrosideros
- Altitudinal variations in nests of the Hawaiian honeycreeper Hemignathus Virens Virens
- Amendment: Revised environmental impact statement for the Hale Pohaku Mid-level facilities master plan, Mauna Kea science reserve, Hamakua district, County of Hawaii, State of Hawaii, August 1980
- Amendment: Revised environmental impact statement for the Hale Pohaku mid-level facilities master plan, Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Hamakua district, County of Hawaii, State of Hawaii, June 2, 1980
- America's national parks - "Hawaii volcanoes"
- An 8-m optical-infrared telescope project: Subaru Voyage to the Unknown
- An account of the great volcanic eruption of 1843, on Hawaii
- An Act To authorize the Smithsonian Institution to plan, design, construct, and equip laboratory, administrative, and support space to house base operations for the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Submillimeter Array located on Mauna Kea at Hilo, Hawaii
- An adaptive strategy for reducing feral cat predation on endangered Hawaiian birds
- An aerial cultural resources reconnaissance of two areas near Pohakuloa Training Area, Island of Hawaii
- An Albinistic amakihi sighted on the Island of Hawaii
- An albinistic elepaio from Hawaii
- An analysis of the Mauna Kea Adze Quarry archaeobotanical assemblage
- An Annotated List of the Forest Trees of the Hawaiian Archipelago
- An archaeological collections summary for Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawaii
- An archaeological survey at the middle level, southern flank of Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- An arthropod assessment within selected areas of the Mauna Kea science reserve, Task 2 preliminary report. An assessment of arthropod seasonal fluctuation
- An arthropod assessment within selected areas of the Mauna Kea Science Reserve: Final report
- An arthropod assessment within selected areas of the Mauna Kea science reserve: final report. Appendix A Documentation of methodology
- An arthropod assessment within selected areas within the Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Task 4 and Task 5 preliminary report. An assessment of arthropod occurrence in selected buffer zone habitats and a comparison of wekiu bug occurrence between summit and buffer habitats
- An arthropod inventory and sampling plan as required in the proposal to the University of Hawaii institute for astronomy, an arthropod assessment within selected areas of the Mauna Kea science reserve
- An assessment of environmental impact resulting from proposed temporary base camp expansion, Hale Pohaku (Mauna Kea), Hawaii. Preliminary draft. Prepared by Neighbor Island Consultants [for] Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corporation
- An assessment of environmental impact resulting from the development of a telescope and observatory facilities, Mauna Kea (summit), Hawaii. Preliminary draft. Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corporation
- An Assessment of Nysius wekiuicola Populations and Thermal Microhabitat Conditions on Cinder Cones of the Maunakea Volcano, Hawaii
- An assessment of the arthropod fauna and aeolian ecosystem near the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- An assessment of the current status of native upland habitats and associated endangered species on the island of Hawaii
- An early radiocarbon chronology for the Hawaiian Islands: a preliminary analysis
- An eclipse of the totality sun
- An ecological model of the effects of exotic factors on limiting Hawaiian honeycreeper populations
- An example of meteorological considerations in selecting an observatory site in Hawaii
- An extinct goose from the Island of Hawaii
- An historical analysis of hunting in Hawaii
- An historical review of Polynesian stone adze studies
- An institute for astronomy groundbreaking
- An introduction to the study of the Drepanididae, a family of birds peculiar to the Hawaiian Islands
- An observation of akiapolaau nest construction
- An occurrence of jarositic tephra on Mauna Kea, Hawaii: implications for the ferric mineralogy of the martian surface
- An occurrence of trachyte on the island of Hawaii
- An overview of the archaeological context of Pohakuloa Training Area in Hawaii island
- An unusually massive nest of the house finch (Linnet) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Analysing archaeological basalt using non-destructive energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence (EDXRF): effects of post-depositional chemical weathering and sample size on analytical precision
- Analysis of fire history and management concerns at Pohakuloa Training Area
- Analysis of fractures intersecting Kahi Puka Well 1 and its relation to the growth of the island of Hawaii
- Analysis of hydrologic structures within Mauna Kea volcano using diamond wireline core drilling
- Analysis of Meteorological Data Mauna Loa Weather Observatory, Oct. 1, 1957 - Sept. 30, 1958
- Anatomical variation of fibers in five genera of Hawaiian Urticaceae and its significance to ethnobotany
- Ancient Hawaiian glaciers reveal clues to global climate impacts
- Annotated bibliography; volcanology and volcanic activity with a primary focus on potential hazard impacts for the Hawaii Geothermal Project
- Annual cycle, environment and evolution in the Hawaiian honeycreepers (Aves: Drepaniidae)
- Annual Performance Reports for the State of Hawaii, Section 6, Endangered Wildlife Program Grants, final and interim reports
- Annual report for the ecosystem management program, Pohakuloa Training Area, Island of Hawaii August 2003
- Annual rings in a native Hawaiian tree, Sophora chrysophylla, on Maunakea, Hawaii
- Annual variation in the distribution, abundance, and habitat response of the palila (Loxioides bailleui)
- Another telescope planned at complex
- Ant invasions of mamane-naio forest at high elevations on Mauna Kea
- Antifreeze agents of terrestrial arthropods
- Antioxidative activity of 6a-hydroxypterocarpan from the root of Sophora chrysophylla
- Apapane (Himatione sanguinea)
- Apapane Himatione sanguinea
- Appendix I-III in Journal kept by David Douglas during his travels in North America 1823-1827
- Appendix II. Extract from David Douglas Journal of a Subsequent Expedition in 1833-4. Which Journal was sent to his brother Mr. John Douglas
- Application of a PCR-based approach to identify sex in Hawaiian honeycreepers (Drepanidinae)
- Application of agriculture-developed demographic analysis for the conservation of the Hawaiian Alpine Wekiu Bug
- Applied conservation research of the wekiu bug in Hawaii: life table analysis, population genetics, and phylogenetics create a holistic view of a rare and unique species
- Aquatic organism study for the Koa Timber Commercial Forestry Operation, South Hilo District, County of Hawaii
- Archaeological fieldcheck of several projects in the Hale Pohaka area of Mauna Kea
- Archaeological investigations in the Hopukani and Liloe Springs area of the Mauna Kea Adz Quarry, Hawaii : a data summary report
- Archaeological mitigation plan for Hawaii Defense Access Road A-AD-6(1) and Saddle Road (SR 200) Project; Districts of South Kohala, Hamakua, North Hilo, and South Hilo Island of Hawaii.
- Archaeological monitoring of four septic tank excavations at the mid-level facilities located at Hale Pohaku, Mauna Kea, Kaohe, Hamakua, Island of Hawaii (TMK [3] 4-4-015:012); final report
- Archaeological monitoring of ground disturbing activities during a soil study for CFHT on Mauna Kea, Island of Hawaii
- Archaeological monitoring report for the construction of a graded site pad for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) groundbreaking ceremony, final version
- Archaeological monitoring report: Geotechnical boring for the proposed Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) in the Astronomy Precinct of Mauna Kea, final version
- Archaeological reconnaissance of Hopukani, Waihu, and Liloe Springs, Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Archaeological reconnaissance of two proposed antenna sites for the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Mauna Kea, Hawaii.
- Archaeological reconnaissance survey for preparation of the Mauna Kea Mid-Elevation Facilities Master Plan
- Archaeological reconnaissance survey of the proposed Galileo Telescope sites C and D, summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island, Hawaii (TMK 4-4-015:09)
- Archaeological survey and testing at the Bobcat Trail Habitation Cave site (50-10-30-5004), Pohakuloa Training Area, Island of Hawaii, Hawaii
- Archaeological survey and testing for the Saddle Road improvement project, Pohakuloa area, Island of Hawaii
- Archaeological survey for the proposed Kitt Peak National Observatory data collecting facilities on Mauna Kea
- Archaeology group explores Keanakakoi
- Archaeology Mauna Kea field trip underway
- Are Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea hollow mountains
- Argentine ant in Hawaii
- Argyroxiphium kauense (Mauna Loa (=Kau) silversword) 5-year review summary and evaluation
- Argyroxiphium Kauense, the Kau silversword
- Argyroxiphium, Family 344, Genus Argyroxiphium, Compositae, Composite Family
- Arial-broadcast application of diphacinone bait for rodent control in Hawaii: efficacy and non-target species risk assessment
- Arizona biologists help restore Mauna Kea silversword, one of Hawaii's most critically endangered plants
- Arthropod Diversity Estimates for Three Native Subalpine Plant Species on the Maunakea Volcano of Hawaii Island
- Arthropods of alpine Aeolian ecosystems
- Arthur Murray bought this in a hurry/Painting of Mauna Kea by D. Howard Hitchcock
- Artificial incubation, hand-rearing, behavior, and release of common amakihi (Hemignathus virens virens): surrogate research for restoration of endangered Hawaiian forest birds
- As Hawaii deliberates, giant telescope considers new home
- Ascent of Mauna Kea, in company with William Alanson Bryan
- Ask astro: the Mauna Kea summit ... 13,800 feet ... do they use oxygen?
- Aspects of house finch breeding biology
- Aspects of the life history and foraging ecology of the endangered akiapolaau
- Assessment of fuels, potential fire behavior, and management options in subalpine vegetation on Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii
- Assessment of the risks for sitting the Thirty Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea
- Assimilation of seawater-derived components in an oceanic volcano: evidence from matrix glasses and glass inclusions from Loihi seamount, Hawaii
- Association of phytophthora cinnamomi with ohia decline on the island of Hawaii
- Association of Plagithmysus bilineatus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) and Phytophthora cinnamomi with the decline of ohia-lehua forests on the island of Hawaii
- Astronauts due here for Moon training
- Astronauts Due Here Jan. 10 on Field Trip
- Astronauts to make field trips here: 29 to study Mauna Loa's lava fields
- Astronomer Gerard Kuiper Dies in Mexico - obituaries
- "Astronomer to address UH Hilo commencement" and "Keck Telescope designer wins award"
- Astronomer to speak at fair
- "Astronomers ask city light controls" and "Big glass disk cut as first step for Keck scope"
- Astronomers bargain for use of 'sacred' site
- Astronomers find evidence of three new solar systems
- Astronomers giddy over Jupiter-bashing: Comet putting on spectacular show
- Astronomers making room for big scope
- Astronomers, in search of the best views, confront history and politics in Hawaii
- Astronomical Capital of the World, an editorial
- Astronomical centers of the world
- "Astronomical development", "Astronomy impact disputed on Big Isle", "Keck confirms discovery of early galaxies: 'Primeval' stars are 10 billion light years away", "Mauna Kea scope spots most distant galaxy yet", and "Snowstorm hits as winter settles over Mauna Kea"
- Astronomical images from the Subaru Telescope
- Astronomy & the view from the top
- Astronomy and Hawaiian culture come together under one sky at the Imiloa Astronomy Center
- Astronomy and the Big Isle
- Astronomy director's response disappointing
- Astronomy in Hawaii 1964 -1970
- Astronomy Institute rapped for not keeping its promises: Director denies Sierra Club charges; DLNR issues permit
- Astronomy move endorsed
- Astronomy on Mauna Kea: its future and its impact in Hawaii
- Astronomy research base changes name
- Astronomy takes off at park: a new support facility for Caltech observatory dedicated
- "Astronomy: Earthly environs important, too" and "Mauna Kea desecration"
- Astronomy: Venus is Dead and Too Hot
- Astronomy's last frontier makes home on Mauna Kea
- Astronomy's summit: Mauna Kea
- Astronomy’s biggest ‘star’ set to shine
- Astronomy’s love affair with Mauna Kea
- Astrophysicist Wants Purity of Peaks Preserved
- At Hakalau refuge, hunter pressure overrides conservationists' concerns
- Atlas of Hawaii
- Atmospheric extinction and night-sky brightness at Mauna Kea
- Atmospheric Water Vapor Above Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Attraction of Hawaiian seabirds to lights: conservation efforts and effects of Moon phase
- Audit of the management of Mauna Kea and the Mauna Kea Science Reserve : a report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii
- "Auditor critical of Mauna Kea caretakers", "Big Isle observatory traces origin of stars", "Computer installation complete", and "Mauna Kea subleases approved"
- Augite of Haleakala, Maui, Hawaiian Islands
- Availability of food resources, distribution of invasive species, and conservation of a Hawaiian bird along a gradient of elevation
- Aves Hawaiienses: the birds of the Sandwich Islands
- Avian extinction and mammalian introductions on oceanic islands
- Avian malaria in Hawaii : the distribution, ecology and vector potential of forest-dwelling mosquitoes
- Avian malaria in Hawaiian forest birds: infection and population impacts across species and elevations
- Avian populations in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and the Kilauea Forest Reserve
- Avian response to mechanical clearing of a native rainforest in Hawaii
- Avian surveys of large geographical areas: a systematic approach
- Avifaunal changes in the Hawaiian Islands, 1893-1993
- Back from the brink
- Bad science
- Bait preference by the Argentine ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Haleakala National Park, Maui, Hawaii
- "Bank economist’s ‘negative attitudes’ a drag, Herb says" and "Big Island uncertainty"
- Barn owls prey on birds in Hawaii
- Barriers to shrub reestablishment following fire in the seasonal submontane zone of Hawaii
- Basic protocol at Hawaiian sacred places
- Behavior fit for a prince
- Behavioral and ecological correlates of interference competition among some Hawaiian Drepaidinae
- Behavioral ecology of juvenile palila (Loxioides bailleui) : foraging development, social dynamics, and helping behavior
- Behaviour of petrels in relation to the Moon and artificial lights
- Berkeley astronomers want to put telescope on new Mauna Kea site
- Berkeley students scientific treat - address on physical features of Hawaiian Islands, Mauna Kea and Mount Shasta
- Best management practices for the civil construction package
- Between the Earth and the Sky
- Beyond Hubble: a new crop of bigger, sharper, smarter telescopes is revolutionizing astronomy
- Big air on Mauna Kea
- Big Eye on the universe
- Big glass and the age of new astronomy: the fight to put a monster telescope on Mauna Kea is part of a bigger war looming among astronomers
- Big high-tech park at UH Hilo forecast
- Big Island leaders starting new year with optimism
- Big Island summits crowned with snow
- Big Island to get super scope?
- Big Island’s economy crumbling, Hitch says
- "Big Isle advised to expect less help from state" and “UH presents request for more funds”
- Big Isle astronomy boom seen
- Big Isle blizzard country
- Big Isle leaders to explore science partnerships
- Big plans seen for observatory
- Big scope could seek origins of the universe
- Biocomplexity of introduced avian diseases in Hawaii: threats to biodiversity of native forest ecosystems
- Bioenergetics of Hawaiian Honeycreepers: the amakihi (Loxops virens) and the anianiau (L. parva)
- Bioenergetics of Hawaiian honeycreepers: the Amakihi (Loxops virens) and the Anianiau (L. parva)
- Biogeoclimatic zones on the Hawaiian Islands
- Biogeographical variation of plumage coloration in the sexually dichromatic Hawaii Amakihi (Chlorodrepanis virens)
- Biological control of lantana, prickly pear, and Hamakua pamakani inhawah: a review and update
- Biological information for Mauna Kea
- Biological opinion on routine military training and transformation of the 2nd Brigade 25th Infantry Division (Light), U.S. Army Installations on the Island of Hawaii (1-2-2003-F-02)
- Biology and behavior of the endangered Hawaiian dark-rumped petrel
- Biology and conservation of the endangered Hawaiian Dark-rumped Petrel (Pterodroma phaeopygia sandwichensis).
- Biology of the Psylla uncatoides
- Bird catchers and bullock hunters in the upland Mauna Kea Forest : a cultural resource overview of the Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge, island of Hawaii
- Bird in the lens
- Birds of a feather
- Birds of Hawaii
- Birds of Hawaii and adventures in bird study, the dark-rumped petrel
- Birds of the forest
- Birds of the Hawaiian Islands: being a complete list of the birds of the Hawaiian possessions, with notes on their habits
- Birds of the Kalapana extension
- Birds on Hawaii's "Big Island"
- Black and white photo of Akiyama family, after the presentation of resolution
- Black and white photo of Dr. Gerard P. Kuiper
- Black and White photos
- Black hole: Mauna Kea telescope detects a whopper
- Blowing in the wind
- Board briefing on Maunakea management
- Board discussion of Mauna Kea Plan hints at controversies yet to come
- Board fines companies $2500 each for unpermitted tours of Mauna Kea
- Board of Land and Natural Resources approval of Mauna Kea Comprehensive Management Plan
- Board okays giant radio telescope for Mauna Kea
- Born was the mountain
- Botanical baseline survey (2011) of the University of Hawaii's managed lands on Mauna Kea
- Botanical explorations in the Hawaiian Islands
- Botanical survey of the Astronomy Precinct and 500-meter buffer zones on Mauna Kea
- Botanical survey of the Hale Pohaku Mid-elevation facilities construction staging area
- Botryosphaeria mamane sp. nov. associated with witches’-brooms on the endemic forest tree Sophora chrysophylla in Hawaii
- Breath taking...
- Breeding biology and nesting success of palila
- Breeding biology and territoriality of the Hawaii Creeper
- Breeding biology of the Hawaiian dark-rumped petrel in the Hawaiian Islands
- Breeding ecology of the endangered Palila (Psittirostra Bailleui) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Breeding ecology of the Hawaii Common Amakihi
- Breeding productivity and survival of the endangered Hawaii Creeper in a wet forest refuge on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Brief road guide for the CPEMR conference field trip no. D from Hilo to Kona 9 August 1978
- Bringing the Heavens Closer to Hawaii
- British, Dutch seek approval or new Mauna Kea telescope
- Budget crunch affects Arizona observatories: Gemini project on Mauna Kea is why scopes may close
- Buffer zone lichen, arthropod and botanical inventory and assessment: Thirty Meter Telescope project, Mauna Kea science reserve, northern plateau, Hamakua district, Island of Hawaii
- Bugs versus stars?
- Burials on Mauna Kea
- Buried caldera of Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii
- Burns Names Panel to Help Technology
- Burns OKs use of Bond funds
- Burns Urges Science Group to Push Job Opportunities
- By authority notices - Mauna Kea Forest Reserve
- By land and by sea: the widespread threat of feral cats on Hawaiian wildlife
- C. Brewer chief sees bright future for Big Isle: 'Doc' Buyers says spaceport will be key growth factor
- C.C. Supports Mauna Kea Site for Lunar Telescope
- Calculated volumes of individual shield volcanoes at the young end of the Hawaiian Ridge
- Caltech building at UH Hilo park: support facility is second to go in at research park
- Caltech telescope is dedicated
- Can we build an eco-highway?
- Canavalia kauensis (Leguminosae), a new species from the Island of Hawaii. Hawaiian Plant Studies, 39
- Canopy dieback and dynamic processes in Pacific forests: Concluding synthesis
- Canopy dieback and dynamic processes in Pacific forests: Introductory statement
- Canopy dieback and ecosystem processes in the Pacific area
- Canopy dieback and successional processes in Pacific forests
- Canopy dieback in indigenous forests of Pacific Islands: Hawaii, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand
- Canopy structure in the ohia decline zone of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa, Hawaii
- Canopy-associated arthropods in acacia koa and metrosideros tree communities along an altitudinal transect on Hawaii Island
- Captive Palila released on the Northern slopes of Mauna Kea
- Captive propagation: lending a hand for species recovery in Hawaii
- Capturing the light - book reviews
- Card to Mr. and Mrs. Akiyama from Joan Yanagihara of UH Foundation
- Cargo Delivery Receipt December 8, 1964
- Carpenter hopes to make age-old dream a reality
- Carved by lava
- Case study 16.4: Mauna Kea Observatory, Hawaii, USA
- Cat power at 14,000 feet
- Cave of adzes on the slopes of Mauna Kea
- Cavity nesting of the Akepa on the island of Hawaii
- Censuses and breeding observations of the birds on Kohala mountain, Hawaii
- Cerebral form of high-altitude illness
- CFHT astronomers try to unlock deep secrets
- "CFHT to mark 15th anniversary", "Newest telescope will be a 'twofer'", and "Gemini groundbreaking today"
- Challenges and approaches for conserving Hawaii's endangered forest birds
- Chamber of Commerce Highlights: Dr. Kuiper to install telescope on Mauna Kea
- Change in trade wind inversion frequency implicated in the decline of an alpine plant
- Changes in Mauna Kea Dry Forest Structure 2000-2014
- Changes in precipitation extremes in the Hawaiian Islands in a warming climate
- Changes in the prevalence of avian disease and mosquito vectors at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge: a 14-year perspective and assessment of future risk
- Changing nest placement of Hawaiian common Amakihi during the breeding cycle
- Chapter 11: Fire and nonnative invasive plants in the Hawaiian Islands bioregion
- Chapter 14, Biology, economic importance and control of yellow jackets
- Chapter 2. Anthropology must have archaeology
- Chapter 20-26, Hawaii Administrative Rules (Public and commercial activities on Mauna Kea Lands), draft
- Chapter VII. From Hilo to Mauna Kea, Chapter VIII. Mauna Kea
- Chapter XII. Island of Hawaiʻi, size and position of Hawaiʻi
- Chapter XXIX: journey to the summit of Mauna Kea
- Characteristics of Mauna Kea relating to the Japan National Large Telescope
- Characteristics of near-surface winds and thermal profiles on the windward slopes of the Island of Hawaii
- Checklist of the Birds of Hawaii - 1997
- Checklist of the Birds of Hawaii - 2002
- Chemical analysis of some volcanic rocks of Hawaii (partial)
- Chemical and Mineralogical Characterization of a Hematite-Bearing Ridge on Mauna Kea, Hawaii: A Potential Mineralogical Process Analog for the Mount Sharp Hematite Ridge
- Chemical and mineralogical characterization of acid-sulfate alteration of basaltic material on Mauna Kea volcano, Hawaii: jarosite and hydrated halloysite
- Children at high altitude: an international consensus statement by an Ad Hoc committee of the International Society for Mountain Medicine, March 12, 2001
- Chilean astronomer in Hilo photo exhibit
- Christmas card from Mrs. Sarah Kuiper
- Christmas card from Subaru Telescope
- Chromosome numbers of Hawaiian flowering plants and the significance of cytology in selected taxa
- Chronic intermittent exposure to high altitude: the view from Mauna Kea
- Chronology of Hawaiian glaciations
- Chronology of Mauna Kea summit road and Observatory Station and Acknowledgements
- CI 0939 + 47 (Abell 851)
- Circum-Pacific Energy and Mineral Resources Conference field trip : Maui
- Cladocera of Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Cladogenesis and reticulation in the Hawaiian endemic mints (Lamiaceae)
- Claims of TMT foes are denied
- Clash on the mountain : the scientists vs. native Hawaiians : passions lead both to speak for their sides in courtroom drama
- Clash on the Saddle Road
- Classical biocontrol: panacea or Pandora’s box
- Climate analysis in Ohia dieback area on the island of Hawaii
- Climate change in Hawaii's mountains
- Climate cycles, geomorphological change, and the interpretation of soil and ecosystem development
- Climate data for the IBP sites on Mauna Loa, Hawaii
- Climate data for the IBP sites on Mauna Loa, Hawaii
- Climatological analysis of Mauna Loa Observatory weather data
- Climatological analysis of meteorological observations at the summit of Mauna Kea
- Climbing Hawaii's highest mountain
- Climbing Mauna Loa: fire in the summit crater
- Clinton budget includes UH-Hilo astronomy facility
- Closing Astronomy's Last Frontier-Far Infrared
- Color change in Hughes's celluloid leg bands
- Colored photo of Dr. and Mrs. Gerard P. Kuiper
- Colored photo of Kuiper Airborne Observatory
- Colored photo of Mauna Kea summit and "UK unit open house"
- Colored photo of UK infrared telescope
- Colored photo of UKIRT and snow capped Mauna Kea
- Colored photos of 150 inch UK Infrared telescope and Subaru Telescope in construction
- Colored photos of dedication of Puu Poliahu test site on July 20, 1964
- Colored photos of groundbreaking ceremony for the Institute for Astronomy Hilo facility
- Colored photos of Mr. Akiyama at the Board of Regents meeting
- Colored photos of Mr. Akiyama receiving recognition from the University of Hawaii Board of Regents’
- Colored photos of scientists on board of Kuiper Airborne Observatory
- Colored postcard of Mauna Kea snow by Greg Vaughn with captions
- Combined U-Th/He and (super 40) Ar/(super 39) Ar Geochronology of post-shield lavas from the Mauna Kea and Kohala volcanoes, Hawaii
- Combining Science and Cultural Sensitivity: Nondestructive Sourcing of Polynesian Stone Tools
- "Comet piece broke up: Keck telescope makes discovery", "Keck sees faraway galaxy", and "Building design wins award"
- Commendation from Governor John Waihee to Mr. Mitsuo Akiyama, July, 1991
- Comments on Conservation District Use Permit Application (CDUP-HA-3065B), NASA Outrigger Telescopes Project, Mauna Kea, Island of Hawaii, Hawaii, TMK: 4-4-15:09
- Comments on proposed 10-meter telescope for Mauna Kea
- Comments re Update on the Auditor's Report on the Management of Mauna Kea
- Comments re Update on the Auditor's Report on the Management of Mauna Kea
- "Commercial use of Mauna Kea" and "Blizzard blankets mountain: Mauna Kea crew resues six stuck on summit Monday"
- Committee Oks draft of Mauna Kea master plan
- Comparative analysis of the impact of geological activity on the structural design of telescope facilities in the Canary Islands, Hawaii and Chile
- Comparative physiology of troglobitic and epigean arthropods from Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
- Comparison of (super 230)Th-(super 238)U disequilibrium systematics in lavas from three hot spot regions: Hawaii, Price Edward and Samoa
- Comparison of east-flank vegetations on Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Comparison study of astronomical site quality of Mount Graham and Mauna Kea
- Comparisons: Summary of Seeing Conditions of Mauna Kea and Haleakala
- Compilation of climate data from heterogeneous networks across the Hawaiian Islands
- Complete list of the birds of the Hawaiian possessions, with notes on their habits
- Complete list of the birds of the Hawaiian possessions, with notes on their habits
- Composition and origins of the world’s tropicalpine floras
- Composition and phenology of the dry forest on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, as related to the annual cycle of the amakihi (Loxops virens) and palila (Psittirostra bailleui)
- Composition of basaltic lavas sampled by phase-2 of the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project: Geochemical stratigraphy and magma types
- Compositional and functional stability of arthropod communities in the face of ant invasions
- Compositional variation within thick (>10 m) flow units of Mauna Kea Volcano cored by the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project
- COMSAT Chief in Maui Parley
- Concern is voiced over dusty road
- Concerns about development of Mauna Kea addressed
- Conflicts mount at telescope dedication: science, nature share Mauna Kea
- Consequences of antenna design in telemetry studies of small passerines
- Conservation and Mauna Kea
- Conservation biology of Hawaiian forest birds: implications for island avifauna
- Conservation corner
- Conservation District Use Application (CDUA) for construction of the California Institute of Technology 10-meter telescope for millimeter and submillimeter astronomy at Mauna Kea, with right of entry at Hamakua, Hawaii
- Conservation District Use Application (CDUA) for the construction of the UK/NL Millimeter-wave Telescope and Temporary use of an existing unpaved parking area for a concrete batching plant in the Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Hamakua District, County of Hawaii, Tax map key: 4-4-15:9 (POR)
- Conservation District Use Application (CDUA) HA-3812: infrastructure improvements at Maunakea Visitor Information Station TMK 4-4-015:012
- Conservation District Use Application (CDUA) to Hawaiʻi State Dept. of Land & Natural Resources for renovation of the UH 24-inch (0.6 m) telescope
- Conservation District Use Application (CDUA) to Hawaii State Dept. of Land & Natural Resources for a subdivision to create an 21-acre site at Hale Pohaku
- Conservation District Use Application (CDUA) to Hawaii State Dept. of Land & Natural Resources for Japan National Large Telescope (Subaru) and 32 dormitory rooms
- Conservation District Use Application (CDUA) to Hawaii State Dept. of Land & Natural Resources for Keck I by University of Hawaii
- Conservation District Use Application for the University of Hawaii’s Mauna Kea Management Plan; submitted to the State of Hawaii, the Board, Dept. of Land and Natural Resources. February 22, 1985.
- Conservation District Use Application for UKIRT and IRTF
- Conservation District Use Application to the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Hamakua, Hawaii (Tax Map Keys: 4-4-15:09 & 12), on behalf of the California Association for Research in Astronomy (CARA), October 24, 2001, to expand the observatory facilities by adding six 1.8-meter (72-inch) Outrigger Telescopes, appurtenant structures and associate infrastructure.
- Conservation district use permit application for section II of the Saddle Road Improvement Project (State Route 200) : County of Hawaii, State of Hawaii
- Conservation district use permit application: Thirty Meter Telescope project, Island of Hawaii
- Conservation of Hawaii's vanishing avifauna
- Conservation status and recovery strategies for endemic Hawaiian birds
- Conservation status of the endemic bees of Hawaii, Hylaeus (Nesoprosopis) (Hymenoptera: Colletidae)
- Consortium helps Army find water at remote training area
- Constraining the magmatic sources of Hawaiian and Central American volcanics
- Constraints on partial melting imposed by rare earth element variations in Mauna Kea basalts
- Constraints on the petrogenesis of lavas from large plumes : inferences from geochemical studies of lavas from Mauna Kea, Hawaii, and Mt. Bureau, Kerguelen archipelago
- "Contractor fined $135,000 in Big Isle observatory fire" and "Contractor fined for Mauna Kea fire"
- Contrasting patterns and processes of evolutionary change in the tarweed-silversward lineage: revisiting Clausen, Keck, and Hiesey's findings
- Contribution to the ornithology of the Hawaiian Islands
- "Control an observatory in Hawaii through a computer in Scotland? GEE!" GTE advertisement
- Control Big Isle lights
- Control of Pennisetum Setaceum (Forssk.) Chiov. in native Hawaiian dry upland ecosystems
- Controls on carbon storage and weathering in volcanic soils across a high-elevation climate gradient on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Convergence in the Coerebidae
- Convergent evolution of 'creepers' in the Hawaiian honeycreeper radiation
- Convergent structural responses of tropical forests to diverse disturbance regimes
- Conversion of native terrestrial ecosystems in Hawaii to novel grazing systems: a review
- Cool fun
- Correcting burial wrongs because the dead have rights: an analysis of native Hawaiian burial issues and the associated burial preservation laws in Hawaii
- Cost for new observatory out of this world
- Council adamant on moving astronomy institute to Hilo
- Council wants more UH Hilo science programs
- Council wary of Mayor's saddle plan
- County Council urged to back giant telescope atop Mauna Kea
- County may help fund telescope study
- County of Hawaii Resolution No. 536, with a letter to Mr. Akiyama from R. B. Legaspi (County Clerk)
- Court mulls whether contested case should be granted for TMT sublease
- Craft specialization and adze production on Hawaii Island
- Crafts, chiefs, and commoners: production and control in precontact Hawaii
- Creation and validation of a custom fuel model representing mature Panicum maximum (Guinea Grass) in Hawaii
- Crest Lake is shallow - not bottomless
- Crisis for Hawaiian forest birds or time for optimism?
- Crowley launches mayoral campaign
- Crusty or Dusty, Scientists Still Disagree on Surface of Moon
- Cryogenic Minerals in Hawaiian Lava Tubes: A Geochemical and Microbiological Exploration
- Cryptic speciation in the cosmopolitan Epiphanes senta complex (Monogononta, Rotifera) with the description of new species
- Crystallization of pyroxenes from basalts
- Cultural landscape report, making marginal land pay: 150 years of ranching at Keamuku, Waikoloa Ahupuaa, South Kohala District, Hawaii Island TMKs (3) 6-7-001:003, :041 por., :042, and :045. Draft final
- Cultural resources management projects performed at the Pohakuloa Training Area, Island of Hawaii, Hawaii: annual report - July 1, 2007 thru June 30, 2008
- Cultural resources management projects performed under the ecosystems management program at the Pohakuloa Training Area, Island of Hawaii, Hawaii: annual report - July 1, 2004 thru June 30, 2005
- Cultural resources management projects performed under the ecosystems management program at the Pohakuloa Training Area, Island of Hawaii, Hawaii: annual report - July 1, 2005 thru June 30, 2006
- Cultural resources reconnaissance of the Mauna Kea Summit region
- Current and potential ant impacts in the Pacific region
- Cytology of the tribe Madlinae, family Compositae
- Dark-rumped Petrel (endemic)
- Dark-rumped petrel at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
- Darwinian delights
- Data recovery report for two archaeological lithic scatters, sites 50-10-23-10,310 and 50-10-23-10,311 at the Puu Kalepeamoa Complex, Hale Pohaku, Kaohe Ahupuaa, Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island (TMK 4-4-15:12)
- Dating recent Hawaiian lava flows using paleomagnetic secular variation
- David Douglas
- David Douglas, botanist at Hawaii
- Decline of Ohia (Metrosideros polymorpha) in Hawaii: a review
- Decline of ohia lehua forests in Hawaii
- Decommissioning plan for the Mauna Kea observatories: a sub-plan of the Mauna Kea Comprehensive Management Plan
- Decomposition of Metrosideros polymorpha leaf litter along elevational gradients in Hawaii
- Dedication ceremony for completion of Mauna Kea summit road and observatory station - program (original)
- Dedication ceremony for completion of Mauna Kea Summit road and observatory station - Program (photocopy)
- Dedication ceremony of Mauna Kea road and observatory dome - list of attendees
- Dedication of the John A. Burns Way program
- Deep drilling into a Hawaiian volcano
- Deep drilling into a mantle plume volcano: the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project
- Deep hole to look into Mauna Kea's past
- Deep layer of sediments in alpine lake in the tropical mid-Pacific
- Deep magmatic structures of Hawaiian volcanoes, imaged by three-dimensional gravity models
- Deficiency of inorganic nutrients as a contributing factor to Ohia decline
- Delayed plumage maturation and demography in Hawaii Elepaio
- "Delicate mirror arrives on Big Island" and "Telescope mirror arrives on isle"
- Delivering earth's sharpest "eyes on the skies"
- Delivering Earth's Sharpest "Eyes on the Skies"
- Demand and The Big Island
- Demographic and behavioral observations of the Hawaii Akepa on Mauna Loa
- Demographic comparisons between high and low density populations of Hawaii Akepa
- Demographic modeling of Hawaiian silverswords, and its implications for conservation
- Demography and movements of Apapane and Iiwi in Hawaii
- Demography and movements of the ‘Oma‘o (Myadestes obscurus)
- Demography and movements of the endangered akepa and Hawaii creeper
- Demography of Hawaii Elepaio: variation with habitat disturbance and population density
- Department of Land and Natural Resources sustainability hotspot: Mauna Kea, Big Island of Hawaii
- DES telescope earthquake loading
- Description of a New Shearwater from the Hawaiian Islands
- Descriptions of thirty-two new species of birds from the Hawaiian Islands
- Design and evaluation of a simple signaling device for live traps
- Designing remote operations strategies to optimize science mission goals: lessons learned from the Moon Mars Analog Mission Activities Mauna Kea 2012 field test
- Determinants of thermal balance in the Hawaiian giant rosette plant, Argyroxiphium sandwicense
- Determination of radioactivity of Hawaiian lavas by means of nuclear emulsions
- Determination of Required Mitigation and Decision, Outrigger Telescopes Project, Mauna Kea, Hawaii.
- Determinations of latitude, gravity, and the magnetic elements at stations in the Hawaiian Islands, including a result for the mean density of the earth, 1891, 1892. Appendix no. 12 -- report for 1893
- Determining age and sex of ʻŌmaʻo (Myadestes obscurus)
- Development of Decision Support Systems for Ecosystem Management: A case study on Hawai`i Island
- DHHL forest restoration plan starts with logging on Mauna Kea
- Diary of Andrew Bloxam, naturalist of the "Blonde" on her trip from England to the Hawaiian islands, 1824-25
- Die Hawaiischen Inseln
- Die Landschaften der Hawaii-Inseln
- Diets of owls and feral cats in Hawaii
- Differential developmental programs in two closely related Hawaiian crickets
- Differential parasitism of seed-feeding Cydia (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) by native and alien wasp species relative to elevation in subalpine Sophora (Fabaceae) forests on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Dimming the light
- Direct sowing of treated mamane seeds: an ineffective regeneration technique
- Discovery of Atoxoplasma in Hawaii
- Discovery of species-wide tool use in the Hawaiian crow
- Discovery of the yellow-fronted canary on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Dispute over Mauna Kea telescopes still raging
- Distribution and abundance patterns of the palila on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Distribution and foraging habits of dark-rumped petrel (pterodroma phaeopygia) in the eastern tropical pacific
- Distribution and germination of mamane seeds
- Distribution and impact of alien ants in vulnerable Hawaiian ecosystems
- Distribution and population of the endangered akiapolaau
- Distribution and prevalence of knemidokoptic mange in Hawaii Amakihi on the Island of Hawaii
- Distribution and status of Vicia menziesii Spreng. (Leguminosae): Hawaii's first officially listed endangered plant species
- Distribution maps, ecological relationships, and status of native plant communities on the island of Hawaii
- Distribution of ant species of Hawaii
- Distribution of gorse (Ulex europaeus L.) a noxious weed in Hawaii
- Distribution of six alien plant species in upland habitats on the island of Hawaii
- Distribution, morphology, and size frequency of cinder cones on Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii
- Disturbance during logging stimulates regeneration of koa
- Disturbance-dependency of threatened and endangered species found on U.S. army lands
- Diurnal changes in epidermal UV transmittance of plants in naturally high UV environments
- Diurnal range of temperatures
- Diurnal variation in rainfall and cloudiness
- Diurnal Variation of Surface Airflow and Rainfall Frequencies on the Island of Hawaii
- Diurnal variation of surface thermodynamic fields on the island of Hawaii
- Diversity and distribution of indigenous bradyrhizobia populations associated with Acacia koa in Hawaii
- Diversity and divergence patterns in regulatory genes suggest differential gene flow in recently derived species of the Hawaiian silversword alliance adaptive radiation (Asteraceae)
- Diversity, origins and virulence of Avipoxviruses in Hawaiian forest birds
- Do birds flock in Hawaii, a land without predators?
- Do gods need telescopes?
- Dome for the world’s largest telescope finished on Big Isle
- Dome headed for Hawaii
- Dome is home
- Draft archaeological monitoring and reconnaissance report for the PISCES Apollo Valley Luna Rover Project - Mauna Kea, Kaohe Ahupuaa, Hamakua District, Island of Hawaii, TMK: (3) 4-4-015:009 (por.)
- Draft environmental assessment (DEA) for the Mauna Kea Comprehensive Management Plan (CMP) cover sheet
- Draft environmental assessment & anticipated finding of no significant impact, Caltech Submilimeter Observatory decommissioning
- Draft environmental assessment for HI-SEAS/PISCES Mars habitat, project TMK 3rd. 3-8-001:001, North Hilo District, Island of Hawaii
- Draft environmental assessment for the Outrigger Telescopes Project : Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Island of Hawaii
- Draft environmental assessment for the Outrigger Telescopes Project published by NASA in December 2000; response to comments concerning the hydrology of Mauna Kea
- Draft environmental assessment for the Outrigger Telescopes Project published by NASA in December 2000; response to comments concerning the hydrology of Mauna Kea, draft working paper not for public distribution
- Draft Environmental Assessment high-altitude mountainous environment training
- Draft environmental assessment Palila Forest Discovery Trail TMK (3rd) 4-4-015:004 (por.) Hamakua District, Hawaii Island, State of Hawaii
- Draft environmental assessment: infrastructure improvements at Muanakea Visitor Information Station TMK (3) 4-4-015:012 District of Hamakua, Island of Hawaii, State of Hawaii
- Draft Environmental Assessment. University of Hawaiʻi 24-Inch Telescope Observatory Renovation. Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Hamakua, Hawaiʻi, Hawaiʻi. April 2006
- Draft environmental assessment/anticipated finding of no significant impact, W. M. Keck Observatory Keck telescope interferometer Outrigger Telescope Project. Includes Addendum.
- Draft environmental impact statement : administrative action for Mauna Kea Observatory Access Road (Hale Pohaku to summit of Mauna Kea)
- Draft environmental impact statement : existing operations of the UH Observatory and the construction and operations of the new IRTF and UKIRT Observatories, Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Hawaii County, Hawaii. March 1975.
- Draft environmental impact statement : Saddle Road (State Route 200) Mamalahoa Highway (State Route 190) to milepost 6, County of Hawaii, State of Hawaii, FHWA project no. A-AD-6(1)
- Draft environmental impact statement : Saddle Road (State Route 200) Mamalahoa Highway (State Route 190) to milepost 6, county of Hawaii, state of Hawaii, FHWA project no. A-AD-6(1). Technical appendices - volume I
- Draft environmental impact statement : Saddle Road (State Route 200) Mamalahoa Highway (State Route 190) to milepost 6, county of Hawaii, state of Hawaii, FHWA project no. A-AD-6(1). Technical appendices - volume IV
- Draft environmental impact statement : Saddle Road (State Route 200) Mamalahoa Highway (State Route 190) to milepost 6, county of Hawaii, state of Hawaii, FHWA project no. A-AD-6(1). Technical appendices - volume VI
- Draft environmental impact statement for the basing of MV-22 and H-1 aircraft in support of III MEF elements in Hawaii
- Draft environmental impact statement for the Outrigger Telescopes Project : Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Island of Hawaii
- Draft environmental impact statement, volume 1 - Thirty Meter Telescope project, Island of Hawaii
- Draft finding of no significant impact for high-altitude mountainous environment training
- Draft finding of no significant impact for high-altitude mountainous environment training (HAMET) for the 25th combat aviation brigade, Hawaii
- Draft Kahoolawe cultural use plan, Ke kalai maoli ola no kanaloa. Consultants to the Kahoolawe Island Reserve Commission: Edith Kanakaole Foundation
- Draft programmatic environmental impact statement for the modernization of training infrastructure and construction and operation of an infantry platoon battle area at Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawaii, volume 1 and volume 2
- Draft recovery plan for the Kau silversword (Argyroxiphium kauense)
- Draft report Archaeological inventory survey of Lake Waiau, Mauna Kea ice age natural area reserve, Kaohe, Hamakua, Island of Hawaii, TMK: (3)4-4-015:09
- Draft revised recovery plan for Hawaiian forest birds
- Draft supplemental environmental impact statement for construction camp housing at Hale Pohaku, Hamakua, Hawaii
- Draft supplemental environmental impact statement, amendment to the Mauna Kea Science Reserve Complex Development Plan for a VLBA antenna facility at Hamakua, Mauna Kea, Hawaii, June 1988
- Draft supplemental environmental impact statement: Saddle Road (State Route 200) Mamalahoa Highway (State Route 190) to Milepost 41
- Dreamers and Mauna Kea
- "Dreamers and Mauna Kea" and an article from the Hawaii Herald January 17, 1992
- Dreams on Mauna Kea: how much have we understood the universe?
- Drepanidine movements in relation to food availability in subalpine weedlind on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Drying out the tropics
- 'Dumb, brown and down'? and "Big eye on Big Isle sees famed visitor"
- E Hoi ka Nani i Mana
- Earliest ascents of Mauna Loa volcano, Hawaii
- Earth’s biggest telescope seen for Mauna Kea
- East Polynesian relationships as revealed through adzes
- Eclipse science from Hawaii
- Ecogeographic patterns of morphological variation in elepaios (Chasiempis spp.): Bergmann’s, Allen’s, and Gloger’s rules in a microcosm
- Ecological impacts of feral pigs in the Hawaiian Islands
- Ecological relations in the alpine and subalpine vegetation on Mauna Loa, Hawaii
- Ecological Studies of Hawaiian Metrosideros in a Successional Context
- Ecological, demographic, and behavioral aspects of variable population densities in the endangered Hawaii Akepa
- Ecology and breeding biology of the Hawaii elepaio (Chasiempis sandwichensis bryani)
- Ecology of an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper and implications for conservation on private land
- Ecology of an invasive predator in Hawaii
- Ecology of cave arthropods
- Ecology of introduced small mammals on western Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Ecology of the feral pig on the island of Hawaii : final report
- Ecology of the feral sheep on Mauna Kea/State of Hawaii
- Ecology of the mouflon sheep on Mauna Kea : final report
- Ecology of the silversword, Argyroxiphium sandwicense DC. (Compositae), Haleakala Crater, Hawaii
- Economist Named Science Secretary
- Ecosystems, mycologists, and the geographical distribution of fungi in the central pacific
- Educator lauds sponsorship of archaeology field trip by Hochi
- Effect of different ascent profiles on performance at 4,200 m elevation
- Effect of high elevation upon physical proficiency, cognitive functioning and subjective symptomatology
- Effect of substrate on germination success for two common trees found in a Hawaiian wildlife refuge
- Effectiveness of rodent control and monitoring techniques for a montane rainforest
- Effects of cattle grazing on the mountain parkland ecosystem, Mauna Loa, Hawaii
- Effects of chronic avian malaria (Plasmodium Relictum) infection on reproductive success of Hawaii amakihi (Hemignathus Virens)
- Effects of long-term ungulate exclusion and recent alien species control preservation and restoration of a Hawaiian tropical dry forest
- Effects of microsite, water, weeding, and direct seeding on the regeneration of native and alien species within a Hawaiian dry forest preserve
- Effects of natural fragmentation on native forest structure, invasive rat distributions, and stable isotope signatures after 150 years
- Effects of non-native grasses on a dry subalpine forest native to Hawaii and a discussion of effects of canopy on understory productivity
- Effects of plant species and foliage structure on the foraging behavior of forest birds
- Effects of the Argentine ant on arthropod fauna of Hawaiian high-elevation shrubland
- Effects of ultraviolet radiation on primary productivity in a high altitude tropical lake
- Efficacy of a commercial canarypox vaccine for protecting Hawaii Amakihi from field isolates of Avipoxvirus
- Efficacy of feral pig removals at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge
- Efficacy of feral pig removals at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge, Hawaii
- Efficacy of Maxforce bait for control of the Argentine ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Haleakala National Park, Maui, Hawaii
- Effort to establish second Palila population on Mauna Kea shows signs of success
- Eggs, nests, and nesting behavior of Akiapolaau (Drepanidinae)
- Electric charge of cloud droplets and drizzle drops in warm clouds along the Mauna Loa-Mauna Kea Saddle Road of Hawaii island
- Electric fence enclosure fails to confine feral goats
- Elemental poisons at Pohakuloa
- Elepaio "anting" with a garlic snail and a Schinus fruit
- Elepaio (Chasiempis sandwichensis)
- Emails between Mr. & Mr. Akiyama and Sylvia des Tombe during 1999-2000
- Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants, endangered status for 12 plants from the Hawaiian Islands. Fed. Reg. 56333-56351
- Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; determination of critical habitat for six endangered species
- Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; proposed endangered status for thirteen plants from the Island of Hawaii, State of Hawaii. Federal Register, 60, 49377-49392
- Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; review of native species that are candidates for listing as endangered or threatened; annual notice of findings on resubmitted petitions; annual description of progress on listing actions; proposed rule
- Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; Review of native species that are candidates or proposed for listing as endangered or threatened; Annual notice of findings on resubmitted petitions; Annual description of progress on listing actions
- Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: determination of endangered or threatened status for 21 plants from the Island of Hawaii, State of Hawaii. Federal Register 59 10305-10325
- Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: determination of endangered status for Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. sandwicense ('ahinahina or Mauna Kea silversword)
- Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: determination of endangered status for thirteen plants from the Island of Hawaii, State of Hawaii. Federal Register, 61, 53137-53153
- Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: proposed endangered status for Argyroxiphium sandwicense var. sandwicense ('ahinahina or Mauna Kea silversword)
- Endangered Mauna Kea bird
- Endangered species - Office of the secretary, Native Fish and Wildlife
- Endangered species act
- Endangered species act of 1973 [public law 93-205, approved Dec. 28, 1973, 87 Stat. 884] [As amended through public law 107-136, Jan. 24, 2002]
- Entdeckung von Spuren diluvialer Vereisung auf Hawai durch Direktor Herbert E. Gregory
- Entomologists discover new life
- Environmental and biotic controls over aboveground biomass throughout a tropical rain forest
- Environmental Assessment for high-altitude mountainous environment training (HAMET) for the 25th combat aviation brigade, Hawaii
- Environmental assessment for high-altitude mountainous environmental training (HAMET) Pohakuloa Training Area, Island of Hawaii
- Environmental assessment for the Gemini Northern 8-meter telescope, Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Environmental assessment for the Outrigger Telescopes Project : Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Island of Hawaii
- Environmental assessment/Environmental impact statement preparation notice (EISPN) new master leases for Mauna Kea Science Reserve & related facilities & easements
- Environmental close-up 4; Restoring palila and other Hawaiian forest birds: understanding problems and developing solutions
- Environmental Conditions Associated with Lesions in Introduced Free-Ranging Sheep in Hawaii
- Environmental impact analysis of the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility at Mauna Kea, Hawaii, July 1975
- Environmental impact statement for Hale Pohaku : mid-elevation facilities master plan, Hamakua, Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Environmental impact statement for power to summit, Mauna Kea Observatory, Kaohe, Hawaii. D.A.G.S. Job No. 01-31-1148.2
- Environmental impact statement preparation notice / environmental assessment
- Environmental impacts of classical biological control
- Environmental medicine research to sustain health and performance during military deployment: desert, arctic, high altitude stressors
- Environmental resources of selected areas of Hawaii : cultural, environment and aesthetic resources
- Environmental resources of selected areas of Hawaii : geological hazards
- Epizootiology and effect of avian pox on Hawaiian forest birds
- Erosion and sediment control guide for Hawaii
- Eruptions of Hawaiian volcanoes - past, present, and future
- ESPAS site summary series: Mauna Kea
- Estimating genetic diversity of Palila (Loxioides bailleui) and familial relationships of helper males
- Estimation of Fire Danger in Hawai'i Using Limited Weather Data and Simulation
- Estimation of growth and extinction parameters for endangered species
- Estimation of thermal diffusivity from field observations of temperature as a function of time and depth
- Ethnographic study of Pohakuloa Training Area and Central Hamakua District, Island of Hawaii, State of Hawaii, final report
- Evaluating abundance and trends in a Hawaiian avian community using state-space analysis
- Evaluating the cost of saving native Hawaiian birds
- Evaluating the Long-Term Management of Introduced Ungulates to Protect the Palila, an Endangered Bird, and Its Critical Habitat in Subalpine Forest of Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Evaluation of Mauna Kea, Hawaii, as an observatory site
- Evaluation of pathogenicity of avian poxvirus islolates from endangered Hawaiian wild birds in chickens
- Evaluation of the JNLT site
- Evening roosting flights of the honeycreepers Himatione sanguinea and Vestiaria coccinea on Hawaii
- Everything’s Looking Up-and Up and Up!- in Little Waimea: a quiet ranch town sets its sights on becoming a world center of astronomy
- Evidence of Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, Feline Leukemia Virus, and Toxoplasma gondii in Feral Cats on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Evidence of Newell’s Shearwater breeding in Puna District, Hawaii
- Evolution of alkalic lavas at Haleakala Volcano, east Maui, Hawaii
- Evolution of Downslope Flow under Strong Opposing Trade Winds and Frequent Trade-Wind Rainshowers over the Island of Hawaii
- Evolution of Hawaiian ferns and fern allies in relation to their conservation status
- Evolution of Katabatic Flow on the Island of Hawaii on 10 August 1990
- Evolution of Mauna Kea volcano, Hawaii: Petrologic and geochemical constraints on postshield volcanism
- Evolution of Mauna Kea volcano: Inferences from lava compositions recovered in the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project
- Evolution of microsatellite loci in the adaptive radiation of Hawaiian honeycreepers
- Evolution of PTA palila critical habitat rules
- Evolution, ecology, conservation, and management of Hawaiian birds : a vanishing avifauna
- Evolutionary consequences of extinctions in populations of a Hawaiian honeycreeper
- Evolutionary ecology and radiation of Hawaiian passerine birds
- Evolutionary ecology of aeolian and subterranean habitats in Hawaii
- Examining the comparative foraging proficiency of captive-bred and wild palila (Loxioides Bailleui); an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper
- Excerpt of Journal of William D. Brackenridge, Wilkes Expedition, Sept. 24, 1840 to Feb. 29, 1841
- Excerpts from Stairway to the stars: The Story of the World's Largest Observatory
- Exciting week for island astronomy
- Exhaled nitric oxide decreases upon acute exposure to high-altitude hypoxia
- Expedition to Mauna Kea of the Hawaiian Academy of Science
- Experimental developments and application of carbon-14 and in situ cosmogenic nuclide dating techniques
- Experimental studies on the Hawaiian Silverswords (Argyroxiphium Spp.): some preliminary notes on germination
- Exploration of west coast of Hawaii
- Explosive ejectamenta of Kilauea
- Extinction and endangerment of Hawaiian honeycreepers: a comparative approach
- Extract from a private letter addressed to Captain Sabine
- Extreme rainfall events in the Hawaiian islands
- Eye on conservation: Hawaii, bird-extinction capital of the world
- Eye on the Sky and a photo of Subaru telescope under construction
- Eyes of the world
- "Eyes on Mauna Kea", "Mauna Kea blizzard makes road unsafe", "Mauna Kea access road reopened after icy storm", "Summit gets an inch of hail", and two "Notice of completion"
- Facilitating adaptation in montane plants to changing precipitation along an elevation gradient
- Facilitating the evolution resistance to avian malaria in Hawaiian birds
- Fact sheet: growing industrial park threatens future of Mauna Kea's summit, a better future for Mauna a Wakea Hawaii's sacred summit
- Fact sheet: new massive 18-story telescope complex proposed for Mauna Kea, law calls for restoration for Mauna Kea, not more development
- Factors affecting seed germination of the Mauna Kea Silversword in Hawaii
- Factors related to the recovery of subalpine woodland on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Fatal toxoplasmosis in free-ranging endangered Alala from Hawaii
- Feasibility of establishing a space education center: report to the Hawaii State Legislature in response to House Concurrent Resolution No. 36, H.D. 1, S.D. 1.
- Feathers fly over Hawaiian bird
- Federal judge rules on OHA's suit against UH, NASA: Mauna Kea telescopes expansion delayed
- Females lead population collapse of the endangered Hawaii Creeper
- Feral cats: too long a threat to Hawaiian wildlife
- Feral feline status: cat's ill, cats kill
- Feral herbivores suppress mamane and other browse species on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Feral pigs, introduced mosquitoes, and the decline of Hawaii's native birds
- Feral sheep vs the mamane ecosystem in the Mauna Kea Plan
- Field guide to rare and unusual plants on the Island of Hawaii
- Field identification of the Hawaiian Creeper on the island of Hawaii
- Field notes from Ronald L. Walker, February 12, 1968: Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Field notes from Thane Pratt, Kamuela, Hawaii, post marked April 10, 1967
- Field reconnaissance of the TMT development site
- Field testing of a pneumatic regolith feed system during a 2010 ISRU field campaign on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Field trip 16: guidebook, Geology of the Hawaiian Islands - Hawaii, Maui, and Oahu
- Field trip 16: Supplementary guidebook, Hawaii, Oahu, Kauai
- Field trip guide : Island of Hawaii
- Field trip guide to the Hawaiian Islands [Oahu and Maui]
- Field Trip Set Here For Two Dozen Astronauts
- Fifth major Mauna Kea telescope to open in ’87
- Final environmental assessment and draft finding of no significant impact, development and use of military training facilities on Pohakuloa training area, Hawaii
- Final environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact, Humuula Saddle region of Hawaii Island: a detailed hydrologic evaluation and exploratory drilling program, Hamakua District, Island of Hawaii
- Final environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact, Humuula Saddle region of Hawaii Island: a detailed hydrologic evaluation and exploratory drilling program, TMK 6-7-001-041, South Kohala District, Island of Hawaii
- Final environmental assessment for the W. M. Keck Observatory Outrigger Telescopes Project. March 2002
- Final Environmental Assessment high-altitude mountainous environment training
- Final environmental assessment Palila Forest Discovery Trail TMK (3rd) 4-4-015:004 (por.) Hamakua District, Hawaii Island, State of Hawaii
- Final environmental assessment, Mauna Kea comprehensive management plan, volume 1: assessment report; volume 2: appendix A
- Final environmental assessment: infrastructure improvements at Muanakea Visitor Information Station TMK (3) 4-4-015:012 District of Hamakua, Island of Hawaii, State of Hawaii
- Final Environmental Assessment. University of Hawaiʻi 24-Inch Telescope Observatory Renovation. Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Hamakua, Hawaiʻi, Hawaiʻi. August 2006
- Final environmental impact statement ; transformation of the 2nd Brigade, 25th Infantry Division (Light) to a Stryker Brigade Combat Team in Hawaii
- Final environmental impact statement for the basing of MV-22 and H-1 aircraft in support of III MEF elements in Hawaii
- Final environmental impact statement for the Outrigger Telescopes Project : Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Island of Hawaii
- Final environmental impact statement part I: Saddle Road (State Route 200) Mamalahoa Highway (State Route 190) to milepost 6, county of Hawaii, state of Hawaii, FHWA project no. A-AD-6(1)
- Final environmental impact statement part II: Saddle Road (State Route 200) Mamalahoa Highway (State Route 190) to milepost 6, county of Hawaii, state of Hawaii, FHWA project no. A-AD-6(1)
- Final environmental impact statement part III: Saddle Road (State Route 200) Mamalahoa Highway (State Route 190) to milepost 6, county of Hawaii, state of Hawaii, FHWA project no. A-AD-6(1)
- Final environmental impact statement, proposed telescope and observatory facilities, Mauna Kea (summit), Hawaii.
- Final environmental impact statement, proposed temporary base camp expansion, Hale Pohaku (Mauna Kea), Hawaii. Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Corporation.
- Final environmental impact statement: administrative action for Mauna Kea Observatory Access Road (Hale Pohaku to summit of Mauna Kea)
- Final environmental impact statement: existing operations of the UH Observatory and the construction and operations of the new IRTF and UKIRT Observatories, Mauna Kea Science Reserve, County of Hawaii
- Final environmental impact statement. Mauna Kea Science Reserve complex development plan , Mauna Kea, Hamakua, Hawaii
- Final recovery plan for four species of Hawaiian ferns
- Final report Archaeological inventory survey of Lake Waiau, Mauna Kea ice age natural area reserve, Kaohe, Hamakua, Island of Hawaii, TMK: (3)4-4-015:10
- Final report archaeological inventory survey of the Mauna Kea Ice Age Natural Area Reserve, Kaohe Ahupuaa, Hamakua District, Island of Hawaii (TMK: (3)4-4-015:10, 11) Volume 1-4
- Final report Architectural inventory survey for Hale Pohaku rest house 1 and 2 and comfort station, Kaohe Ahupuaa, Hamakua District, Hawaii Island, Hawaii. TMK (3)4-4-015: 12 (por.) (February 2010)
- Final report on an evaluation of Hawaii's endangered species captive-rearing project
- Final report on discussions with affected ranchers in connection with the Saddle Road Realignment Project, Report to the Twenty-First Legislature, Regular Session of 2002
- Final report, archaeological monitoring plan in support of construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope in the Astronomy Precinct on Mauna Kea. Kaohe Ahupuaa, Hamakua District, Island of Hawaii, State of Hawaii, TMK: (3) 4-4-015:09 (por.)
- Final report, archaeological monitoring plan in support of the infrastructure improvements at Maunakea VIS, Kaohe Ahupuaa, Hamakua District, Hawaii Island TMK (3) 4-4-015:012
- Final report, long-term historic property monitoring plan for the University of Hawaii Management Areas on Mauna Kea. Kaohe Ahupuaa, Hamakua District. Hawaii Island. State of Hawaii. TMK: (3)4-4-015:009, 12
- Final report: historic preservation mitigation plan in support of construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope in the astronomy precinct on Mauna Kea, Kaohe Ahupuaa, Hamakua district, Island of Hawaii, State of Hawaii, TMK: (3) 4-4-015:09 (por.)
- Final state environmental assessment for Mauna Kea Astronomy Education Center
- Final supplemental environmental impact statement for construction camp housing, amendment to the Mauna Kea Science Reserve Complex Development Plan. Hale Pohaku, Hamakua, Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Final supplemental environmental impact statement VLBA Antenna Facility, Mauna Kea, Hamakua, Hawaii, September, 1988. - Amendment to the Mauna Kea Science Reserve Complex Development Plan
- Final supplemental environmental impact statement: Saddle Road (State Route 200) Mamalahoa Highway (State Route 190) to Milepost 41
- Finding of no significant impact / anticipated negative determination high-altitude mountainous environment training September 2011
- Findings of fact and decision and order, Conservation District Use Application for telescope and observatory use at Mauna Kea, Island of Hawaii
- Findings of fact, conclusions of law and decision and order, case no. BLNR-CC-16-002
- Fine litterfall and leaf decomposition in a montane koa-ohia rain forest
- Fire and alien plants in Hawaii: research and management implications for native ecosystems
- Fire on Mauna Kea kills 3
- Fire victim was a fun-loving man
- First images taken by incomplete Keck ‘scope
- First impressions of Hawaiian birds
- First Light a first step toward full observing
- First Light for Japan's New Giant
- First Light on Mauna Kea: the $300 million project hits a milestone today with its first usable picture
- "First Mauna Kea Tests Completed" and "NASA Grant for UH"
- First record of hybridization in the Hawaiian Honeycreepers: Iiwi (Vestiaria coccinea) X Apapane (Hismatione sanguinea)
- First recorded Hawaiian Occurrence of the alien ground beetle, Agonum muelleri (Coleoptera: Carabidae), from the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island
- First report of an Armillaria Root disease pathogen, Armillaria gallica, associated with several new hosts in Hawaii
- First report of Ceratocystis Wilt on Ohia (Metrosideros polymorpha)
- Five decades of discovery
- Flightless hawaiian Hamerobiidae (Neuroptera): comparative morphology and biology of a brachypterous species, its macropterous relative and intermediate forms
- Floral aspects of the Hawaiian Islands
- Floral ontogeny in Sophoreae (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae): II. Sophora Sensu Lato (Sophora Group)
- Flying with the Palila
- Follow-up audit of the management of Mauna Kea and the Mauna Kea Science Reserve : a report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii
- Follow-up audit of the management of Mauna Kea and the Mauna Kea Science Reserve : a report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii
- Follow-up on Recommendations from Report No. 14-07, Follow-up audit of the management of Mauna Kea and the Mauna Kea Science Reserve : a report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii
- Foraging behavior of a vertebrate omnivore (Rattus Rattus): meal structure, sampling, and diet breadth
- Foraging behavior of forest birds: the relationships among search tactics, diet, and habitat structure
- Foraging for food? prehistoric pit features at Pohakuloa, Hawaii Island
- Foraging patterns of black rats across a desert-montane forest gradient in the Galapagos Islands
- Forest bird communities of the Hawaiian Islands : their dynamics, ecology, and conservation
- Forest bird distribution, density and trends at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge, Hawaii, Report to Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center, Biological Resources Division, USGS
- Forest climatology near the tree line in Hawaii
- Forest dynamics in Hawaii
- Fossil birds from the Hawaiian Islands: evidence for wholesale extinction by man before western contact
- Fossil ice in Hawaii?
- Four postcards of Mauna Kea (2 pages)
- Four postcards of Subaru Telescope (two pages)
- Four-KM altitude effects on performance and health
- Fragmentation and genetic differentiation among subpopulations of the endangered Hawaiian mint Haplostachys haplostachya (Lamiaceae)
- Freezing tolerance and avoidance in high-elevation Hawaiian plants
- French Astronomers Says Scope ‘Good Investment', Burns Signs Bill for Giant Telescope and a photo of Hurbert Curien with John Jefferies
- Freshwater algae associated with high elevation bogs in the Hawaiian Islands
- Freshwater lakes in Hawaii
- From Ronald L. Walker
- Frontier science enabled by a giant segmented mirror telescope
- Frozen mini-planet found far beyond Pluto
- Functional anatomy and adaptive evolution of the feeding apparatus in the Hawaiian Honeycreeper Genus Loxops (Drepanididae)
- Functional anatomy of the head region of the Hawaiian honeycreeper genus loxops (Aves, Drepaniidae)
- Fungi from the Mamane-Naio vegetation zone of Hawaii
- Further measurements of extinction and sky brightness on the Island of Hawaii
- GAI Homologues in the Hawaiian Silversword Alliance (Asteraceae-Madiinae): Molecular Evolution of Growth Regulators in a Rapidly Diversifying Plant Lineage
- Gemini Dedication
- Gemini dedication festivities information packet
- Gemini facility breaks ground
- Gemini project gets under way
- Gemini project under way: Twin telescopes will be used for 'pure science' research
- Gemini telescope dedicated: Britain's Prince Andrew and other dignitaries on hand
- Gemini telescope dedication promises to be a royal affair
- Gene flow in Dubautia arborea and D. ciliolata: the roles of ecology and isolation by distance in maintaining species boundaries despite ongoing hybridization
- Genecological studies of Hawaiian ferns: reproductive biology of pioneer and non-pioneer species on the island of Hawaii
- General features and glacial geology of Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- General Lease No. S-4191
- General Lease No. S-5529
- Genesis and morphology of secondary products in selected volcanic ash soils from the island of Hawaii
- Genetic characterization of Hawaiian isolates of Plasmodium relictum reveals mixed-genotype infections
- Genetic differentiation in endemic silene (Caryophyllaceae) on the Hawaiian Islands
- Genetic evidence for the origin and relationships of Hawaiian Honeycreepers (Aves: Fringillidae)
- Genetic structure and mating system in the palila, an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper, as assessed by DNA fingerprinting
- Genomic resources for the endangered Hawaiian honeycreepers
- Geochemical investigations of ordinary chondrites, shergottites, and Hawaiian basalts
- Geochemical investigations of plume-related lavas : constraints on the structure of mantle plumes and the nature of plume/lithosphere interactions
- Geochemical stratigraphy of lava flows sampled by the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project
- Geochemical structure of the Hawaiian plume: Sr, Nd, and Os isotopes in the 2.8 km HSDP-2 section of Mauna Kea volcano
- Geochemical study of Hawaiian basalts
- Geochemistry and technology of basaltic glass artefacts from an embedded source and two high-altitude base camps in the Mauna Kea Adze Quarry complex, Hawaiʻi
- Geochemistry of Hawaiian dredged lavas
- Geochronology and paleoclimatic implications of the last deglaciation of the Mauna Kea Ice Cap, Hawaii
- Geoecological alteration of surface soils by the Hawaiian silversword (Argyroxiphium sandwicense DC.) in Haleakala's crater, Maui
- Geographic exploration within a highly niche-conserved moth in the Hawaiian archipelago
- Geographic names approved between January 1, 1974 and May 25, 1974
- Geography of the Hawaiian Islands
- Geologic alteration and life in an extreme environment Puu Waiau, Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Geologic guide to the island of Hawaii : a field guide for comparative planetary geology
- Geologic history and evolution of geologic concepts, Island of Hawaii
- Geologic Map of the State of Hawaii
- Geologic road log for the Island of Hawaii: from Kona to Puna returning via Hilo and the Saddle road
- Geological field guide to the Hawaiian Islands, Hilo to Honolulu, Hawaii, July 1-7, 21-27, 1989
- Geological field guide, Kilauea Volcano
- Geological notes on Mauna Kea
- Geological notes: Quaternary glacial-interglacial climate cycles in Hawaii
- Geological observations on the Island of Maui, Hawaii
- Geology - Island of Hawaii - Mauna Kea
- Geology and ground-water resources of the Island of Hawaii
- Geology and volcanology of the Hawaiian Islands
- Geology of Mauna Kea
- Geology of the Kohala Submarine Terrace, Hawaii
- Geology: Limnological Studies on Mauna Kea
- Geomagnetic field inclinations for the past 400 kyr from the 1-km core of the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project
- Geomorphometric variability of “monogenetic” volcanic cones: Evidence from Mauna Kea, Lanzarote and experimental cones
- Geophysical investigation of the proposed Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) site on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Gerard P. Kuiper and the Discovery of Mauna Kea as a World Class Astronomical Site
- Gerard Peter Kuiper 1905-1973 A Biographical Memoir
- Germination of Sophora chrysophylla increased by presowing treatment
- Germination of Sophora seeds after prolonged storage
- "Get a high-tech taste of astronomy for low cost price" and "Subaru support facility planned"
- Getting a clear view; A good telescope gets even better
- "'Giant step’ discussed at UH Hilo - international meeting on infrared star studies" and "Big Island land given to Caltech"
- Giant telescope mirror begins 2-day road trip
- "Giant telescope to be built on Mauna Kea" and "Two more telescopes set for Mauna Kea"
- Ginkgo biloba for the prevention of severe acute mountain sickness (AMS) starting one day before rapid ascent
- GIS-bases assessment of possible permafrost deposits on Mauna Kea, Hawaii using geographical climate modeling
- Glacial chronology of Mauna Kea, Hawaii, as constrained by surface-exposure dating
- Glacial ice of Hawaii
- Glacial springs on the Island of Hawaii
- Glaciation of Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Glaciation on Mauna Kea as evidence of pleistocene climatic conditions in Hawaii
- Glaciation on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Gleanings from the editor's note book - Hawaii. No. 1
- Globalization and pest invasion: where will we be in five years?
- Globally important bird areas in the Hawaiian Islands: final report
- Goats in Hawaii
- Gods and Telescopes Clash on a Sacred Mountain in Hawaii
- Going up in Hawaii : the world’s largest telescope (Pacific Beat)
- Grant of Easement No. S-4697
- Gravity determinations at the Sandwich Islands
- Gravity survey of the Island of Hawaii
- Great crater on the summit of Mauna Loa, Hawaii
- Great outdoor adventures in Hawaii
- Ground broken for new scope on Mauna Kea
- Ground-based measurements of CIO from Mauna Kea and intercomparisons with Aura and UARS MLS
- Groundbreaking for UH Hilo astronomy facility called a 'milestone' for Hilo
- Groundwater conditions in the ohia rain forest near Hilo
- Group making surveys for highest observatory
- Groups appeal ruling on Thirty-Meter Telescope
- Groups file suit over state's approval of NASA telescopes
- Growth is key issue at the summit
- Growth potential cited for Big Isle astronomy
- Guidebook for geothermal field trip to Hawaii: a collection of pertinent articles, maps, reports, road logs, abstracts, etc....
- Guidebook for Mauna Loa-Mauna Kea-Kohala field trip: Hawaii Symposium on How Volcanoes Work, January 19-25, 1987 - Hilo, Hawaii
- Guidelines for evaluating and documenting traditional cultural properties
- Guidelines for evaluating and registering archeological properties
- Habital variation in the Hawaiian Madiinae (Heliantheae) and its relevance to generic concepts in the Compositae
- Habitat and food preferences of the endangered palila (Loxioides Bailleui) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Habitat protection under the Endangered Species Act
- Habitat use and limiting factors in a population of Hawaiian Dark-rumped Petrels on Mauna Loa, Hawaii
- Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge comprehensive conservation plan
- Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge: fact sheet
- Hale Pohaku Dedicated
- Hale Pohaku finds little trouble at public hearing
- Hale Pohaku Register Logs: 1936 -1949
- Hale Pohaku, Hamakua, Mauna Kea, Hawaii : environmental impact statement : notice of preparation, October, 1978
- Hale Pohaku, Hamakua, Mauna Kea, Hawaii, mid-elevation facilities master plan : complex development report
- Haleakala antennas debated: TV, astronomy among issues
- Haleakala losing solar telescope
- Hall's viewpoint
- Hand-drawn illustration of roads and power lines from Humuula to the microwave radio station
- Handwritten letter to Mr. Akiyama from Carl Gillespie December 18, 1964
- Handwritten letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper July 21, 1964
- Hanipoe series
- Harbor of Hilo with snow-capped Mauna Kea
- Hard evidence for prehistoric interaction in Polynesia
- Hawaii : perspectives on Hamakua history : ramblings through an ancient land division of Hawaii island
- Hawaii Akepa Loxops coccineus coccineus
- Hawaii Amakihi (Hemignathus virens), Kauai Amakihi (Hemignathus kauaiensis), Oahu Amakihi (Hemignathus chloris), Greater Amakihi (Hamignathus sagittirostris)
- Hawaii Amakihi Hemignathus virens
- Hawaii and Gale Crater: A Mars Analogue Study of Igneous, Sedimentary, Weathering, and Alteration Trends in Geochemistry
- Hawaii and the Pacific Islands
- "Hawaii astronomy wows British" and "Mauna Kea telescope land subleases panned by groups"
- Hawaii County Council Order of Business “Acknowledge Resolution No. 536 from Mr. Mitsuo Akiyama dated February 1,1980
- Hawaii creeper (Oreomystis mana)
- Hawaii Creeper Oreomystis mana
- Hawaii Elepaio Chasiempis sandwichensis sandwichensis
- Hawaii field trip guide
- Hawaii forest bird recovery plan : Hawaii creeper, Hawaii akepa, akiapolaau, ou
- Hawaii from the air
- Hawaii high altitude study: high altitude sleeping system, letters to the editor
- Hawaii in the stars
- Hawaii Island astronomy workforce opportunities 2010-2023
- Hawaii Island high tech strategic plan
- Hawaii land board approves six Keck telescopes in closed meeting
- Hawaii Rdeivivus
- Hawaii scientific drilling project: summary of preliminary results
- Hawaii silversword alliance: Argyroxiphium sandwicense DC. ssp. sandwicense
- Hawaii silversword alliance: systematics and evolution of the Madiinae: tarweeds to silverswords
- Hawaii telescope gets go-ahead
- Hawaii telescopes get high-speed link
- Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii 96718. 1999 Compendium: 36 CFR1.7(b)
- Hawaii, the islands of life
- Hawaii. America's most surprising winter wonderland
- Hawaii's Alectorioid lichens
- Hawaii's comprehensive wildlife conservation strategy
- Hawaii's dry forests
- Hawaii's endemic birds
- Hawaii's extinction crisis: a call to action
- Hawaii's governor proposes telescope swap
- Hawaii's Mauna Kea observatory
- Hawaii's only alpine lake disappearing fast, with no end in sight
- Hawaii's sleeping volcano
- Hawaii's terrestrial ecosystems: preservation and management
- Hawaii's Thirty Meter Telescope, construction of the world's largest telescope on a sacred temple
- Hawaii’s fading star : where will American astronomers go if they lose their biggest asset on earth?
- Hawaii’s Mauna Kea Observatory today
- Hawaii’s space race
- Hawaiian adze production and distribution : implications for the development of chiefdoms
- Hawaiian alpine lake level, rainfall trends, and spring flow
- Hawaiian bird conservation action plan
- Hawaiian birdlife
- Hawaiian birds 1972
- Hawaiian calderas
- Hawaiian cultural and natural resource management
- Hawaiian cultural resources directory 2009
- Hawaiian dark-rumped petrel and Newell's manx shearwater recovery plan
- Hawaiian dictionary : Hawaiian-English, English-Hawaiian
- Hawaiian endangered bird conservation program five-year workplan (2001-2005), draft, 15 October 2001
- Hawaiian endangered bird conservation program: report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and State of Hawaii, July 1, 1999 - September 30, 2000
- Hawaiian endangered bird conservation program: report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and State of Hawaii: October 1, 2001-September 30, 2002
- Hawaiian endangered bird conservation program: report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, November 16, 1998 - November 15, 1999
- Hawaiian evolutionary biology: an introduction
- Hawaiian forest bird conservation and koa (acacia koa) forestry on Hawaii island
- Hawaiian forest birds conservation assessment and management plan: final report
- Hawaiian forest fungi. IX. Botryoshaeria pipturi sp. nov. and miscellaneous records
- Hawaiian glacial ages
- Hawaiian honeycreeper home range size varies with habitat: implications for native acacia koa forestry
- Hawaiian hot spot dynamics as inferred from the Hf and Pb isotope evolution of Mauna Kea volcano
- Hawaiian land mammals. Selected chapters: The feral cattle, Bos taurus, p.271-282; The feral goat, Capra hircus, p. 283-298; The mouflon, Ovis musimon, p. 299-313; The feral sheep, Ovis aries, p. 314-327
- Hawaiian legends of ghosts and ghost-gods; collected and translated from the Hawaiian
- Hawaiian legends of volcanoes; collected and translated from the Hawaiian
- Hawaiian Literature and Resistance, or How My Ancestors Took on the Stryker Brigade and Joined the Struggle to Demilitarize Hawaii!
- Hawaiian mosses
- Hawaiian protocol on Mauna Kea
- Hawaiian quaternary paleoenvironments: a review of geological, pedological, and botanical evidence
- Hawaiian radiocarbon dates
- Hawaiian sanctuaries, places of refuge and indigenous knowledge in Hawaii
- Hawaiian telescopes pruned: cultural fight over sacred mountain Mauna Kea prompts rule change
- Hawaiian values and concepts : the importance of beliefs, values and behaviors in the identification and preservation of sacred Hawaiian localities and sites
- Hawaiian volcano landscapes: the landscape of Mauna Loa
- Hawaiian Volcano Observatory summary 90 part II, Deformation data, January to December 1990
- Hawaiian volcanoes
- Hawaiian volcanoes
- Hawaiian winter rainfall and its relation to the southern oscillation
- Hawaiian yesterdays : chapters from a boy's life in the islands in the early days
- Hawaiians as navigators and seaman
- Hazardous material survey report for 24" telescope Hoku Kea Observatory, TMK (3)4-4-015:009 (por.) Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Hamakua, Island of Hawaii
- He Wahi Moolelo no Humuula, Piihonua, Waiakea, a Me Ka Aina Mauna o Hawaii: a historical overview of the lands of Humuula, Piihonua, Waiakea, and the mountain lands of Hawaii (Districts of Hilo and Hamakua, Island of Hawaii)
- Health and work at high altitude: a study at the Mauna Kea observatories
- Heart and root rot fungi associated with deterioration of acacia koa on the island of Hawaii
- Heat loss from the nest of the Hawaiian Honeycreeper, Amakihi
- Helium isotopic evolution of Mauna Kea Volcano: first results from the 1-km drill core
- Helium isotopic variations in volcanic rocks from Loihi Seamount and the Island of Hawaii
- Helping Hawaii Businesses reach for the stars
- Hematite spherules in basaltic tephra altered under aqueous, acid-sulfate conditions on Mauna Kea volcano, Hawaii: possible clues for the occurrence of hematite-rich spherules in the Burns formation at Meridiani Planum, Mars
- Heptyl Butyrate, a new synthetic attractant for yellow jackets
- Herald Salutes
- Herbivorous Insects and the Hawaiian Silversword Alliance: Coevolution or Cospeciation?
- Here's a peek at new observatory headquarters
- Here's why Mauna Kea means 'White mountain'
- Heroism saved many more lives: witness tells how workers repeatedly enter danger area
- Hickson Compact Group 40
- High altitude aeolian ecosystems in the Hawaiian Islands
- High altitude climate of the Island of Hawaii
- High altitude headache: efficacy of acetaminophen vs. ibuprofen in a randomized, controlled trial
- High altitude hypoxic amnesia: short term memory loss at high altitudes.
- High altitude mosses from Mauna Kea, island of Hawaii
- High altitude wind velocity at San Pedro Martir and Mauna Kea
- High and dry; NASA pulls funding for Mauna Kea scope project
- High mountain ecosystems: evolution, structure, operation and maintenance
- High mountains of Hawaii
- High precision lead isotope systematics of lavas from the Hawaiian Scientific Drilling Project
- High resolution habitat suitability modeling for a narrow-range endemic alpine Hawaiian species
- High resolution habitat suitability modelling for an endemic restricted-range Hawaiian insect (Nysius wekiuicola, Hemiptera: Lygaeidae)
- High-altitude illness
- High-altitude illness
- High-altitude-related disorders - Part 1: Pathophysiology, differential diagnosis, and treatment
- High-altitude-related disorders – Part II: prevention, special populations, and chronic medical conditions
- High-frequency isotopic variations in the Mauna Kea tholeiitic basalt sequence: Melt zone dispersivity and chromatography
- High-resolution carbon mapping on the million-hectare Island of Hawaii
- High-resolution geochemical stratigraphy of Mauna Kea flows from the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project core
- High-tech twin towers
- High-tech ventures for Big Isle
- Highway geology of the Hawaiian Islands, Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, Kauai and Molokai
- Hilo and Mauna Kea
- Hilo Area Comprehensive Study : the biological resources of the Hilo study area, Hawaii, Hawaii : an overview
- Hilo center eases Mauna Kea Rift
- Hilo company to offer ski weekends
- Hilo forest reserve - revised
- Hilo groundbreaking
- Hilo Hawaiian and Naniloa Resort registration forms for attending Subaru Telescope dedication ceremony
- Hina and the Wailuku river
- Historic sites review of a proposed Mauna Loa trail system
- Historical and current factors affecting Hawaiian native birds
- Historical highlights of Hawaii's forestry and wildlife research
- Historical land-cover classification for conservation and management in Hawaiian subalpine drylands
- Historical views on Mauna Kea: from the vantage points of Hawaiian culture and astronomical research
- History of endemic Hawaiian birds: Part I. Population histories - Species accounts; Forest birds: Akialoa, Nukupuu & Akiapolaau
- History of endemic Hawaiian birds: Part I. Population histories - species accounts; forest birds: amakihi
- History of endemic Hawaiian birds: Part I. Population histories - Species accounts; forest birds: elepaio, oo, & kioea
- History of endemic Hawaiian birds: Part I. Population histories - Species accounts; forest birds: Maui Parrotbill, Ou, Palila, Greater Koa Finch, Lesser Koa Finch and Grosbeak Finch
- History of endemic Hawaiian birds: Part I. Population histories - species accounts; Report 8B & C, forest birds: Amakihi, Creeper, Akepa, and Poo Uli
- History of endemic Hawaiian birds: Part I. Population histories - Species accounts; Sea birds: Hawaiian Dark-rumped petrel (Uau)
- Hoi Hou I Ka Iwikuamoo: a legal primer for the protection of Iwi Kupuna in Hawaii nei
- Holocene eruptions of Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii
- Home range and diet of feral cats in Hawaii forests
- Home range and movements of feral cats on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Honokaa Mauka caves, Mauna Kea Volcano, Hamakua District, HI
- Hoohana Aku, a Hoola Aku: a legal primer for traditional and customary rights in Hawaii
- Hoopono Mauna Kea
- Hope for new telescopes as Mauna Kea plan approved
- Hopukani Rockshelter (50-Ha-G28-034) - Hawaiian Archaeological Survey (HAS) data
- Hopukani Spring (50-Ha-G28-063) - Hawaiian Archaeological Survey (HAS) data
- Horizontal and vertical zoning of heterogeneities in the Hawaiian mantle plume from the geochemistry of consecutive postshield volcano pairs: Kohala-Mahukona and Mauna Kea–Hualalai
- How old is the Hawaiian biota? Geology and phylogeny suggest recent divergence
- How to have a safe and enjoyable trip to the summit
- Hubble Telescope is back on track
- Human acclimatization to high terrestrial altitude
- Human performance and acute hypoxia
- Humuʻula: an archaeological perspective of Hawaiian ranching and the pacific hide and tallow trade, TMK 3-8-01:9 (draft report Spring 2011)
- Humuula at Hilo near Hamakua
- Hunter concerns stall Army effort to protect rare plants at Pohakuloa
- Hunter’s block Saddle Road work, professing concern for rare palila
- Hunters are shot down in appeal of the palila decision of the Federal Court
- Hunters, State stir up legal action over removal of sheep from Mauna Kea
- Hunting in Hawaii
- Hunting on the big island of Hawaii
- Hybridization in the Hawaiian silversword complex
- Hydrogeology of the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project borehole KP-1 2. Groundwater geochemistry and regional flow patterns
- Hydrologic and isotopic modeling of alpine Lake Waiau, Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Hydrologic modeling of Lake Waiau, Hawaii (Student paper)
- Hydrothermal origin of the clays from the upper slopes of Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Hypereutrophication of an Hawaiian alpine lake
- Hyperspectral reflectance mapping of cinder cones at the summit of Mauna Kea and implications for equivalent observations on Mars
- Ice caps crowned Mauna Kea before Hawaii subsided to present level: Dr. Thomas A. Jaggar, Jr. makes scientific exploration of Mauna Kea and relates his experienced conclusions
- Icy Mountain (photograph)
- Identifying sex and age of akiapolaau
- Identifying sex and age of Apapane and Iiwi on Hawaii
- IFA director outlines goals
- Iiwi (Vestiaria coccinea)
- Iiwi Vestiaria coccinea
- Immunogenetics and resistance to avian malaria in Hawaiian honeycreepers (Drepanidinae)
- Impact of feral herbivores on mamane forests of Mauna Kea, Hawaii: bark stripping and diameter class structure
- Impacts of alien land arthropods and mollusks on native plants and animals in Hawaii
- Impermeable beds trap rain and snow at Mauna Kea's Lake Waiau
- Import may be killing off isle birds
- Impressions of Mauna Kea weather
- Improved three-dimensional models of seismic velocity and density for the island of Hawaii
- Improving oxygenation at high altitude: acclimatization and O (sub 2) enrichment
- In defense of da fence
- In shadow of big mountaintop domes: did the ancient Hawaiians precede modern sky-watchers at Hualalai?
- In the supreme court of the State of Hawaii, DANIEL MORIMOTO, M.D.; and KATS YAMADA, Appellants-Appellants vs. BOARD OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES, STATE OF HAWAII; HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION; UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, Appellees-Appellees. No. 25169. Appeal from the third circuit court (Civ. No. 01-1-0456), May 23, 2005
- In touch with the universe
- Incipient extinction of a major population of the Hawaii akepa owing to introduced species
- Increase in avian malaria at upper elevation in Hawaii
- Indicators and standards of quality for viewing the night sky in the national parks
- Infiltration of a Hawaiian community by introduced biological control agents
- Influence of a tropical island mountain on solar radiation, air temperature and vapor pressure
- Influence of light and temperature on the germination and seedbed ecology of common mullein (Verbascum thapsus)
- Influence of the trade-wind inversion on the climate of a leeward mountain slope in Hawaii
- Information on cross-island highway, County of Hawaii, Hawaii
- Information requested by Mr. Akiyama at Honokaa office (Scientific Consultant Services?)
- Insect fauna of the silversword and greensword
- Insects from the crater of Mauna Loa
- Insects from the summit of Mauna Kea
- Insects from the summit of Mauna Kea
- Institute chief Hall is canned
- Instructions in ancient Hawaiian astronomy as taught by Kaneakanoowaha, one of the counselors of Kamehameha I, according to S.M. Kamakau
- Instruments of Science or Conquest? Neocolonialism and Modern American Astronomy
- Integrated conservation strategy for Hawaiian forest birds
- Integrated island ecosystem ecology in Hawaii : introductory survey
- Integrated natural resources management plan 2002-2006 and environmental assessment : Pohakuloa Training Area
- Integrated natural resources management plan 2010-2014, Island of Hawaii, Pohakuloa
- Interaction between the Hawaiian dark-rumped petrel and the Argentine ant in Haleakala National Park, Maui, Hawaii
- Interactions between Hawaiian honeycreepers and Metrosideros collina on the Island of Hawaii
- Interactions of climate change with biological invasions and land use in the Hawaiian Islands: modeling the fate of endemic birds using a geographic information system
- Interisland and interarchipelago transfer of stone tools in prehistoric Polynesia
- Interpolity exchange of basalt tools facilitated via elite control in Hawaiian archaic states
- Interspecific competition among Hawaiian forest birds
- Interspecific hybrid ancestry of a plant adaptive radiation: allopolyploidy of the Hawaiian silversword alliance (Asteraceae) inferred from floral homeotic gene duplications
- Intra-island variation in the elepaio on the island of Hawaii
- Intraspecific variation in elepaio foraging behavior in Hawaiian forests of different structure
- Introduced animals in Hawaii's natural areas
- Introduced avian diseases, climate change, and the future of Hawaiian honeycreepers
- Introduced species in Hawaii, Hymenoptera: Formicidae (Senior Seminar 2002, Earlham College)
- Introduction and establishment of the biological control agent Apion ulicis (Forster) (Coleoptera: Apionidae) for control of the weed Gorse (Ulex europaeus L.) in Hawaii
- Introduction to special section: Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project
- Introduction to special section: Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project
- Invasion and colonization of upper elevations on East Maui (Hawaii) by Vespula pensylvanica (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)
- Invasive rodent eradication on islands
- Invasive species management restores a plant-pollinator mutualism in Hawaii
- Invasive ungulate policy and conservation in Hawaii
- Inventing the world : a public observatory for Mauna Kea
- Inversion variability in the Hawaiian trade wind regime
- Investigating the growth dynamics of mamane (Sophora chrysophylla) on Maunakea, Hawai`i using radiocarbon dating and classical dendrochronology methods
- Investigating the growth periodicity, stable carbon isotope trend and climate reconstruction potential of Akoko (Euphorbia olowaluana), A native Hawaiian C4 tree on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, using tree ring analysis
- Investigations of Nysius spp. and other insects at Haleakala, Maui during 1964 and 1965
- Invitation to a talk by Professor Kyoji Naraia on the topic of 'My Three Cameras'
- Invitation to dedication ceremony for the Gemini Observatory Nothern Operations Center
- Invitation to Dreams on Mauna Kea- a story of a telescope
- Invitation to groundbreaking ceremony at the Institute of Astronomy Hilo Facility
- Invitation to Infrared Telescope Facility Dedication
- Invitation to sunset cocktails to celebrate the W.M. Keck Observatory Groundbreaking on Mauna Kea
- Invitation to Tewntieth Anniversary Celebration
- Invitation to the Dedication ceremony for the Subaru Telescope
- Invitation to the dedication ceremony of Mauna Kea Summit Road and the Observatory Station of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
- Invitation to the premiere screening of the documentary special Mauna Kea: on the verge of other worlds
- Invoice/Shipping Document for Monroe calculating machine
- Iridomyrmex humilis Mayr.
- "Is Council reaching for stars?" and "Study of facility transfer sought"
- Is Mauna Kea next Kahoolawe?
- Is there a black hole at the center of our galaxy?
- Island of Hawaii land bird distribution and abundance
- Island record for P. uncatoides: Hawaii, 5400 H. Mauna Loa strip, July 31, 1970
- Isle audiences getting advance look at PBS special on Mauna Kea
- Isle leaders bid aloha to the prince
- Isle lenses to catch crash into Jupiter
- Isle scientist leading airborne eclipse study
- "Isle Scientists’ New Camera Speeds Up Space Discoveries" and "State hires planning company for Big Isle research-tech park"
- Isle students observe stars from Mauna Kea
- Isle telescope finds evidence of planets orbiting two stars
- "Isle telescope project subject of a controversy", "Panel questions telescope design: but Isle project still a go", and "UH gets pact to run Mauna Kea telescope"
- Isle’s astronomy pioneer has ‘wistful’ remembrance
- "Isles May Become Astronomy Center", "Farias Reacts to Telescope", "French Plan Mauna Kea Telescope", and "Isle Observatory Wins Support of Canadians"
- Isles Sandwich (English translation of the first two pages)
- Isotopes' radiocarbon measurements VII (excerpt)
- Isotopic evolution of Mauna Kea volcano: results from the initial phase of the Hawaiʻi Scientific Drilling Project
- "It all started back in 1964" - photocopies of pictures of the dome atop Pu’u Poliahu, with captions and annotations by Mr. Akiyama
- It takes more than electrons for a high-tech park
- "Japan chooses Big Isle for 'world's largest telescope'", "Summit use for Japanese scope is OK'd", and "Japan plans scope on top of Mauna Kea"
- "Japan princess's visit to include Mauna Kea" and "Princess eager to try out telescope"
- Japan ushers in new era on Mauna Kea
- Japan's big eye looks at universe
- Japanese article on Akiyama and Telescopes
- Japanese Aurora: northern exposure or a spiritual pilgrimage?
- Japanese handwriting with two post-it notes
- Japanese newspaper clippings and magazine articles
- Japanese Telescope Promises New Views of the Heavens
- Japanese telescope to have largest lens
- Jefferies proposes partial University move to Maui
- "JFK to Visit Push Moon Race" and " Mauna Kea site chosen for Moon study project"
- Job progress report, research project segment. Project no. W-5-R, Wildlife management research. Feral animal survey, Mauna Kea feral sheep
- Journal of ornithological work during the summer of 1937
- Judge shoots down hunters, State on efforts to keep sheep on Mauna Kea
- Judge slaps Hawaii over Mauna Kea telescopes
- Jupiter & Saturn
- "Jupiter crash: Hawaii at the forefront" and "Mauna Kea skies clear for comet"
- "Jupiter hit" and "Keck telescope gets an eyeful of redshift"
- "Jupiter-size body found; may be 'brown dwarf'" and "Kormondy said against shift of UH institute"
- Kaaina Mauna: Mauna Kea, neighboring mountain lands, and native practices described in boundary commission testimonies of kamaaina witnesses and residents from 1865 to 1891, districts of Hilo, Hamakua and Kohala Island of Hawaii
- "Kaifu backs Bush, but former Japan leader unsure why president took car execs along" and "Gemini telescopes project outlined"
- Kalelealuaka
- Kaluakauka
- Kaluakauka revisited: the death of David Douglas in Hawaii
- Kanaka Maoli Scholars against desecration: statement on Mauna Kea - February 17, 2009
- Ke-Kai-a-Ka-Hina-Lie, the polynesian version of the deluge
- Keanakolu (The three caves)
- Keck "Outriggers" face additional roadblocks
- Keck back on schedule after delay
- "Keck dedicates largest 'scope" and "Sierra Club criticizes plans"
- "Keck gets grant to enhance telescope: Mauna Kea will have view to 'cores of elliptical galaxies'", "UH Hilo picked for NASA study", and "Astronomy workshop for teachers"
- Keck hailed as world's premier telescope
- Keck II observatory escapes insulation fire undamaged
- Keck Observatory design set
- "Keck Observatory on Big Island gets new director", "Tucson's loss is Big Island's gain", and "Taiwan becomes observatory partner"
- Keck spots the birth of a galaxy: scientists peer 85% back to start of time
- Keck telescope called a wonder of the world: World's largest telescope dedicated high on Mauna Kea
- "Keck Telescope Construction on Schedule", "Dome headed for Hawaii", and "Huge telescope dome arrives"
- Keck telescope counts mirrors and months
- Keck trekking: the Keck Telescope, the world's largest, is shaking up astronomers' notion of the universe
- "Keck unmasks stellar cloud's beauty" and "Big Isle opening eye to wider sky"
- Keck will seek clues to space life
- Keck’s starlight star bright as first stars at site
- Keneti, south seas adventures of Kenneth Emory
- Key to Numbered Access Routes
- Ku-Kahau-ula and Poliahu
- "Kuiper’s Remarks Are Clarified" and "Gold's remarks scientific, Kuiper says"
- Kukaiau Cave (alias ThisCave and ThatCave)
- Lake Waiau
- Lake Waiau : a study of a tropical alpine lake, past and present
- Lake Waiau of Hawaii
- Lake Waiau, near summit of Mauna Kea
- Lake Waiau: past and present
- Lakes and lake-like waters of the Hawaiian Archipelago
- Land Authorizations for Long-Term Continuation of Astronomy on Maunakea - Environmental Impact Statement Preparation Notice (EISPN)
- Land Board approval before contested case is issue in appeals of two telescope permits
- Land board approves emergency rules for Mauna Kea
- Land Board rejects TMT contested cases
- Land matters in Hawaii. - No. 1
- Land matters in Hawaii. – No. 2
- Land protection plan and environmental assessment for the proposed additions to Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge
- Landscape ecology of Metrosideros dieback
- Large telescopes and the moral economy of recent astronomy
- Laser beacons on Mauna Kea: background articles for the Board of the Office of Mauna Kea Management
- Last chance
- Late Pleistocene eolian sediments related to pyroclastic eruptions of Mauna Kea volcano, Hawaii
- Late quaternary geomagnetic secular variation from historical and (super 14) C-dated lava flows on Hawaii
- Late quaternary glaciation and tephrochronology of Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Latest 'scope won't be the last, UH officials say: The Sierra Club continues its plea for care in planning
- Lava Bomb from atop Puu Poliahu, Mauna Kea, Island of Hawaii, U.S.A.
- Lavas of Hawaii and their relations: Mauna Kea
- Lead isotopes reveal bilateral asymmetry and vertical continuity in the Hawaiian mantle plume
- Leaf anatomy and ontogeny in Argyroxiphium and Wilkesia (Compositae)
- Leaf litter decomposition rates increase with rising mean annual temperature in Hawaiian tropical montane wet forests
- Legends resembling old testament history
- Legislative testimony presented before the Senate Committee on Higher Education, March 30, 2010
- Legislature and the Saddle
- Les grandes volcanes de Hawaii
- Letter accompanying Gerard Kuiper's dedication speech on July 20, 1964 to a list of recipients August 17, 1964
- Letter from Gerard P. Kuiper to Mr. Akiyama April 11, 1972
- Letter from National Aeronautics and Space Administration re NASA's Airborne Astronomy Program
- Letter re Conservation District Use Application for Observatory Uses at Mauna Kea, Oahu
- Letter to Gerard P. Kuiper from Mr. Akiyama June 12, 1970
- Letter to Akira Banchi from Mr. Akiyama May 13, 1999
- Letter to Akira Banchi from Mr. Akiyama May 6, 1999
- Letter to Akira Banchi from Mr. Akiyama September 17, 1998
- Letter to Alan Boyd (Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board) from C.M. Gillespie September 1, 1964
- Letter to Carl Gillespie from I. E. Olson (Ash-Dome) May 9, 1964
- Letter to Carl Gillespie Jr. (Lunar & Planetary Laboratory University of Arizona) from Mr. Akiyama July 7, 1964
- Letter to Chairman Yamashiro and Members of the Council from Mr. Akiyama February 1, 1980
- Letter to Congressman Spark Matsunaga from Mr. Akiyama May 13, 1964
- Letter to Dan Boyland from Mr. Akiyama April 4, 2000
- Letter to Don Chandler (Matson) from Carl Gillespie May 22, 1964
- Letter to Don Horio (Governor Office) from Mr. Akiyama July 13, 1964
- Letter to Donald H. Menzel (Director: Harvard College Observatory) from Robert W. Hiatt November 16, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Albert J. Simone (President, UH) from Mr. Akiyama February 24, 1992
- Letter to Dr. Albert Simone from State Senator Randy Iwase July 16, 1991
- Letter to Dr. Donald H. Menzel from Robert W. Hiatt December 31, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Fujio Matsuda from Gerard Kuiper March 18, 1964
- Letter to Dr. G.F.W. Mulders (Head of Astronomy Section) from Mr. Akiyama July 6, 1964
- Letter to Dr. George P. Woollard from Dr. Kuiper February 18, 1964
- Letter to Dr. George P. Woollard from Gerard Kuiper December 14, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Gerard Kuiper from Helene Hale June 14, 1963
- Letter to Dr. Gerard Kuiper from Lyman Nichols (District Wildlife Biologist) February 12, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Gerard Kuiper from M. Akiyama December 17, 1963
- Letter to Dr. Gerard Kuiper from Mr. Akiyama April 10, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Gerard Kuiper from Mr. Akiyama April 13, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Gerard Kuiper from Mr. Akiyama April 16, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Gerard Kuiper from Mr. Akiyama April 2, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Gerard Kuiper from Mr. Akiyama April 7, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Gerard Kuiper from Mr. Akiyama August 12, 1963
- Letter to Dr. Gerard Kuiper from Mr. Akiyama August 24, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Gerard Kuiper from Mr. Akiyama December 10, 1963
- Letter to Dr. Gerard Kuiper from Mr. Akiyama December 21, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Gerard Kuiper from Mr. Akiyama March 26, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Gerard Kuiper from Mr. Akiyama May 12, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Gerard Kuiper from Mr. Akiyama May 13, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Gerard Kuiper from Mr. Akiyama May 18, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Gerard Kuiper from Mr. Akiyama May 21, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Gerard Kuiper from Mr. Akiyama May 5, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Gerard Kuiper from Mr. Akiyama November 12, 1963
- Letter to Dr. Gerard Kuiper from Nelson Doi March 23, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Gerard Kuiper from Walter Steiger July 6, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Gerard Kuiper from Walter Steiger March 10, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Gerard P. Kuiper from Dr. Urner Liddel December 15, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Gerard P. Kuiper from Dr. Urner Liddel July 6, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Gerard P. Kuiper from Mitsuo Akiyama August 23, 1963
- Letter to Dr. Gerard P. Kuiper from Mr. Akiyama April 1, 1965
- Letter to Dr. Gerard P. Kuiper from Oran W. Nicks (Director of Lunar & Planetary Programs: Office of Space Science and Applications)
- Letter to Dr. Gerard P. Kuiper from Robert W. Hiatt December 16, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Harold Johnson from Gerard P. Kuiper February 15, 1965
- Letter to Dr. Homer Newell (Associate Administrator for Space Science and Application: NASA) from Gerard P. Kuiper March 30, 1965
- Letter to Dr. Homer Newell (Associate Administrator: NASA) from Gerard Kuiper November 18, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Kyoji Nariai from Mr. Akiyama May 6, 1999
- Letter to Dr. Paul C. Yuen (Acting President, UH) from Mr. Akiyama August 17, 1992
- Letter to Dr. R.P. Wipperman (President, Hawaii County Medical Society) from Mr. Akiyama July 2, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Robert W. Hiatt (Vice President for Student Affairs at University of Hawaii) from Gerard Kuiper (Copy) December 6, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Robert W. Hiatt from Gerard P. Kuiper December 19, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Robert W. Hiatt from Homer E. Newell February 16, 1965
- Letter to Dr. Robert W. Hiatt from Mr. Akiyama December 22, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Terrence A. Rogers (Pacific Biomedical Research Center) from Mitsuo Akiyama (2 pages)
- Letter to Dr. Thomas H. Hamilton, Mr. Robert Hughes (Chairman, UH Board of Regents), and a list of members of Board of Regents from Mr. Akiyama August 13, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Thomas Hamilton from Mr. Akiyama June 19, 1963
- Letter to Dr. Walter Steiger (Chairman, Department of Physics) from Gerard P. Kuiper June 10, 1964
- Letter to Dr. Wendell H. Griddith from Terence Rogers September 27, 1965
- Letter to Dr. Woollard (Director of the Geophysical Institute: University of Hawaii) from Gerard P. Kuiper January 9, 1965
- Letter to Dr. Woollard from Dr. Kuiper May 4, 1964
- Letter to Editor John L. Fenrich (Hawaii Tribune Herald) from Mr. Akiyama May 22, 1978
- Letter to Edward Solomons from Dr. Kuiper February 19, 1964
- Letter to family and friends from Sylvia des Tombe (Dr. Kuiper's daughter) December 14, 2001
- Letter to Gene Tao (Editor of Hawaii Tribune Herald) from Mr. Akiyama November 29, 1991
- Letter to Gentlemen and Councilwoman Yadao from Mr. Akiyama December 27, 1973
- Letter to George Chapin (Editor-in-Chief: The Honolulu Advertiser) from Mr. Akiyama May 19. 1978
- Letter to George P. Woollard (Director, Geophysical Institute: University of Hawaii) from Gerard Kuiper October 28, 1964
- Letter to George P. Woollard (Director, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics) from Gerard P. Kuiper September 4, 1964
- Letter to George P. Woollard (Director: Hawaiʻi Institute of Geophysics) from Mr. Akiyama August 10, 1964, letter to Edmond H. Leavey, list of Governor's Advisory Committee on Science and Technology
- Letter to George P. Woollard from Gerard Kuiper January 13, 1965
- Letter to George P. Woollard from Gerard Kuiper January 18, 1965
- Letter to George P. Woollard from Gerard Kuiper November 14, 1964
- Letter to George P. Woollard from Gerard Kuiper November 2, 1964
- Letter to George Woollard from Gerard Kuiper October 6, 1964
- Letter to Gerard P. Kuiper from George Woollard October 28, 1964
- Letter to Gerard P. Kuiper from John Jefferies September 22, 1965
- Letter to Gerard P. Kuiper from Mr. Akiyama (Copy) December 21, 1964
- Letter to Gerard P. Kuiper from Mr. Akiyama July 2, 1964
- Letter to Gerard P. Kuiper from Mr. Akiyama June 25, 1964
- Letter to Gerard P. Kuiper from Mr. Akiyama June 26, 1964
- Letter to Glenn Hatheway from Gerard P. Kuiper January 15, 1968
- Letter to Glenn T. Seaborg (Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission) from Mr. Akiyama May 11, 1964
- Letter to Gov. Abercrombie regarding the proposed Army Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA) and Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) expansion projects, proposed for Pohakuloa and Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island
- Letter to Governor Burns from Gerard Kuiper January 17, 1964
- Letter to Governor Burns from Lothar Ruhnke (director of Mauna Loa Observatory) October 10, 1966
- Letter to Governor John A. Burns from Mr. Akiyama July 7, 1964
- Letter to Governor John A. Burns from Mr. Akiyama June 26, 1964
- Letter to Governor John Waihee from Mr. Akiyama November 29, 1991
- Letter to Helene H. Hale (Chairman and Executive Officer County of Hawaii) from Mr. Akiyama July 2, 1964
- Letter to Helene Hale from Dr. Kuiper January 23, 1964
- Letter to Helene Hale from Gerard Kuiper June 18, 1963
- Letter to Helene Hale from Gerard Kuiper November 8, 1963
- Letter to Helene Hale from Mr. Akiyama September 8, 1964
- Letter to Hiroshi Tanaka from Mr. Akiyama January 3, 1964
- Letter to Homer Newell (Associate Administrator for Space Science and Applications) from Mr. Akiyama September 18, 1964
- Letter to Howard Ellis from Gerard Kuiper February 6, 1964
- Letter to Howard Stephenson from Mr. Akiyama November 29, 1991
- Letter to Jack Bryan from Gerard P. Kuiper July 7, 1966
- Letter to James Butler (Assistant Chief, Personal Property) from C.M. Gellespie December 10, 1964
- Letter to James L. Reid (President: Hawaii Island Chamber of Commerce) from Nelson K. Doi (Senate President) August 6, 1964
- Letter to James L. Reid from Walter Steiger (Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, UH) August 12, 1964
- Letter to Jim Bray from Mr. Akiyama June 22, 1999
- Letter to Jim Bray from Mr. Akiyama June 8, 1999 and an invitation card to the renaming of the 1.5 meter telescope in honor of Dr. Gerard Kuiper
- Letter to Jim Ferry (Director, DLNR) from Mr. Akiyama March 5, 1964
- Letter to John A. Burns (Governor) from Mr. Akiyama March 27, 1964
- Letter to John A. Burns from Dr. Kuiper March 18, 1964
- Letter to John A. Burns from Dr. Kuiper May 7, 1964
- Letter to John A. Burns from Gerard Kuiper October 22, 1964
- Letter to John A. Burns from Lothar Ruhnke May 3, 1966
- Letter to John A. Burns from Mitsuo Akiyama October 19, 1966
- Letter to John A. Burns from Mr. Akiyama January 17, 1964
- Letter to John Jefferies from Gerard P. Kuiper January 15, 1968
- Letter to John Ushijima (UH Board of Regents) from Randy Iwase (State Senator) June 13, 1991
- Letter to John Ushijima (UH Board of Regents) from State Senator Randy Iwase June 13, 1991
- Letter to Kaoru Noda from Gerard P. Kuiper September 28, 1965
- Letter to Ken Hirayama from Mr. Akiyama March 20, 2001
- Letter to Kevin Krisciunas from Alika Herring March 11, 1985
- Letter to Lt. Colonel John Coleman (Commanding Officer Pohakuloa Training Area) from Mr. Akiyama June 30, 1964
- Letter to Lyman Nichols from Dr. Kuiper February 17, 1964
- Letter to Major General Edmond H. Leavey (Chairman, Governor's Advisory Committee on SCience and Technology) from George P. Woollard January 5, 1965
- Letter to Manager of Div. of Technical Information Extension from Mr. Akiyama May 11, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Augustine Furumoto January 20, 1965
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from C. M. Gillespie February 3, 1965
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from C. M. Gillespie June 27, 1963
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Carl Gillespie May 13, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Carl Gillespie May 22, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Carl M. Gillespie August 8, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Daniel Inouye May 14, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Dante Carpenter November 13, 1979
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Dr. Kuiper April 10, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Dr. Kuiper April 13, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Dr. Kuiper April 15, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Dr. Kuiper April 17, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Dr. Kuiper April 20, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Dr. Kuiper April 3, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Dr. Kuiper April 7, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Dr. Kuiper February 26, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Dr. Kuiper July 1, 1970 and Report on Hawaiʻi trip 24-28 June 1970 with excerpts from local newspaper releases
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Dr. Kuiper June 10, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Dr. Kuiper June 23, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Dr. Kuiper March 18, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Dr. Kuiper March 21, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Dr. Kuiper March 25, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Dr. Kuiper March 30, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Dr. Kuiper March 6, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Dr. Kuiper March 6, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Dr. Kuiper May 14, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Dr. Kuiper May 19, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Dr. Kuiper May 20, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Dr. Kuiper May 4, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Dr. Kuiper May 7, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Emilio Q. Daddario (member of congress) August 24, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Gerard Kuiper August 21, 1963
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Gerard Kuiper August 22, 1963
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Gerard Kuiper December 13, 1963
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Gerard Kuiper February 18, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Gerard Kuiper February 6, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Gerard Kuiper January 23, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Gerard Kuiper November 29, 1963
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Glenn T. Seaborg (Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission) May 28, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Gov. Burns March 31, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Gov. John Burns March 10, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from H. Howard Stephenson December 10, 1991
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Ida Edwards (Secretary to the Director, LPL) March 2, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Ida Edwards January 20, 1965
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Ida Edwards May 15, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Jann Yuen May 19, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from John A. Burns January 18, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Kazuo Kimura (Hilo Electric Light Co.) June 1, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Melvin Simmons January 23, 1965
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Nadao Yoshinaga February 2, 1965
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Nelson Doi (Senate President) February 29, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Nelson Doi (Senate President) March 13, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Nelson Doi (Senate President) March 6, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Nelson Doi March 23, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Nelson Doi March 23, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Nelson Doi March 26, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Nobu Masuda (Secretary to UH President) June 20, 1963
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Norio Kaifu (Director of Subaru) February 9, 1999
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Norio Kaifu August 10, 1999
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from R. Cayrel (Director of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope) January 18, 1980
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Robert Brown February 17, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Robert Chunk March 9, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Robert Hiatt December 22, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Robert Shannon (Atomic Energy Commission.) May 20, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Royce Higa June 6, 1966
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Royce Higa March 17, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Senator Daniel Inouye June 30, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Senator Randy Iwase December 6, 1991
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Senator Randy Iwase July 10, 1991
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Stanley Hara (Chairman of Finance Committee, House of Representatives) March 9, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Stanley Hara February 8, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Stephen Yamashiro July 6, 1984
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Tatsuki Shiramizu December 6, 1991
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Tatsuki Shiramizu October 21, 1991
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Toshio Serizawa February 26, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from William Frazer (California Association for Research in Astronomy) July 26, 1985
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from William Norwood May 26, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Windsor C. Cutting (Director, Pacific Biomedical Research Center, UH) August 24, 1964
- Letter to Mitsuo Akiyama from Yoshio Miyashiro (Soil Conservationists, Dept. of Agriculture) March 31, 1964
- Letter to Mr. A.A. Smyser (Editor of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin) from Mr. Akiyama March 29, 1972
- Letter to Mr. A.C.W. Ireton from C.M. Gillespie Jr. (Copy) July 10, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from A.C. Stearns (Vice President and Manager of Kohala Sugar Company) August 5, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Akira Banchi May 6, 1999
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Akira Banchi November 24, 1998
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Alika Herring July 28, 1966
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Bart Fredo (Hawaii Public Television) February 7, 1989
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Bart Fredo (Hawaii Public Television) January 27, 1988
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Ben G. Huff (Director Office of Review & Services) September 4, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from C. M. Gillespie December 31, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from C.M. Gillespie April 28, 1965
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from C.M. Gillespie August 17, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from C.M. Gillespie August 31, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from C.M. Gillespie Jr. July 10, 1964 with a copy of his letter to Mr. Barry Kommel
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from C.M. Gillespie Jr. July 16, 1964 with James Butler's July 14 letter to Mr. Gillespie
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from C.M. Gillespie Jr., Letter to Lauritz Schreiber from Carl Gillespie September 30, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from C.M. Gillespie September 16, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from C.M. Gillespie September 18, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Carl Gillespie October 6, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Carl Gillespie Jr. (Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona) August 11, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Carl Gillespie September 8, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Charles A. Kekumano (Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu)
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Dale P. Cruikshank December 3, 1979, attached: Copy of article in Sky & Telescope
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Daniel K. Inouye (U.S. Senator) March 30, 1965
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Daniel K. Inouye August 12, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Daniel Mitsuo Akiyama (grandson)
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Don Onishi November 12, 1979
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Douglas Guild (President, Hawaiian Telephone Company)
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from E.C. Welsh (executive secretary, National Aeronautics and Space Council) August 24, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Edmond H. Leavey October 20, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Elmer F. Cravalho (speaker, House of Representatives, State Legislature) August 15, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Eugene M. Shoemaker (Chief, Branch of Astrogeology, U.S. Geological Survey) October 14, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Ewen Whitaker January 16, 1974
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from George P. Woollard (Director, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, UH) August 17, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard Kuiper January 14, 1965
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper August 21, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper December 12, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper December 28, 1965
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper December 6, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper February 17, 1965
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper February 2, 1968
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper February 22, 1965
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper January 15, 1968
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper January 16, 1968
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper July 10, 1964 with Dr. Kuiper's letter to Walter Steiger
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper July 25, 1970
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper July 28, 1964 with a letter to Dr. Urner Liddle on July 27, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper July 7, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper July 9, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper June 9, 1970
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper March 21, 1969
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper May 24, 1969
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper November 10, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper November 10, 1967
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper November 10, 1967
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper November 2, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper November 8, 1969
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper September 11, 1964, Letter from Richard Harvill to Gerard Kuiper September 10, 1964, Letter from Gerard Kuiper to Norman Cousins September 5, 1964, Letter to the Editor: The Moon article by John Lear September 5, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper September 18, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper September 18, 1970
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper September 29, 1965
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper to December 5, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Governor Burns October 26, 1966
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Helene H. Hale (Chairman and Executive officer County of Hawaii) September 10, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Hiram L. Fong August 4, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Hiroyasu Ando March 8, 2002
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Hung Wo Ching (president, Aloha Airlines) August 14, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from I.E. Olson (President, Ash Manufacturing Co.) June 12, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Jack C. Rosenau (Acting district Geologist) June 16, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from James D. Weaver August 26, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from James L.K. Dahlberg February 20, 1980
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from James L.K. Dahlberg November 16, 1979
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Jane A. Jackson (Secretary to Dr. Liddel) August 28, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Jim Bray June 15, 1999
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Jim P. Ferry (Chairman and Member of Board of Land and Natural Resources) July 16, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Jim P. Ferry (Chairman of DLNR) August 5, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from John F. Clark (Director of Sciences, Office of Space Science & Applications) August 26, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from John T. Hayward (Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy)
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Katsuya Yamada November 15, 1979
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Kevin Krisciunas May 21, 1984
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Lofty Kuniyoshi November 14, 1979
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Marvin R. Brant (Executive Secretary Governor’s Advisory Committee on Science and Technology) September 22, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Mazie Hirono (Lieutenant Governor) March 6, 1995
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Merle K. Lai (Councilwoman) November 23, 1979
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Ms. Momi Cazimero (UH Regent) November 27, 1993, with memo from Mitsuo Akiyama
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Paul Yuen (Acting President, UH) July 8, 1992
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Peggy Yorita November 15, 1979
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Pete T. Okumoto M.D. August 19, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from R. Burl Yarberry (Superintendent, Dept. of Education, State of Hawaii) August 18, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Ralph B. Johnson (president, Hawaiian Electric Co.)
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Rex Matsuno (President of Suisan Company Ltd.) November 16, 1979
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Richard A. Harvill August 1, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Richard Henderson and John Tolmie (invitation to 'Stars, Science, Society' Conference) October 6, 1996
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Richard L. Callaghan August 28, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Robert H. Hughes August 21, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Robert T. Chuck (Department of Water and Land Development) August 6, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Robert W. Hiatt (Vice President for Academic Affairs University of Hawaii) June 15, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Robert W. Hiatt February 25, 1965
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Roy Nakamoto November 14, 1979
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Shunichi Kimura (Chairman and Executive officer County of Hawaii) January 25, 1967
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Spark M. Matsunaga July 30, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from State Senator Randy Iwase October 19, 1992
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Sylvia des Tombe (Dr. Kuiper's daughter) September 4, 1999
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from T.J. Lee and invitation to groundbreaking ceremony for the base facility of the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope Unit July 6, 1984
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Taylor A. Pryor (The Oceanics Institute) August 26, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Terence A. Rodgers September 29, 1965
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Terrence A. Rogers (Professor of Physiology) September 23, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Teru Kodani November 15, 1979
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Thomas Hamilton (President of University of Hawaii) July 15, 1963
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from W.F. Libby (Director of the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, UCLA) August 6, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Walt Southward November 29, 1991
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Wayne Metcalf December 5, 1979
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from William F. Ryan (Member of Congress) August 31, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Akiyama from Windsor C. Cutting (Director, Pacific Biomedical Research Center, UH) August 17, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Edgar Hamasu (Director: Planning and Traffic Commission County of Hawaii) from Jim Ferry (Chairman & Member of Board of Land and Natural Resources) July 20, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Gillespie from John Dregge (Civil Aeronautics Board) September 14, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Lyman Nicholas (District WIldlife Biologist: Department of Land and Natural Resources) from Gerard P. Kuiper July 28, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Marvin R. Brant (Managing Director: Governor's Conference on Science and Technology) from Gerard P. Kuiper January 9, 1965
- Letter to Mr. Oran Nicks (Director of Lunar and Planetary Programs) from Gerard P. Kuiper January 9, 1965
- Letter to Mr. Oran Nicks (Director, Lunar and Planetary Prog., NASA) from Gerard P. Kuiper December 6, 1964
- Letter to Mr. Oran Nicks from Gerard P. Kuiper January 13, 1965
- Letter to Mr. William Among of Dept. olf Social Services from Lothar Ruhnke (director of Mauna Loa Observatory) October 13, 1966
- Letter to Mrs. Amy Aoyagi (Chamber of Commerce Office) from Gerard P. Kuiper November 2, 1964
- Letter to Ms. Shizue Akiyama from Bernadette Kagawa and color photograph of Mr. Akiyama’s grandchildren from Honolulu (Robyn and Rachel Yamakawa and Daniel Akiyama)
- Letter to Myron Isherwood (Director, County of Hawaii Civil Defence) from C.M. Gillespie September 1, 1964
- Letter to Myron Isherwood from C.M. Gillespie (copy) June 19, 1964
- Letter to Nelson Doi from Dr. Kuiper March 19, 1964
- Letter to Norman Cousins (Editor of the Saturday Review) from Gerard P. Kuiper, Letter to the editor: The Moon article by John Lear September 5, 1964
- Letter to Oran Nicks (Director, NASA Lunar and Planetary Science) from Gerard Kuiper July 19, 1963
- Letter to Oran Nicks (NASA) from C.M. Gillespie October 6, 1964
- Letter to President (of Univ. of Arizona) R.A. Harvill from Dr. Kuiper January 22, 1964
- Letter to President Reid (Subject: Dedication Ceremony of Mauna Kea) from Mr. Akiyama July 17, 1964
- Letter to Professor Saburo Okazaki from Mr. Akiyama June 20, 1963
- Letter to Rachel Yamakawa from Mr. Akiyama March 24, 1996
- Letter to Ralph B. Johnson (President of Hawaiian Electric Company) from Mr. Akiyama November 12, 1964
- Letter to Richard Henderson and John Tolmie of Hawaii Island Economic Development Board from Mr. Akiyama November 21, 1996
- Letter to Robert W. Hiatt from Urner Liddel (Assistant Director & Chief Scientist: Lunar & Planetary Programs: Office of Space Science and Applications) November 20, 1964
- Letter to Royce Higa from Mr. Akiyama March 12, 1964
- Letter to S. Michael Cain, DLNR Re: CDUA HA 3568 for the Thirty Meter Telescope
- Letter to Saul Price from Gerard Kuiper June 10, 1964
- Letter to Senator Daniel K. Inouye from Mr. Akiyama May 11, 1964
- Letter to Senator Inouye from Mr. Akiyama June 26, 1964
- Letter to Senator Randy Iwase from Mitsuo Akiyama November 11, 1991
- Letter to Senator Randy Iwase from Mr. Akiyama November 29, 1991
- Letter to Senator Richard Matsuura from Mr. Akiyama November 29, 1991
- Letter to Shunichi Kimura from Lothar Ruhnke (director of Mauna Loa Observatory) October 14, 1966
- Letter to Stanley Hara from Dr. Kuiper March 19, 1964
- Letter to Stanley Hara from Mr. Akiyama April 12, 1967
- Letter to State Legislators from Mitsuo Akiyama accompanying Dr. Kuiper's dedication address
- Letter to State Senator Randy Iwase from Mitsuo Akiyama July 1, 1991
- Letter to Stephen Yamashiro, Chairman of Hawaii County Council from Mr. Akiyama June 26, 1984
- Letter to Sylvia des Tombe (Dr. Kuiper's daughter) from Mr. Akiyama June 11, 1999 and notes about the phone call with Sylvia des Tombe
- Letter to Tatsuki Shiramizu from Mitsuo Akiyama October 25, 1991
- Letter to the Editor from Kevin Krisciunas
- Letter to The Honorable Nadao Yoshinaga (Senator, Third Senatorial District) from Mr. Akiyama January 19, 1965
- Letter to The Honorable Stanley I. Hara from Mr. Akiyama (Copy) December 24, 1964
- Letter to the supporters of the sacred summit of Mauna Kea
- Letter to Toshio Serizawa from Dr. Kuiper March 19, 1964
- Letter to Urner Liddel (Planetary and Lunar Division: NASA) from Robert Hiatt (VP for Academic Affairs) November 16, 1964
- Letter to Walt Southward from Mr. Akiyama December 3, 1991
- Letter to Walter Steiger from Gerard P. Kuiper July 9, 1964
- Letter to William Bonnet from Lothar Ruhnke (director of Mauna Loa Observatory) October 14, 1966
- Letter to William K. Hartmann (University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Laboratory) from Gerard P. Kuiper July 9, 1964
- Letter to William Mackenzie (Hilo Electric Light Co.) from Mr. Akiyama May 13, 1964
- Letter to William Norwoord (Office of the Governor) from Mr. Akiyama May 22, 1964
- Letter to William R. Norwood from Mr. Akiyama June 15, 1964
- Letters from the Sandwich Islands
- Letters to Mr. Akiyama, Mr. Oran Nicks on June 30, 1964; letters to Dr. R. Zirkind, Dr. G. F. W. Mulders, and Miss Jean R. Streetar on July 1, 1964 from Gerard P. Kuiper
- Letters to the editor: Protecting Mauna Kea
- Life at the top: the wekiu bug makes its home in one place oly: the summit of Mauna Kea
- Life history and captive rearing of the Wekiu bug (Nysius wekiuicola, Lygaeidae), an alpine carnivore endemic to the Mauna Kea volcano of Hawaii
- Life history and ecology of Plagithmysus bilineatus, an endemic Hawaiian borer associated with Ohia Lehua (Myrtaceae)
- Life history and economic status of the mongoose in Hawaii
- Life history variation in a temperate plant invader, Verbascum thapsus along a tropical elevational gradient in Hawaii
- Life history variation of common mullein (Verbascum thapsus) I. Latitudinal differences in population dynamics and timing of reproduction
- Life history variation of common mullein (Verbascum thapsus) II. Plant size, biomass partitioning and morphology
- Life history variation of common mullein (Verbascum thapsus) III. Differences among sequential cohorts
- Life history variation, population dynamics, and impact of the introduced weed, mullein (Verbascum thapsus) on the island of Hawaii
- Life history, reproductive biology, and conservation of the Mauna Kea silversword, Argyroxiphium sandwicense DC (asteraceae), an endangered plant of Hawaii
- Life in Mauna Kea’s alpine desert
- Life on Mauna Kea: the fascination of what's difficult
- Light attraction in endangered procellariiform birds: reduction by shielding upward radiation
- Light limits to benefit Mauna Kea
- Light management for landscape restoration: suppression of a model weedy light-demanding pioneer shrub, Ulex Europaeus on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Light plight - Council urged to saves skies for astronomers
- Limitations to seedling establishment in a mesic Hawaiian forest
- Limiting factors affecting Hawaiian native birds
- Linepithema humile (Mayr) Common name: Argentine ant
- Linking dominant Hawaiian tree species to understory development in recovering pastures via impacts on soils and litter
- List of birds of the Hawaiian islands
- Local wind circulation on the slopes of Mauna Loa
- Loihi - ‘dumb name’ for an island
- Long-term future is bright for Big Island: economist sees signs that bring a smile to his face
- Long-term persistence of Hawaii's endangered avifauna through conservation-reliant management
- Long-Term Population Monitoring: Lessons Learned From an Endangered Passerine in Hawaii
- Long-term population variability in the palila, an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper
- Long-term response of the mamane forest to feral herbivore management on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Long, Drawn-Out Contested Case over TMT Permit Enters Final Phase
- Looking at a shared sky, through the lens of art
- Looking for buried Mars-like ice in a Hawaiian volcano crater
- Losing the high ground: rapid transformation of tropical island alpine and subalpine environments
- "Lost luggage, bagged the prize", "Arizona loses a second plum to Hawaii; both are after a third", and "It'll take $200 million to build the new facility"
- Low Snow
- Lower Honokaa cave, Mauna Kea Volcano, Honokaa District, HI
- Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, history of telescopes and research page 4
- Lunar Results from Rangers 7 to 9
- Lunar Training Potential is Seen in Mauna Loa
- Lupin alkaloids from sophora chrysophylla
- Madness on Mauna Kea
- Magma-reservoir crystallization processes: small-scale dikes in cumulate grabbros, Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii
- Magmatic differentiation in Hawaii
- Magnetotelluric and audiomagnetotelluric groundwater survey along the Humuula portion of Saddle Road near and around the Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawaii
- Mail to the Following of Mauna Kea Article of Hawaii Business Magazine “Unsung Heroes” - (list is 10 pages including names and addresses)
- Major element fractionation during hydrolytic and sulfuric weathering on Mauna Kea Volcano: implications for weathering on Mars
- Major element, volatile, and stable isotope geochemistry of Hawaiian submarine tholeiitic glasses
- Mamane forest decline on Mauna Kea: a reality or myth
- Mamane: scientific therapy for asthma?
- Mamanine and pohakuline, two unpecedented quinolizidine alkaloids from sophora chrysophylla
- Man versus Mauna Kea
- Man who started it all revels as Hawaii bags big telescope
- Management plan - Mauna Kea Support Services
- Managing cultural resources in a multi-use area
- Maniniowali
- Manual of Hawaiian mosses
- Map of the University of Hawaii at Hilo
- Mapping alteration minerals exposed on the summit of Mauna Kea volcano using AVIRIS data: implications for mapping Mars mineralogy
- Mapping volcano topography with remote sensing: ASTER vs. SRTM
- Marie Catherine Neal
- Mars exploration may be key to cooperation, UH space scientists say
- Massive Ice Loss from the Mauna Loa Icecave, Hawaii
- Master index to the Early serial publications of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, the Volcano letter, and bibliographic references on Hawaiian volcanism, 1797-1955
- Master optician, Master Observer
- 'Masterpiece' observatory dedicated atop Mauna Kea
- "Matayoshi announces plan to guarantee $2.2 million loan for astronomy facility" and "Matayoshi supports loan for telescope facilities"
- "Matayoshi urges state to approve telescope" and "Noelani idea a 'surprise' to DOE"
- Mating asymmetry and the direction of evolution in the Hawaiian cricket genus Laupala
- "Maui Research Potential Described by 2 Experts", "Maui's deep water proximity worth $", and "A sunny future for Haleakala"
- Maui the fisherman
- Maui, Kauai, and five silverswords
- Maui's kite flying
- Mauna ikena newsletter of the University of Hawaii Telescopes on Mauna Kea
- Mauna Kea
- Mauna Kea
- Mauna Kea
- Mauna Kea
- Mauna Kea - an overview
- Mauna Kea - construction site or sacred land? A look at the long-lasting effects of the Hawaiian annexation
- Mauna Kea - ka piko kaulana o ka aina : Appendix A. A collection of oral history interviews documenting historical accounts and recollections of Mauna Kea and the mountain lands of Hamakua, Hilo and South Kohala, on the Island of Hawaii
- Mauna Kea - Ka piko kaulana o kaaina : the famous summit of the land
- Mauna Kea - Kuahiwi ku hao i ka Malie : a report on archival and historical documentary research : Ahupuaa of Humuula, Kaohe, districts of Hilo and Hamakua, Island of Hawaii
- Mauna Kea - The Mountain is one of astronomy’s finest sites
- Mauna Kea – Above it all, game preserve, forest reserve or window on the stars
- Mauna Kea – hunter’s paradise
- Mauna Kea – Temple under siege, a stunning new film of living history
- Mauna Kea : a guide to the upper slopes and observatories
- Mauna Kea : moratorium on further development
- Mauna Kea : pinnacle of the Pacific
- Mauna Kea (13, 825 feet), Hawaii Island
- Mauna Kea (I): Halfway to space
- Mauna Kea (I): Halfway to Space, Mauna Kea (II): Coming of Age
- Mauna Kea (II): coming of age
- Mauna Kea (Past, Present and Future)
- Mauna Kea a good place to observe glacier action
- Mauna Kea a special place
- Mauna Kea above the clouds
- Mauna Kea Adz Quarry, Mauna Kea Ice Age Natural Area Reserve, Hawaii
- Mauna Kea afar, Harbor of Hilo
- Mauna Kea Anaina Hou v. Board of Land and Natural Resources, 363 P.3d 224 (Haw. 2015)
- Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa silversword: alive and perpetuating
- Mauna Kea and the myth of multiple use endangered species and mountain management in Hawaii
- Mauna Kea ant survey
- Mauna Kea astronomers observe near-Earth visitation
- "Mauna Kea astronomers spy 'Smiley' and 'Karla'", "UH Hilo selected for NASA access", and "Planetary workshop"
- Mauna Kea backers lead race for biggest telescope
- Mauna Kea competing to be site of largest telescope on Earth
- Mauna Kea comprehensive management plan: UH management areas, Appendix A & B, draft
- Mauna Kea comprehensive management plan: UH management areas, Appendix A & B, final
- Mauna Kea comprehensive management plan: UH management areas, draft
- Mauna Kea comprehensive management plan: UH management areas, final
- Mauna Kea Conceptual Plan, 13,000 foot elevation to the summit of Mauna Kea, Mauna Kea Science Reserve, County of Hawaii, Hawaii.
- Mauna Kea decision near: Values clash over sacred, scientific site
- Mauna Kea Early Morning (painting)
- Mauna Kea ground-layer characterization campaign
- Mauna Kea here we come : the inside story of a scientific expedition
- Mauna Kea III: Metabolic Effects of Dietary Carbohydrate Supplementation During Exercise at 4100 M Altitude
- Mauna Kea in respect
- Mauna Kea lele
- Mauna Kea location ideal for telescopes
- Mauna Kea lunar telescope test set: first sightings through 'eye' slated tonight
- Mauna Kea mamane-naio forest
- Mauna Kea management plan wins conditional approval of Land Board
- Mauna Kea may get most powerful telescope
- Mauna Kea Moon Gazing Program to Start Tonight Atop Puu Poliahu
- Mauna Kea must stay top astronomy site
- Mauna Kea needs a new master plan
- Mauna Kea Observatories Summit tour and event schedules
- Mauna Kea Observatory
- Mauna Kea Observatory (brochure)
- Mauna Kea observatory access road project no. BMD-66-343
- Mauna Kea Observatory Access Road, Island of Hawaii, southern slope alignments.
- Mauna Kea Observatory consultant retained
- Mauna Kea offers the best view of universe
- Mauna Kea on the island of Hawaii
- Mauna Kea on the Island of Hawaii, State of Hawaii, U.S.A.
- Mauna Kea opens an eye that can see through space dust
- Mauna Kea or Maunakea?
- Mauna Kea part of huge telescope being dedicated: Astronomical eye stretches from the Caribbean to Hawaii
- Mauna Kea picked for observatory
- Mauna Kea plan addresses cultural, wildlife concerns
- Mauna Kea plan advisers selected: the seven-member panel will help dictate future development
- Mauna Kea plan balances science and culture
- Mauna Kea plan Ok'd, with limits: Regents say no more than three new telescopes can be erected on summit
- Mauna Kea Plan's defects mean long battles ahead
- Mauna Kea planning study : preliminary draft, July 23, 1975.
- Mauna Kea public tours announced
- Mauna Kea Recreation Area improvements draft environmental assessment TMK (3rd) 4-4-016:003 (por.) Hamakua District, Hawaii Island, State of Hawaii
- Mauna Kea road dedication
- Mauna Kea road to be dedicated: late Gov. Burns honored
- Mauna Kea said best bet for huge scope
- Mauna Kea Science Reserve complex development plan, Mauna Kea, Hamakua, Hawaii. 1983
- Mauna Kea Science Reserve complex development plan, Mauna Kea, Hamakua, Hawaii. 1983. Amended May 1987
- Mauna Kea Science Reserve complex development plan: draft environmental impact statement, Mauna Kea, Hamakua, Hawaii
- Mauna Kea Science Reserve complex development plan. Amendment March 1989
- Mauna Kea Science Reserve Ecological Resources Management Plan
- Mauna Kea Science Reserve master plan : Draft #2, May 10, 1999
- Mauna Kea Science Reserve Master Plan : Draft #3A, September 3, 1999.
- Mauna Kea Science Reserve Master Plan : Draft #4, November 1999.
- Mauna Kea Science Reserve Master Plan : draft environmental impact statement
- Mauna Kea Science Reserve Master Plan : final environmental impact statement
- Mauna Kea Science Reserve Master Plan : notice of preparation of draft environment impact statement
- Mauna Kea Science Reserve Master Plan, March 2000
- Mauna Kea Science Reserve Master Plan, Mauna Kea, Hamakua, Hawaii : environment impact statement notice of preparation
- Mauna Kea Science Reserve Master Plan. Adopted by the University of Hawaiʻi Board of Regents on June 16, 2000
- Mauna Kea Science Reserve: a cinematic tour
- "Mauna Kea seen in lead for one-of-a-kind telescope" and "Design work on Gemini telescope"
- Mauna Kea selected by Thirty Meter Telescope board
- Mauna Kea shows signs of ancient glacial scouring
- Mauna Kea Site of Astronomy's cutting edge
- Mauna Kea site survey
- Mauna Kea sky transparency from CFHT SkyProbe data
- Mauna Kea Space Projects Area Backed by Legislature
- Mauna Kea summit and south flank : field trip guidebook : 83rd Annual Cordilleran Section Meeting, Geological Society of America, May 20-22, 1987, University of Hawaii at Hilo
- Mauna Kea summit information
- Mauna Kea summit not being protected, some say
- Mauna Kea summit region survey : a summary of the 1984 fieldwork
- Mauna Kea summit road name proposed
- Mauna Kea summit to receive comprehensive planning - further telescope development won't occur without a comprehensive management plan to protect the summit's resources
- Mauna Kea summitry. Sacred temple or window on the universe - or both?
- Mauna Kea talking points
- "Mauna Kea telescope reaches far: Far-off galaxy seen in successful test of new Keck telescope" and "Mauna Kea telescope scores galactic coup"
- Mauna Kea telescope subleases panned by groups
- Mauna Kea telescope survey chilly job
- Mauna Kea telescope to expand University's role
- Mauna Kea telescope top astronomy center?
- Mauna Kea testimonies
- Mauna Kea turbulence statistics from the TMT MASS/DIMM and weather station at the 13 North site
- Mauna Kea under study as new observatory site
- Mauna Kea visitor info station sets special holiday schedule
- Mauna Kea watching other worlds
- Mauna Kea watershed management plan
- Mauna Kea wildland fire management plan
- Mauna Kea Will Get Key Role
- Mauna Kea wins world’s largest scope
- Mauna Kea workers laying down tracks toward the stars
- Mauna Kea, 15, 784 feet high, seen above Hilo Bay at sunset
- Mauna Kea, a guide to Hawaii's sacred mountain
- Mauna Kea, a unique and sacred resource threatened, October, 1998: position state of Ka Lahui Hawaii on the immediate need for an integrated cultural and natural resource management plan for Mauna Kea Summit. Submitted to Kenneth Mortimer, President, University of Hawaii and members of the Mauna Kea Advisory Committee, October 27, 1998. Ka Lahui, 1998.
- Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Mauna Kea, Hawaii, as an Analog Site for Future Planetary Resource Exploration: Results from the 2010 ILSO-ISRU Field-Testing Campaign
- Mauna Kea, HI (Native Hawaiians) - Science and religion at 14,000 feet
- Mauna Kea, Island of Hawaii
- Mauna Kea, ka piko kaulana o kaaina : Mauna Kea, the famous summit of the land
- Mauna Kea, the highest of Island peaks
- Mauna Kea, the white mountain of Hawaii
- Mauna Kea; from Wakea - Ancestor of the First People of This Land
- Mauna Kea: a look at 'birth of universe' - telescope twins to peer at time's start-up
- "Mauna Kea: An explorer's frontier" and "Observatories not universally welcomed"
- Mauna Kea: buried epistemologies
- "Mauna Kea: Enough damage" and "Keck astronomers discover distant galaxy"
- "Mauna Kea: Hawaiʻi's lofty science role" and "Federal science center planned for UH Hilo"
- Mauna Kea: Hawaii's tallest volcano
- Mauna Kea: Hoomana Hawaii and Protecting the Sacred
- Mauna Kea: Looking ahead
- Mauna Kea: No more telescopes
- Mauna Kea: past, present and future
- Mauna Kea: sacred land
- Mauna Kea: temple under siege
- Mauna Kea: the piko of the gods
- Mauna Kea: the world's tallest mountain
- Mauna Kea: two cultures and the Imiloa Astronomy Center
- Mauna Kea's glacier
- Mauna Kea's wekiu bug
- Mauna Kea’s ‘discoverer’ recognized after 16 years
- Mauna Kea’s astronomy anniversary
- Mauna Kea’s big view of the skies: inaugural glimpse is 11 days away
- Mauna Kea’s capital
- Mauna Kea’s glass giants are among world’s best
- Mauna Kea’s Home for Space-Age Telescopes
- Mauna Kea’s new step
- Mauna Kea’s window on the Universe
- Mauna Loa
- Mauna Loa insects
- Mauna Loa lava accumulation rates at the Hilo drill site: formation of lava deltas during a period of declining overall volcanic growth
- "Mauna Loa science site to be expanded: facility plans a vital role in monitoring ozone depletion" and "Mauna Kea road cleared of snow"
- Mauna Loa Seachlight to Brighten Isle Skies in Volcano Dust Study
- Mauna Loa suggested for lunar training, Big plans seen for observatory, NASA official informs Burns of proposal
- Mauna Loa’s Terrain Likened to Moon Landscape
- Maunakea
- Maunakea Huakaʻi, on Nov 24 and Dec 1, 2013 - reflections, Geography 102, 107, 122, UH Hilo and Hawaii Community College
- Maunakea invasive species management plan
- Maunakea, a mountain of unmatched amazement
- Maunakea’s open pit basalt mines : evaluation of archaeological Hochi-sponsored field trip
- Mayor talks telescope development
- Measurements of trace elements in basalts and their phenocrysts by laser probe microanalysis inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LPMA-ICP-MS)
- Measurements of water vapor D/H ratios from Mauna Kea, Hawaii, and implications for subtropical humidity dynamics
- Measuring the mountain: the United States exploring expedition to Mauna Loa, 1840-1841
- Media release - Garrison-Hawaii conducts Island of Hawaii data collection
- Medical aspects of cold weather operations: a handbook for medical officers
- Medical problems during acclimatization to high altitude
- Medical problems in high mountain environments: a handbook for medical officers
- Mega-scope's permit revoked
- Memo #28: measurement of wind at Mauna Kea site
- Memo to Board of Directors about Dr. Kuiper’s visit to Hawaii
- Memo to Community and Governmental Officials from Mr. Akiyama
- Memo to John A. Burns from Fujio Matsuda
- Memo to Members, Board of Directors, Hawaii Island Chamber of Commerce re Address given at Mauna Kea Station Dedication by Dr. Gerard Kuiper
- Memo to Shizuto Kadota from Mr. Akiyama
- Memo to University of Hawaii Hilo campus from Kaoru Noda
- Memorandum of a trip around Mauna Kea
- Memorandum on new opportunities for astronomical support of national space program
- Mercury on the mountain
- Meteorological conditions affecting observing quality on Mauna Kea
- Meteorological reports of the Mauna Kea Expedition, 1935 (I)
- Meteorological reports of the Mauna Kea Expedition, 1935 (II); the meteorological observations at Lake Waiau, August 8-19, 1935
- Meteorological reports of the Mauna Kea Expedition, 1935 (III); Climate of the Humuula Plateau
- Methods for measuring thermal conductivity of earth materials with application to anisotropy in basalt and heat flux through lake sediments
- Metrosideros dieback in Hawaii: a comparison of adjacent dieback and non-dieback rain forest stands
- Microbiology of an isolated alpine lake (Lake Waiau, Hawaii)
- Microsatellite analysis of a population crash and bottleneck in the Mauna Kea silversword, Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. Sandwicense (Asteraceae), and its implications for reintroduction
- Mighty Mauna Kea the past, present and future of a sacred volcano
- Military maneuvers : citizen groups and military skirmish over military expansion in Hawaii
- Military telescope on way to Hawaii: The peace dividend of the Cold War will help civilian space research
- Mineral chemistry of submarine lavas from Hilo Ridge, Hawaii: implications for magmatic processes within Hawaiian rift zones
- Mineral Mapping Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa Shield Volcanoes on Hawaiʻi using AVIRIS data and the USGS Tetracorder spectral identification system: Lessons applicable to the search for relict Martian hydrothermal systems
- Mineralogical petrography of Pacific lavas
- Mineralogy of sediments from Lake Waiau, Hawaii
- Mineralogy of three slightly palagonitized basaltic tephra samples from the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Minutes - University of Hawaii Board of Regents' meeting of January 20-21, 2005
- Mirror, dome, and natural seeing at CFHT
- Miscellaneous sports S-Z, skiing, snowboarding, strend
- Misleading Trend Analysis and Decline of Hawaiian Forest Birds
- Mitsuo Akiyama
- Mitsuo Akiyama: wind beneath Mauna Kea's flight to the stars
- Mixing of isotopic heterogeneities in the Mauna Kea plume conduit
- Modeling and dating glacier fluctuations and their relation to Pacific Ocean climate
- Modeling Lake Waiau: a study of stable isotope distribution and water chemistry. May 13, 2001, (student paper)
- Modeling optical turbulence and seeing over Mauna Kea
- Modeling the ecology of the wekiu bug's Mauna Kea environment
- Models of Hawaiian volcano growth and plume structure: Implications of results from the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project
- Moderating night radiative cooling reduces frost damage to Metrosideros polymorpha seedlings used for forest restoration in Hawaii
- Moku Loa Group news archives
- Molecular evolution, genetic diversity, and avian malaria in the Hawaiian honeycreepers
- Molecular genetic consequences of a population bottleneck associated with reintroduction of the Mauna Kea silversword (Argyoxiphium sandwicense ssp. Sandwicense (Asteraceae)
- Molecular genetic variation following a population crash in the endangered Mauna Kea silversword, Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. sandwicense (Aseraceae)
- Molecular sexing and sources of CHD1-Z/W sequence variation in Hawaiian birds
- Monitoring and projecting snow on Hawaii Island
- Monitoring Hawaiian biodiversity: changes to forest birds and their habitat
- Monitoring tropical alpine lake levels in a culturally sensitive environment utilizing 3D technological approaches
- Monograph of the Hawaiian Madiinae (Asteraceae) : Argyroxiphium, Dubautia, and Wilkesia
- Moon 'like' Mauna Loa
- Moon Expert Sees Boost in Isles’ Geophysics Role
- Moon Gazer Tests Site on Mauna Kea
- "Moon Like Big Isle craters" and "Moon's crater rims may be safer for landings"
- Moon photos show traces of lava flow
- Moon Shot is Right on Target
- Moon Surface Rough, But Landing Spot Could be Found, Kuiper says
- "Moon Surface Rough, But Landing Spot Could be Found, Kuiper Says" and "2 Foreign Space Scientists Here"
- More important role for Mauna Loa Observatory
- More light shed on the Mauna Kea controversy
- More money for Mauna Kea center: Inouye gets $8 million added to the $10.5 million that's already earmarked
- More telescopes for Mauna Kea
- More telescopes on Mauna Kea
- Morphological characteristics of the diatom flora of Lake Waiau: variation and speciation
- Morphometric similarities between Elysium Mons and Mauna Kea
- Mothers in Science are Versatile Women
- Mouflon sheep and Kau silversword
- Mouflon sheep and rare plants on the island of Hawaii, with an analysis of state ungulate management
- Mount Mauna Kea slopes from Hilo Bay, to the left and here invisible
- Mountain breathing revisited – the hyperventilation of a volcano cinder cone
- Mountain breathing: preliminary studies of air-land interaction on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Mountain evaporation profiles on the island of Hawaii
- Mountain management: the University of Hawaiʻi begins the process for updating its lease for land on the summit of Maunakea
- Mountain trails: the Ainapo and Mauna Loa
- Mountains of controversy: narrative and the making of contested landscapes in postwar American astronomy
- Movement patterns of Hawaiian petrels and Newell’s Shearwaters on the Island of Hawaii
- Movement patterns of the mongoose in Hawaii
- Mr. Douglas' voyage from the Columbia to the Sandwich Islands, and the ascent of Mouna Roa
- Mullein (Verbascum thapsus): the Spread and Adaptation of a Temperate Weed in the Montane Tropics
- Multicultural settler colonialism and indigenous struggle in Hawaii: the politics of astronomy on Mauna A Wakea
- Multiple glaciation of Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Museums and Planetariums: Bridging the Gap between Hawaiian Culture and Astronomy through Informal Education—A Case Study
- My Mauna Kea connection
- Mycorrhizal dependency of two Hawaiian endemic tree species: koa and mamane
- Na Mea O Mauna Kea (Things about Mauna Kea)
- Nakasone golfs, meets officials
- Naming of the Mauna Kea access road from Minutes of the Board of Regents on October 18, 1991
- Narrative of a journey across the Rocky Mountains, to the Columbia River, and a visit to the Sandwich Islands, Chili, & c., with a scientific appendix
- Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition (excerpts)
- "NASA 'Eye' to Hawaii" and "Moon study jeep road to be built, Gov. Burns says"
- NASA adviser stakes out Mauna Kea telescope site
- NASA faces legal challenge over Hawaiian telescope plan
- NASA Infrared Telescope Facility
- "NASA officials enthusiastic over Mauna Kea dome sightings" and "Scientists Hails Mauna Kea"
- NASA releases draft EIS for Mauna Kea project
- NASA to go ahead with new Mauna Kea scopes
- NASA to put 12-Inch 'Eye' on Hawaii
- NASA will do impact study on Mauna Kea
- National Astonomical Observatory, Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture
- National environmental policy act; Outrigger Telescopes project, Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- National Natural Landmarks status reports - Mauna Kea
- Native Hawaiian burials: a native's point of view
- Native Hawaiians' Beliefs, Practices Are Argued in TMT Contested Case
- Native tribes struggle to reclaim sacred sites
- Natural resources management plan for the UH management areas on Mauna Kea: a sub-plan of the Mauna Kea comprehensive management plan
- Natural resources management plan for the UH management areas on Mauna Kea: a sub-plan of the Mauna Kea comprehensive management plan, pre-final report, July 2009
- Natural selection of the major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) in Hawaiian honeycreepers (Drepanidinae)
- Nature and cause of compositional variation among the alkalic cap lavas of Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii
- Negative effects of an introduced bird species on growth and survival in a native bird community
- Negative thermal gradient under alpine lake in Hawaii
- Neighbors will give their all, even on isolated Mauna Kea
- Neither here nor there: a rites of passage site on the eastern fringes of the Mauna Kea Adze quarry, Hawaii
- Neogeoaeolian habitats on new lava flows on Hawaii Island: an ecosystem supported by windborne debris
- Nest and eggs of Heterorhynchus wilsoni roths
- Nest-site variability in the Akepa and other cavity nesting forest birds on the island of Hawaii
- Nesting behavior of palila, as assessed from video recordings
- Nesting behavior of the Poo-Uli
- Neurological disorders and travel
- Never Too Late for a College Education
- New approaches to quaternary geochronology: U-Th/He dating of basalt and stable isotope mapping of polar glaciers
- New director sees world-class astronomy institute
- New Galaxy - UH astronomer’s discovery makes ‘oldest’ even older
- New harness design for attachment of radio transmitters to small passerines
- New Hawaiian Orsillinae (Hemiptera-Heteroptera: Lygaeidae)
- New Hilo federal building eyed
- New K-Ar ages for calculating end-of-shield extrusion rates at West Maui volcano, Hawaiian island chain
- New mirror revolutionizing 'scopes
- New Observatory Director Hopes to Build Staff
- New Observatory Planned in Isles
- New Observatory started: Smithsonian submillimeter scope costs $40 million
- New records of arthropods from the Hawaiian Islands
- New records of nonindigenous Carabidae (Coleoptera) from the Big Island
- New Saddle Road is Carpenter goal
- New scopes give clearer view of origin of cosmos
- New signs of hope for Big Island economy
- New star over UH: astronomy (Program gets national rating)
- New study shows 'massive ice loss' in Mauna Loa ice cave
- New Telescope - photo of the W.M. Keck Telescope atop Mauna Kea
- New Telescope on Mauna Kea is postponed
- "New telescope will be built on Mauna Kea: Gemini's counterpart to be constructed in Chile" and "Mauna Kea to get new telescope"
- "New United Kingdom telescope reaches Hilo" and "UK to hold blessing rites"
- New wave of observations predicted
- New Years Card
- Newell Shearwater in the Kohala Mountains, Island of Hawaii
- Newest telescope in use on Big Isle
- Newly emergent and future threats of alien species to Pacific birds and ecosystems
- Newspaper article in Japanese
- NEXRAD may degrade Mauna Kea observatory
- Next Step: Action
- NGC 4051
- Niche separation in a pair of homosequential Drosophila species from the island of Hawaii
- Night Flight to the Stars
- Nitrogen trace gas emissions from soils spanning a 4.5 million year chronosequence in Hawaiian montane rainforest
- Non-Hawaii silversword alliance: systematics and evolution of the Madiinae, tarweeds to silverswords
- Non-native land vertebrates
- Nonindigenous ants at high elevations on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Note from Carl Gillespie
- Note on Loxioides bailleui Oust. from Hawaii
- Noted lava cave in Hawaii: tunnel made by overflow of molten rock discharged by Mount Mauna Kea
- Notes about a phone call with Mr. Akira Banchi
- Notes on collecting in Kona, Hawaii
- Notes on contact with "Weekly Post" magazine staff from October 30 to November 6, 1998
- Notes on further contact with NHK staff and Weekly Post staff from December 2, 1998 to January 29, 1999
- Notes on NHK experience from October 24 to November 1, 1998
- Notes on Sakae Tazaki and from January 11 to May 5, 1999
- Notes on Subaru Telescope office in Hilo from February 9 to July 28, 1999
- Notes on the 1916 eruption of Mauna Loa
- Notes on the ecology of the high altitude aeolian zone on Mauna Kea
- Notes on three species of anthocoridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from Hawaii, including the first record of buchananiella continua (white)
- Notes upon Hawaiian plants with descriptions of new species and varieties
- Notice of intent to decommission the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory
- Notice of intent to decommission University of Hawaii at Hilo Hoku Kea Telescope
- Notice of road closure Nov. 8, Sunday
- Notice of road closure November 5, Thurs.
- Notice of the volcanic character of the Islands of Hawaii, in a letter to the Editor, and of various facts connected with late observations of the christian Missionaries in that country, abstracted from a Journal of a Tour around Hawaii, the largest of the Sandwich Islands
- Notice to Contractors
- Notices of some of the volcanos and volcanic phenomena of Hawaii, (Owyhee,) and other islands in that group, in a letter from Mr. Joseph Goodrich, missionary, dated Nov. 17, 1832
- Novel alkaloids of Sophora chrysophylla
- Noxious plants of the Hawaiian ranges
- Numerical simulation of self-organized stone stripes
- Numerical Simulations of Airflow and Cloud Distributions over the Windward Side of the Island of Hawaii. Part I: The Effects of Trade Wind Inversion
- Numerical Simulations of Airflow and Cloud Distributions over the Windward Side of the Island of Hawaii. Part II: Nocturnal Flow Regime
- Numerical simulations of the Island-induced circulations over the Island of Hawaii during HaRP
- Nutrient limitation and metrosideros forest dieback in Hawaii
- Nutrient studies in relation to habitat types and canopy dieback in the montane rain forest ecosystem, island of Hawaii
- Nysius AA (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae), a new species of micropterous wekiu bug from the summit of Mauna Loa volcano, Hawaii
- Nysius wekiuicola
- Observations of Comet Ikeya-Seki (1965f) from Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Observations of Pueo nests on the slopes of Mauna Kea
- Observations on birds on the island of Hawaii
- Observations on the breeding of the palila Psittirostra bailleui of Hawaii
- Observations on the life history of the endangered Hawaiian vetch (Vicia menziesii) (Fabaceae) and its use by birds
- Observations on the nesting of the Hawaii Akepa
- Observatory chief hopes to build staff
- Observatory Gets Radio
- Observatory reports : Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii
- Observatory road, power line given Land Board OK
- "Observatory Talks to Begin Tomorrow", "120-inch Telescope $ Sought", and "Mauna Kea Telescope Pact Reached"
- Observed trends in temperature, inversion characteristics, and rainfall in Hawaii
- Observing Mauna Kea's conflict
- OCCL staff report on Conservation district use permit application HA-3586 Thirty Meter Telescope
- Occurrence of Psylla uncatoides on Acacia and Albizia, with notes on control
- Occurrence of silicified wood in Hawaii
- Oceans: Life on the lava flows
- October 16 program meeting to feature USGS wildlife biologist Paul Banko on "Progress in Palila conservation: restoration in a dry Hawaiian forest"
- Of gods and Martians' Earth's neighbor inspires us
- Of killer caterpillars and vampire bugs
- Office of Mauna Kea Management Earns Award
- Official names of cones on Mauna Kea
- Oh to gaze from telescope mountain
- OHA sues NASA, UH over Mauna Kea telescopes
- Ohia decline: the role of Phytophthora Cinnamomi, CPSU/UH Technical Report No.12
- Ohia dieback in Hawaii: vegetation changes in permanent plots
- Ohia forest decline : its spread and severity in Hawaii
- Ohia rain forest study : ecological investigations of the ohia dieback problem in Hawaii
- Ohia Rain Forest Study: Ecological Investigations of the Ohia Dieback Problems in Hawaii, Final Report
- Ohia rain forest study: third progress report
- Old growth volcanoes
- On a Mountain in Hawaii
- On Arctic peaks 'neath tropic skies
- On eve of election, an order to stop eradication
- On some of the birds of the Sandwich Islands
- On the brink: Hawaii's vanishing species
- On the cutting edge of extinction
- On the deflection of the plumb-line and variations of gravity in the Hawaiian Islands
- On the Dynamics of Hawaiian Cloud Bands: Comparison of Model Results with Observations and Island Climatology
- On the Dynamics of Hawaiian Cloud Bands: island forcing
- On the Dynamics of Hawaiian Cloud Bands. Part III: Local Aspects
- On the feasibility of a solar observatory in the Hawaiian islands
- On the summit of Mauna Loa
- On the trail of the uau : from the mountains to the sea, the endangered Hawaiian Petrel looms large in island lore
- "On top of old Mauna Kea-dispute goes on", "There are two sides to every mountain", and "Mauna Kea's thin air no place to hold party"
- On Top of the World: Hawaii's tallest mount is a monument to discovery
- One of the first letters sent out to leading universities about Mauna Kea
- Only forty feet deep: the summit lake at Mauna Kea
- Opeapea or Hawaiian Hoary Bat Lasiurus cinereus semotus
- Operating and site development agreement among the California Institute of Technology, the Regents of the University of California and the University of Hawaii concerning the design, construction and operation of the W. M. Keck observatory on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Operating and site development agreement between Associated Universities, INC./National Radio Astronomy Observatory and the University of Hawaii concerning the erection and operation of a Very Long Baseline Array antenna on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Operating and site development agreement between the California Institute of Technology and the University of Hawaii concerning the construction and operation of the Caltech Submillimeter Telescope Facility on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Operating and site development agreement between the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan and the University of Hawaii concerning the design, construction and operation of the 8-meter Japan National Large Telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Operating and site development agreement between the National Science Foundation and the University of Hawaii concerning the design, construction and operation of the Gemini 8-meter Telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Operating and site development agreement between the Science and Engineering Research Council and the University of Hawaii concerning the design, construction and operation of the 15-meter millimeter-wave telescope of the Science and Engineering Research Council on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Operating and site development agreement between the Smithsonian Institution for its Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the University of Hawaii concerning the design, construction and operation of the Smithsonian Submillimeter Array Telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Order barring Mauna Kea development prompts UH to draft management plan
- Organizational structure at the Mauna Kea Adze Quarry Complex, Hawaii
- Origin and depositional environment of clastic deposits in the Hilo drill hole, Hawaiʻi
- Origin of the coral reefs: a suggestion bearing on the question of the former mobility of the Earth's crust under the deep oceans
- Origin of the Hawaiian endemic mints within North American Stachys (Lamiaceae)
- Origins of astronomy in Hawaii
- Origins of Marslike spectral and magnetic properties of a Hawaiian palagonitic soil
- Orion KL
- Orographic Cloud over the Eastern Slopes of Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawaii, Related to Insolation and Wind
- Osmium-isotope variations in Hawaiian lavas: evidence for recycled oceanic lithosphere in the Hawaiian plume
- Our Hawaiian State of Affairs: Loihi-'dumb name' for an island
- Outline of the JNLT project
- Outrigger outlawyered
- Overlapping volcanoes: the origin of Hilo Ridge, Hawaii
- Oxygen isotope constraints on the sources of Hawaiian volcanism
- Oxygen isotope geochemistry of the second HSDP core
- Oxygen isotope ratios in olivine from the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project
- Oxygen isotopic ratios of quartz from wind-erosive soils of southwestern United States in relation to aerosol dust
- Paauhau civil defense cave on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, a lava tube modified by water erosion
- Pacific ant prevention plan
- Pacific island forests: successionally impoverished and now threatened to be overgrown by aliens?
- Pacificite, an anemousite basalt
- Paleomagnetic data from basaltic lava flows of the northeast rift zone of Mauna Loa volcano, Hawaii
- PALILA (Loxioides bailleui, formerly Psittirostra bailleui), an endangered species; Sierra Club, a non-profit corporation; National Audubon Society, a non-profit association; and Alan C. Ziegler, Plaintiffs, v. HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES; and Susumu Ono, in his capacity as chairman of the Hawaii Board of Land and Natural Resources, Defendants, and Sportsmen of Hawaii, Inc., Hawaii Island Archery Club, Hawaii Rifle Association, Gerald Kang, Kenneth Funai, John Wong and Irwin Kawano, Defendants/Intervenors. Civ. No. 78-0030
- Palila (Loxioides bailleui)
- Palila (Loxioides Bailleui) 5-year review summary and evaluation
- Palila (Loxioides bailleui) Fledgling Fed by Hawaii Amakihi (Hemignathus virens)
- Palila abundance estimates and trend
- Palila abundance estimates and trend
- Palila at Hale Pohaku
- Palila Loxioides bailleui
- Palila population estimate for 1997
- Palila recovery lags behind habitat restoration efforts
- Palila recovery plan
- Palila recovery plan
- Palila restoration project 1999 report, 1 January 1997 - 30 September 1999
- Palila restoration project 2000 report: summary of results, 1 October 1999 - 31 October 2000
- Palila restoration project 2001 report : summary of results 1996-2001
- Palila restoration project final report: 1 January 1997 - 31 December 1998
- Palila restoration research, 1996-2012
- Palila restoration research, 1996-2012: summary and management implications
- Palila restoration: developing techniques for palila restoration
- Palila restoration: exploring methodologies for the reintroduction of an endangered Hawaiian finch
- Palila Restoration: Lessons from Long-term Research
- Palila restoration: roost site selection and behavior of a Hawaiian finch
- Palila restoration: scientific bases for mitigation plan, December 16, 1998
- Palila restoration: time allocation of nesting palila: a video study
- Palila revisited
- Palila triumphs in court
- Palila v. Department of Land & Natural Resources - an update
- Palila v. Department of Land and Natural Resources: “taking” under Section Nine of the Endangered Species Act of 1973
- Palila v. Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources: State governments fall prey to the Endangered Species Act of 1973
- Palila versus N.R.A.
- Palila, people, and politics: perfect facts, law, and lawsuits with imperfect results
- Palomar observatory view worsening due to city lights
- Pan-STARRS Project Management System, Notice to Bidders/Offerors, RFP131013: A Design Study of a Common Enclosure on Mauna Kea to House the Four-Telescope Array Comprising the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS).
- "Panel OKs UH Hilo astronomy program" and "Great for UH Hilo"
- Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). TMK 4-4-15:09, Summit of Mauna Kea, Island of Hawaii. Environmental Impact Statement Preparation Notice [draft]
- Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS). TMK 4-4-15:09, Summit of Mauna Kea, Island of Hawaii. Environmental Impact Statement Preparation Notice [Final]
- Parasite communities in wet and dry forest subpopulations of the Hawaii common amakihi
- Parasites and conservation of Hawaiian birds
- Parasites of the Hawaii Amakihi (Loxops virens virens)
- Parasitism of Cydia spp. (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae) on Sophora chrysophylla (Fabaceae) along an elevation gradient of dry subalpine forest on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Part 1. Environmental impact statement for power to summit, Mauna Kea Observatory, Kaohe, Hawaii, D.A.G.S. Job No. 01-31-1148.2, by the Division of Public Works, Dept. of Accounting and General Services. Revised
- Part 2 : Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Mauna Kea Observatory Mid-Elevation Facility
- Part of Andromeda Galaxy (M31)
- Passerine bird trends at Hakalau forest national wildlife refuge, Hawaiʻi, technical report HCSU-011
- "Password to Moon is Maneuverability" and "Moon photos to be discussed"
- Pathogenicity of avian malaria in experimentally-infected Hawaii amakihi
- Pathway to the stars: the narrow road up Mauna Kea leads to the deep sky
- Patterns and prediction of European weed invasions along a tropical to alpine environmental gradient in Hawaii, research project
- Patterns in the distribution and abundance of the palila on Mauna Kea
- Patterns of land snail distribution in a montane habitat on the island of Hawaii
- PBS special tells the story of observatories on top of Mauna Kea
- Peak experiences
- Pekin nightingale on mountain top
- Pele and the deluge
- Pele and the Holua-racers
- Pele and the snow goddess of Molokai
- Pele's fiery river flows flaming on
- People of Mauna Kea
- People of Mauna Kea (2009)
- People of Mauna Kea: Ron Koehler
- Performance of regolith feed systems for analog field tests of In-Situ Resource Utilization oxygen production plants in Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Permafrost and climatology of a Hawaii volcano crater
- Permafrost enabling microclimates in craters on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Persistence of full glacial conditions in the central Pacific until 15,000 years ago
- Petition to list the Wekiu bug (Nysius Wekiuicola) as a federally endangered species
- Petition to list the Wekiu bug (Nysius Wekiuicola) as an endangered species with critical habitat designation. Submitted to the United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, by KAHEA: the Hawaiian Environmental Alliance, May 22, 2003
- Petrogenesis of high-CaO lavas from Mauna Kea, Hawaii: Constraints from trace element abundances
- Petrogenesis of ultramafic xenoliths from the 1800 Kaupulehu flow, Hualalai Volcano, Hawaii
- Petrography and olivine and glass chemistry of lavas from the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project
- Petrography and petrology of the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project lavas: inferences from olivine phenocryst abundances and compositions
- Petrography of the Island of Hawaii. A study of representative samples of rock types from every volcano on Hawaii by thin sections, mineral grains, and hand specimens
- Petrology and geochemistry of mafic and ultramafic xenoliths from the southern flank of Mauna Kea volcano, Hawaii
- Petrology and thermal structure of the Hawaiian plume from Mauna Kea volcano
- Petrology of gabbroic xenoliths from Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii
- Petrology of gabbroic xenoliths from the summit cone of Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii
- Petrology of the Hawaiian Islands; IV. The formation of aa and pahoehoe
- Petrology of the Hawaiian Islands; I. Kohala and Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Petrology of the Hawaiian Islands; III. Kilauea and general petrology of Hawaii
- PG1115+080 (Gravitational Lens)
- Pharmacological control of altitude sickness
- Phase I environmental site assessment report for 24" telescope Hoku Kea Observatory, TMK (3)4-4-015:009 (por.) Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Hamakua, Island of Hawaii
- Phenology and growth of Hawaiian plants, a preliminary report
- Phenology of Acacia Koa on Mauna Loa, Hawaii
- "Photo altered, UH scientist says" and "Precious cargo"
- Photo of Mauna Kea Station, 8x10 inches
- Photocopies of Mauna Kea station pictures, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory (University of Arizona)
- Photograph of model for the Advance Projects Research Agency
- Photographs of artifacts recovered during archaeological inventory of the Mauna Kea Science Reserve, 2006-2009
- Photographs of Gerard Kuiper, Helene Hale, and Governor Burns at the Mauna Kea dedication ceremony July 1964
- Photopigment basis for dichromatic color vision in cows, goats, and sheep
- Photos of Dedication of Mauna Kea Station
- Photos of the 12.5-foot aluminum dome and the telescope being built
- Photosynthesis and Freezing Avoidance in Ohia (Metrosideros polymorpha) at Treeline in Hawaii
- Photosynthetic gas exchange and temperature-induced damage in seedlings of the tropical alpine species Argyroxiphium sandwicense
- Phyllosilicate-poor palagonitic dust from Mauna Kea Volcano (Hawaii): A mineralogical analogue for magnetic Martian dust?
- Physical factors controlling the formation of patterned ground on Haleakala, Maui
- Physiochemical influences on phytoplankton production in a tropical alpine lake
- Physiography of the Hawaiian archipelago (partial)
- Physiography: the Mauna Kea dome
- Physiological and morphological variation in metrosideros polymorpha, a dominant Hawaiian tree species, along an altitudinal gradient: the role of phenotypic plasticity
- Phytophthora cinnamomi: its distribution and possible role in ohia decline on the island of Hawaii
- Pictorial key of the ants of Hawaii based on the worker forms
- Picture of Beauty (snow capped Mauna Kea view from Hilo Bay)
- Pittman-Robertson Annual Performance Report Game Management Program - FY06
- Pittman-Robertson Annual Performance Report Nongame Management Program - FY06
- Place names of Hawaii. Revised and expanded edition
- Places in the past : Hawaiian archaeological sites
- Plagioclase of Hawaiian tholeiitic and alkalic magma parentages: disctinctions based on REE, Sr, Hf, and Ta
- Planet orbits distant star
- Planetary Portraits
- "Planetary Scientists Will Meet" and "Big 'tack' may study a comet"
- Plant communities of Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawaii
- Plant ecotypes: genetic differentiation in the age of ecological restoration
- Plant molds in Hawaiian basalts: was Oahu a desert, and why?
- Plant-pollinator interactions in Hawaii: Pollination energetics of Metrosideros Collina (Myrtaceae)
- Play fairway analysis of geothermal resources across the state of Hawaii: 1. Geological, geophysical, and geochemical datasets
- Play fairway analysis of geothermal resources across the state of Hawaii: 2. Resource probability mapping
- Play fairway analysis of geothermal resources across the state of Hawaii: 3. Use of development viability criterion to prioritize future exploration targets
- Pleistocene glaciation and the coral reef problem
- Pleistocene snowlines and glaciation of the Hawaiian Islands
- Pleistocene subglacial eruptions on Mauna Kea
- Pluto the tiniest planet putting on a show for UH astronomer
- Plutonic xenoliths reveal the timing of magma evolution at Hualalai and Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Pohakuloa training area : understanding its natural and cultural resources
- Pohakuloa Training Area standing operating procedures
- Poliahu : snow goddess of Mauna Kea
- Poliahu and Pele: legend as information science
- Poliahu, snow goddess of Mauna Kea
- "Police: 3 die of smoke inhalation in observatory fire", "Fire safety on Mauna Kea", and "Work on telescope still stalled"
- Pollination energetics and foraging strategies in a Metrosideros-honeycreeper association
- Pollinators in high-elevation ecosystems: relative effectiveness of birds and bees
- Polynesian rat predation on nesting Laysan Albatrosses and other Pacific seabirds
- Polynesian stone remains
- Popoki and Hawaii’s native birds
- Population estimates of the endangered Hawaii Akepa (Loxops coccineus) in different habitats on windward Mauna Loa
- Population structure and survival of Palila
- Population structure in the endangered Mauna Loa silversword, Argyroxiphium kauense (Asteracear), and its bearing on reintroduction
- Population Trends of Forest Birds at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge, Hawaii
- Population trends of native Hawaiian forest birds, 1976-2008: the data and statistical analyses
- Possible breeding colonies of Manx Shearwater on the Island of Hawaiʻi
- Possible geologic factors influencing the distribution of the wekiu bug on Mauna Kea, Hawaii : Final report, June 2006
- Postcard to Mrs. Chito Akiyama from Lucy Kuiper (Dr. Kuiper's daughter) October 30, 1970
- Potential habitats on Mauna Kea summit science reserve: task 3 - An arthropod assessment within selected areas of the Mauna Kea science reserve, 30 September 1997
- Potential impact of mammalian nest predators on endemic forest birds of western Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Potential impact of mammalian nest predators on Mamane-Naio woodland birds of Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Potential significance of frost, topographic relief, and acacia koa stands to restoration of mesic Hawaiian forests on abandoned rangeland
- Potential use of oxygen enrighment of room air in mountain resorts
- "Powerful new telescope unveiled" and "Keck II joins sister scope atop Mauna Kea summit"
- Pre-assessment consultation and scoping on draft EIS for decommissioning of the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory on Maunakea
- Precarious Performances: The Thirty Meter Telescope and Settler State Policing of Kanaka Maoli
- Predator-proof fencing for invasive species control in Hawaii: a comprehensive prioritization and implementation plan to protect native species
- Prediction of barometric pressures at high altitudes with the use of model atmospheres
- Prehistoric bird hunters: high altitude resource exploitation on Hawaii Island
- Prehistoric distribution of stone adzes on Hawaii Island: implications for the development of Hawaiian chiefdoms
- Prehistoric extinctions of Pacific Island birds: biodiversity meets zooarchaeology
- Prehistoric production, distribution, and use of stone adzes : implications for the development of Hawaiian chiefdoms
- Prehistoric settlement in the upland portions of the island of Hawaii
- Prehistoric upland bird hunters : archaeological inventory survey and testing for the MPRC project area and the Bobcat Trail Road, Pohakuloa Training Area, Island of Hawaii
- Preliminary archaeological survey of the Puu Kalepeamoa site, Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Preliminary determinations of geomagnetic field intensity for the last 400 kyr from the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project core, Big Island, Hawaii
- Preliminary draft report: a cultural resource management plan for the University of Hawaii management areas on Mauna Kea, Kaohe Ahupuaa, Hamakua District, Island of Hawaii, TMK: (3) 4-4-015:09, 12. A sub-plan for the Mauna Kea Comprehensive Management Plan
- Preliminary ecological survey of the island of Hawaii
- Preliminary field report: the geochemistry of the Kookoolau Complex, Mauna Kea adze quarry (50-10-23-4136), TMK: 4-4-15:10
- Preliminary geologic map of the Puu Anahulu quadrangle, Hawaii
- Preliminary geotechnical services, U.C. Ten-Meter Telescope, Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Preliminary investigations on insects affecting the reproductive stage of the silversword (Argyroxiphium Sandwicense DC) Compositae, Haleakala Crater, Maui, Hawaii
- Preliminary report of work on an arthropod assessment within selected areas of the Mauna Kea science reserve, Part 1: reconnaissance and development of the trapping protocol
- Preliminary report of work on an arthropod assessment within selected areas of the Mauna Kea science reserve, Part 2: Wekiu bug activity determined by pitfall trapping within selected areas of the Mauna Kea science reserve during 1997
- Preliminary report on the water resources of Kohala Mountain and Mauna Kea. Circular C14.
- Preliminary report on the water resources of the Hilo-Puna area, Hawaii
- Preliminary report on the wekiu bug activity determined by pitfall trapping within selected areas of the Mauna Kea science reserve during 1997
- Preliminary report on the Wekiu bug activity determined by pitfall trapping within selected areas of the Mauna Kea science reserve during August 1997, Population inventory methodology and sampling protocol
- Premiere screening of the documentary special “Mauna Kea - On the verge of other worlds” March 8, 1989
- Prince Philip will participate in wildlife symposium here
- Prince unveils Mauna Kea scope
- Problems with the long-term maintenance of mamane (sophora chrysophylla) in the central crater area of the Haleakala National Park
- Prodromus of the fossil avifauna of the Hawaiian Islands
- Profile of a Princess: Princess Sayako reflects changes tradition-bound Japan is making
- Program summary and research development plan for the Mauna Kea Science Reserve and related facilities
- Progress at Mauna Kea Observatory
- Progress Report. Project No. EW-1-7, Segment 3. Endangered Species Restoration and Captive Propagation. Endangered Forest Bird Habitat Protection, Restoration and Management. Endangered Forest Bird Habitat Protection, Restoration and Management, Ungulate and Predator Control in Palila Habitat on Mauna Kea
- Project description and environmental review, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Submillimeter Array Telescope, Mauna Kea, Hamakua Hawaii.
- Project description and environmental review: GTE Hawaiian telephone company fiber optic cable project, Pohakuloa to Hale Pohaku link, Mauna Kea, Hamakua Hawaii
- Project description: Gemini 8-meter telescopes project
- Project description: Japan National Large Telescope (JNLT), Mauna Kea, Hamakua, Hawaii, January 1991
- Propagation protocol for endangered Mauna Loa silversword, Argyroxiphium kauense (Asteraceae)
- Proposal for the extension of Puu Makaala Natural Area Reserve
- Proposal to furnish and deliver An arthropod assessment within selected areas of the Mauna Kea science reserve
- Proposal to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for the Construction of a 84-inch Telescope, Coude Spectrograph, and Associated Equipment for Lunar, Planetary, and Stellar Observations in the Hawaiian Islands
- Proposal to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for the Design, Construction, and Installation of a 60-inch Telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii in Collaboration with the University and the State of Hawaii
- Proposed determination of critical habitat for the palila (50 Code of Federal Regulations Part 17)
- Proposed findings of fact, conclusions of law and decision and order
- Proposed spaceport worries astronomers
- Protecting traditional cultural properties through the Section 106 process
- Protection of Hawaii's observatories from light pollution
- Protectors of the future, not protestors of the past: indigenous Pacific activism and Mauna a Wakea
- Psylla uncatoides (Ferris & Klyver)
- PTA biological opinions (on the proposed 25th Infantry Division Field Training Exercise)
- PTA's ecosystem management program
- Public access plan for the UH management areas on Mauna Kea: a sub-plan of the Mauna Kea comprehensive management plan
- Public access plan for the UH management areas on Mauna Kea: a sub-plan of the Mauna Kea comprehensive management plan, pre-final draft November 2009
- Public hearing scheduled for the Mauna Kea Plan
- Punia and the sharks
- Push astronomy, Big Island urged
- Puu Kalepeamoa Site (50-Ha-G28-087) - Hawaiian Archaeological Survey (HAS) data
- Puu Poliahu, Mauna Kea: A Possible Analog for the Hematite Bearing Layer Located in Gale Crater, Mars
- Puu Waawaa biological assessment, Puu Waawaa, North Kona, Hawaii
- Puu Waawaa biological assessment, Puu Waawaa, North Kona, Hawaii
- "Quake rattles Mauna Kea" and "Mauna Kea pioneer remembered"
- Quantification of plumage coloration of a Hawaiian honeycreeper (Hemignathus virens virens) along gradients of biogeography: does variation exist between sub-populations on the Island of Hawaii?
- Quaternary stratigraphy and chronology of Mauna Kea, Hawaii: A 380,000-yr record of mid-Pacific volcanism and ice-cap glaciation
- Quaternary stratigraphy and chronology of Mauna Kea, Hawaii: a 380,000-yr record of mid-Pacific volcanism and ice-cap glaciation: Summary
- Question: Should wild sheep be allowed to roam free on Mauna Kea?
- Radar study of seabirds and bats on windward Hawaii
- Radio telescope planned for summit
- Radiocarbon dates for lava flows from northeast rift zone of Mauna Loa volcano, Hilo 7 1/2' quadrangle, Island of Hawaii
- Radiocarbon dates from the Hawaiian Islands - a compilation
- Radium in rocks: III. The radium content of Hawaiian lavas
- Raindrop size-distribution in Hawaiian rains
- Range, habitat, and ecology of the wekiu bug (Nysius Wekiuicola), a rare insect species unique to Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island, Final report
- "Ranger 6 off to the Moon" and "Ranger probe slated to hit Moon Sunday"
- "Ranger 6 on collision course with the Moon" and "Moon Probe congratulations mix with disappointment"
- Ranger Moon Shot is Off Indefinitely
- Rapid decline of Lake Waiau continues
- Rapid helium isotopic variability in Mauna Kea shield lavas from the Hawaiian Scientific Drilling Project
- Rapid ohia death (Ceratocystis wilt of ohia)
- Rare and endangered species of Hawaiian vascular plants
- Rare earth elements in soils from selected areas of the island of Hawaii
- "Rare insect won’t halt telescope construction" and "UH, other scientists report two astronomical discoveries"
- Rare plants of Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawaii
- Raw sewage and solid waste dumps in lava tube caves of Hawaii Island
- Re-analysis of ground-based microwave ClO measurements from Mauna Kea, 1992 to early 2012
- Re: proposed Mauna Kea Management Plan, April 11, 2008 hearing and comments
- RE: Request for comments on the Mauna Kea comprehensive management plan
- RE: Request for comments on the Mauna Kea comprehensive management plan: UH management areas - Draft environmental assessment
- Reaching for the Stars
- Reaching for the stars: astronomy's lifting impact on Hawaii
- Reaching for the stars: international dignitaries including Japan's Princess Sayako flock to summit of Mauna Kea to dedicate the $300 million Subaru Telescope.
- Real winter in the tropics
- Reasons why the palila, a Hawaiian honeycreeper, is rare and endangered: analysis of a breeding biology
- Recent exploration of the volcanic phenomena of the Hawaiian Islands; from a letter to J.D. Dana, dated Washington, D.C., Feb. 8, 1883
- Recent observations of Akepa and other endangered forest birds in Central Kona, Hawaii Island
- Recent records of some Hawaiian honeycreepers
- Recent records of the uau (dark-rumped petrel) and the ao (Newell’s shearwater) in Hawaii
- Recent surveys indicate rapid decline of palila population
- Record for Mauna Loa climb
- Record of decision (ROD) for the Outrigger Telescopes Project : Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Island of Hawaii
- Records and maps of forest types in Hawaii
- Records of mummified leiothrix from the summits of Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea
- Records of nests, eggs, nestlings, and cavity nesting of endemic passerine birds in Hawaii
- Records of the Hawaii biological survey for 2001-2002, part 2: notes
- Recovery expenditures for birds listed under the US Endangered Species Act: the disparity between mainland and Hawaiian taxa
- Recovery of goat-damaged vegetation in an insular tropical montane forest
- Recovery plan for multi-island plants
- Recovery plan for the Hawaiian hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus semotus)
- Recovery plan for the Kau silversword (Argyroxiphium kauense)
- Recovery plan for the Mauna Kea Silversword (Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. sandwicense)
- Rediscovery of the nesting of the dark-rumped petrel in the Hawaiian Islands
- Redox variations in Mauna Kea lavas, the oxygen fugacity of the Hawaiian plume, and the role of volcanic gases in Earth’s oxygenation
- Reducing feral cat threats to native wildlife in Hawaii, Technical report HCSU-010
- Reference to and incorporation of Mauna Kea, historical research and oral history interviews in planning documents (KPA REPORT HiMK21-020199)
- Regeneration of mamane: effects of seedcoat treatment and sowing depth
- Regeneration of the Mauna Kea silversword Argyroxiphium sandwicense (Asteraceae) in Hawaii
- Regents endorse draft proposal for Mauna Kea: UH President says plan respects sacredness of mountain
- Regional seabird conservation plan, Pacific Region
- Reinitiation of formal section 7 consultation for additional species and new training actions at Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawaii
- Reintroducing Hawaii's silverswords
- Relationship of canopy arthropod prey to distribution and life history of the Hawaii akepa
- Relationships between rainfall, cloud-water interception, and canopy throughfall in a Hawaiian montane forest
- Relocation of seismicity preceding the 1984 eruption of Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawaii: Delineation of a possible failed rift
- Remarks on the flora of the high Hawaiian volcanoes
- Remarks on the geological features of the Island of Owyhee or Hawaii, the largest of the group called the Sandwich Islands, with an account of the condition of the Volcano of Kirauea, situated in the Southern part of the Island near the foot of Mouna Roa
- Remote mapping of the cliffs and slopes of the Waikahalulu gulch for seep and spring detection in the Mauna Kea Science Reserve and the Mauna Kea Ice Age Natural Area Reserve, August 10-16, 2001. Trip report
- Remote sensing techniques for classifying the habitat of an endangered bird species on Mauna Kea
- Removal of Mauna Kea's first telescope marks end of era, UH Hilo press release
- Renegotiated operating and site development agreement among the California Institute of Technology, the Regents of the University of California and the University of Hawaii concerning the design, construction and operation of the W. M. Keck observatory on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- "Reorganization plan wins approval from university regents" and "CIP funds released for Isle"
- Replacement of Metrosideros polymorpha, Ohia, in Hawaiian dry forest succession
- Report for OMKM detailing the UH trapping effort for Wekiu Bugs from 2007 to 2009
- Report for the ecosystem management program, Pohakuloa Training Area, Island of Hawaii July 2003 to December 2005
- Report from Mitsuo Akiyama December 1999
- Report of activities: 2003 field season on Mauna Kea
- Report of experimental forest planting at high altitudes of Maui and Hawaii
- Report of the Hui Hoolohe (EnVision Maunakea report)
- Report on Ground Noise Level on Mauna Kea
- Report on Mauna Kea (United States)
- Report on the discovery of ancient glaciation on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Report to the Twentieth Legislature, regular session of 1999: concerning progress made on implementing the auditor's recommendations of the management of Mauna Kea & the Mauna Kea Science Reserve
- Report to the Twenty-Fifth Legislature 2009 regular session, Final report Aha Kiole Advisory Committee, best practices and specific structure for the cultural management of natural resources in Hawaii
- Report: endangered avian species survey for phase one of GTE Hawaiian Tel's Mauna Kea fiber project, District of North Hilo, Island of Hawaii, Hawaii
- Reproduction of Acacia koa after fire
- Reproductive plasticity of Vespula pensylvanica (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) on Maui and Hawaii Islands, USA
- Rescue in a Hawaiian blizzard
- Researchers theorizes life on Mars may be possible
- Resource use, competition, and resource availability in Hawaiian honeycreepers
- Response from Keck director - Letters to the editor
- Response of Metrosideros Polymorpha seedlings to experimental canopy opening
- Response of palila and other subalpine Hawaiian forest bird species to prolonged drought and habitat degradation by feral ungulates
- Response of six species of Hawaiian forest birds to a 1991-1992 El Nino drought
- Response to HCR 314, regular session of 2006, report on long-term development of observatory sites on the summit of Mauna Kea
- Responses of native and invasive plant species to selective logging in an Acacia koa-Metrosideros polymorpha forest in Hawaii
- Restoration techniques for Hawaiian forest birds: collection of eggs, artificial incubation and hand-rearing of chicks, and release to the wild
- Restoring critical habitat for Hawaii's endangered palila by reducing ungulate populations
- Restoring Mauna Kea's crown jewel
- Restoring palila on the Big Island
- Results from a survey on managing access to the Mauna Kea scientific reserve
- Results of 2004 Wekiu bug (Nysius Wekiuicola) surveys on Mauna Kea, Hawaii island: Final report
- Results of 2005 Wekiu bug (Nysius Wekiuicola) surveys on Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island. Final report
- Results of a preliminary Wekiu bug survey along HELCO power line conduit lines near Mauna Kea Ice Age Natural Area Reserve (Mauna Kea, Hawaii): July 13-15, 2011
- Results of Subaru Telescope First Light (in English and Japanese)
- Results of the 2006 Wekiu bug (Nysius wekiuicola) surveys on Mauna Kea, Hawaii island: final report
- Results of the 2007-2008 alien species and wekiu bug (Nysius Wekiuicola) surveys on the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island, final report
- Results of the 2009 alien species and Wekiu bug (Nysius Wekiuicola) surveys on the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island. Final report.
- Results of the 2010 alien species and Wekiu bug (Nysius Wekiuicola) surveys on the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island. Final report
- Results of the 2011 alien species and Wekiu bug (Nysius Wekiuicola) surveys on the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island. Final report
- Results of the 2012 alien species and Wekiu bug (Nysius Wekiuicola) surveys on the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii Island. Final report
- Results of the Thirty Meter Telescope proposed site evaluation for the Wekiu bug (Nysius wekiuicola): Fall 2008
- Reversion to virulence and efficacy of an attenuated canarypox vaccine in Hawaii Amakihi (Hemignathus virens)
- Revised environmental impact statement for Hale Pohaku : mid-elevation facilities master plan, Hamakua, Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Revised list of Hawaiian ants
- Revised management plan for the UH Management areas on Mauna Kea, Hamakua, Hawaii
- Revised recovery plan for Hawaiian forest birds
- Revision of Haplostachys, Phyllostegia, and Stenogyne, no. 136
- Revision of Tetramolopium Lipochaeta, Dubautia and Railliardia, no. 135
- Ride to top of Mauna Kea: club formed to erect a monument on the summit
- Riding to the summit of Mauna Kea
- Ring structures at Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Rising Star? Experts say UH could lead in astronomy research
- Rival giant telescopes join to seek U.S. funding
- Road concept benefits all
- Road to Puu Laau, 2008 January
- Roadguide to points of geologic interest in the lower east rift zone of Kilauea Volcano, Puna District, Hawaii
- Roadside plant communities on Mauna Loa, Hawaii
- Rock coatings in Hawaii
- Rock varnish on Hualalai and Mauna Kea volcanoes, Hawaii
- Rocks of the Galapagos Islands
- Roger Peterson's bird's-eye view (reprinted from Audubon magazine, November-December, 1960) Rediscovery of Kauai
- Role of food depletion by foreign organisms in the historical decline of Hawaiian forest birds
- Roof rat depredations on Hibiscadelphus (Malvaceae) trees
- Room oxygen enrichment improves sleep and subsequent day-time performance at high altitude
- Root rot of ohia (Metrosideros collina subsp. polymorpha) caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi
- Rough Notes of a trip to Kawaihae and Waimea on the Island of Hawaii, embracing a sketch of their general appearance, and their adaptation for agricultural purposes considered
- Ruhnke New Director at Mauna Loa
- Sacred summits, summit ecosystems, sacred landscape, timeline of events, legal protections, resources and documents
- Saddle road project: assessment of the impacts on invertebrates (land snails, insects and other arthropods)
- Saddle Road to close
- Saddle sojourn, Saddle Road, Big Island
- Sandalwood or iliahi, p. 142-148; mamani, p. 179-184; silversword or greensword, p. 306-312
- Sandwich Islands Interlude
- Sap-feeding behavior and tree selection in the endangered akiapolaau (Hemignathus Munroi) in Hawaii
- Satellite monitoring of dramatic changes at Hawaii's only alpine lake - Lake Waiau on Mauna Kea Volcano
- Savannas on the island of Hawaii
- Scales of food availability for an endangered insectivore, the Hawaii Akepa
- Scales of habitat selection by foraging elepaio in undisturbed and human-altered forests in Hawaii
- Scaling the great peaks of Hawaii Isle
- Scenes and scenery in the Sandwich Islands and a trip through Central America: being observations from my note-book during the years 1837-1842
- Science and sensitivity: a geochemical characterization of the Mauna Kea adze quarry complex, Hawaii island, Hawaii
- Science, culture clash over sacred mountain
- Science, politics face top astronomer: new leader of Institute for Astronomy revels on being on the cutting edge
- Scientific drilling in Hawaii: physics and chemistry of plume - lithosphere interactions
- Scientific expedition to Mauna Kea - A week on the summit
- Scientists Aim New $4.5 Million Telescope at the Birthplaces of Stars and Galaxies
- Scientists and U.S. Army cooperating conquer Mauna Kea
- Scientists dedicate 'super scope' on Mauna Kea
- Scientists get a home on Mauna Kea
- Scientists on trail of space's largest 'black hole'
- "Scientists probe failure of cameras on ranger 6" and "Ranger 6 zeroes in on Moon; Due to hit at 11:24 tonight"
- "Scope wars: It’s Mauna Kea vs. Chile for the world’s largest telescope" and "Woman astronomer says she is impressed with site"
- Scrapyard: a new telescope on Mauna Kea?
- Seasonal abundances of the mamane moth, its nuclear polyhedrosis virus, and its parasites
- See us ski
- Seed chemistry of Sophora chrysophylla (mamane) in relation to diet of specialist avian seed predator Loxiodes bailleui (palila) in Hawaii
- Seed dispersal methods in Hawaiian Metrosideros
- Seeing the stars: Visitors find summit heavenly and Mauna Kea's tours a window to the Universe
- Seeking common ground
- Seeking first light
- Seismic hazard: analysis and design of large ground based telescopes
- Seismic refraction study of the internal structure of a volcanic cinder cone
- Seismometric data
- Seismometric investigation of the Hawaiian lava column
- Selections from Fornander's Hawaiian antiquities and folk-lore
- Self-incompatibility in the Hawaiian Madiinae (Compositae): An exception to Baker’s Rule
- Semi-tropic snow
- Serological responses and immunity to superinfection with avian malaria in experimentally-infected Hawaii amakihi
- Seven summits
- Sex and age identification of palila
- Sex ratios of wild populations of Psylla uncatoides (Ferris and Klyver) in Hawaii
- Sexual dimorphism and the evolution of seasonal variation in sex allocation in the Hawaii akepa
- Shade adaptation of the Hawaiian tree-fern (Cibotium glaucum (Sm.) H. & A.)
- Sharing Mauna Kea
- Sharing Mauna Kea : reaching for the stars while preserving nature and culture on Hawaii’s highest peak
- Shave job on Mauna Kea proposed for observatory
- Sheep in Hawaii
- Sheep vs. Palila on Mauna Kea: after 200 years of damage, can these native birds recover?
- Shelter Cave (50-Ha-G29-002) - Hawaiian Archaeological Survey (HAS) data
- Short-Range astronomer analyzing photos of Moon taken by Ranger 7
- Should the Thirty-Meter Telescope (TMT) project on Mauna Kea be allowed to proceed?
- Shrines desecrated
- Significance of old-growth forests to the Hawaii Akepa
- Signs of a divine reality: the materiality of bird cook stones (Pohaku eho) from the dry interior uplands and mountainous regions of the island of Hawaii
- Silent running: Astronomers do not look through telescopes any more
- Silver sword of Haleakala
- Silvical characteristics of Koa (Acacia koa Gray)
- "Simone opposes UH split" and "$833,000 freed for UH Hilo facility"
- Simone sees 'very bright future' for UH Hilo
- Simone: UHH gets more funding per student
- Site information - VLBA Mauna Kea
- Site investigation : planned stellar and planetary observatory, Mauna Kea, Hawaii, for the University of Hawaii. 1966
- Site tenacity of the endangered palila
- Site visit and archaeological reconnaissance of the firebreak route along Puu Kulua Road, Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA), Island of Hawaii
- Six photos of Mauna Kea summit area (two colored and four black and white)
- Sketch of a second journey to the northwestern parts of the continent of North America and to Sandwich Islands during the years 1829-'30-'31-'32-'33-'34. VI. Mr. Douglas' Voyage from the Columbia to the Sandwich Islands, and the Ascent of Mouna Roa
- Ski Hawaii!
- Ski Polynesia
- Ski---aloha!
- Skiing Hawaii's "White Mountain"
- Skiing on snow-capped peak of Mauna Kea
- Skiing on the slopes of Mauna Kea
- Skiing on top of the world
- Skiing under the Hawaiian skies
- Sky islands, squirrels, and scopes: the political economy of an environmental conflict
- Sky surfing!
- Slopes of the Hawaiian Ridge
- Slow going in TMT contested case; hearings to continue into New Year, telescope opponents raise issues of religion, kingdom, and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787
- Snow atop Mauna Kea
- Snow capped Mauna Kea, overlooking pastoral vale at Hilo, Hawaii
- Snow of Hawaii
- Snow on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Snow on the summits of Hawaii Island: historical sources from 1778 to 1870
- Snow storm in Hawaii
- Snow-capped Mauna Kea in the background, Hilo Bay in the foreground
- Snow-capped Mauna Kea, 14,000 feet (almost), once a fiery volcano, on the Island of Hawaii
- Snowfall in Hawaii
- Soil carbon dynamics along gradients of climate and land use
- Soil development and nitrogen turnover in montane rainforest soils on Hawaii
- Soil gas delta-carbon-13 values and carbon dioxide concentrations on the southeast slope of Mauna Kea: Implications for paleoclimate and hydrogeology
- Soil investigation Keck Observatory 10-meter Telescope, Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Soils of Hawaii
- Solar ultraviolet radiation as an ecological factor for alpine plants
- Solitary goddess of snow
- Some aspects of island ecosystems analysis: a preliminary conceptual synthesis
- Some botanical and environmental aspects of Hawaii
- Some extraordinary observations of endangered forest birds on the Island of Hawaii
- Some findings on vegetative and sexual reproduction of koa
- Some limiting factors and research needs of endangered Hawaiian forest birds
- Some Notes on Hawaiian Asplenieae
- Some observations on the forest problems of Hawaii
- Some official recognition at last
- Somewhere touching earth to sky: the lease of Kitt Peak and the Intersections of citizenship, science, and the cultural landscape. (Student paper)
- Sophora in Hawaii
- Sorting out natural stone stripes
- Source characteristics derived from very incompatible trace elements in Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea basalts, Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project
- Sources and sourcing of volcanic glass in Hawaii: implications for exchange studies
- Sources of variation in survival, recruitment, and natal dispersal of the Hawaii Elepaio
- Sovereignty under the stars
- Space Age Installation Dedicated on Mauna Kea
- Space Agency Tries Mauna Kea Site and Teeth Rattle on Top of Mauna Kea
- Space Gap Closed
- Space snoop atop Mauna Kea: scientist creates camera for largest telescope
- Space Watch (photo)
- Space: Changing Man’s View
- Spatial and temporal patterns of genetic diversity in an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper, the Hawaii Akepa (Loxops coccineus coccineus)
- Spatial distribution of bird species on the east flank of Mauna Loa
- Special UH excellence
- Species Ahinahina, Species ID ESIS701045
- Species Akiapolaau, Species ID ESIS101020
- Specimens and probable breeding activity of the band-rumped storm-petrel on Hawaii
- Speech at the renaming of the 1.5 meter telescope in honor of Dr. Gerard P. Kuiper by his daughter and son, June 19, 1999
- Speech for Reception & Dinner Party by Kunio Hatoyama (Minister of Education, Science, and Culture)
- SpO2 and heart rate during a real hike at altitude are significantly different than at its simulation in normobaric hypoxia
- Squirrel power could help bring telescope to Mauna Kea
- Stage is set for contested case 2.0 for TMT conservation district permit, TMT sublease remanded to BLNR, human remains placed on TMT access road
- Stairway to the Stars - book reviews
- Stairway to the stars: the story of the world's largest observatory
- Stand structure of a montane rain forest on Mauna Loa, Hawaii
- Stand-level dieback and Metrosideros regeneration in the montane rain forest of Hawaii
- Stand-level dieback in New Zealand forests and the theory of cohort senescence
- Star gazers hit the big time on Mauna Kea
- Star wars: settling the fight over a telescope on a Hawaiian holy site
- Star-gazing monthly
- Star-raiser
- Star-struck Mauna Kea
- Starcasting
- Stargazing at the summit
- Stars over Hawaii
- Stars over Mauna Kea: Hawaii Island celebrates the International Year of Astronomy 2009
- Stars over Mauna Kea: the evolution of astronomy on Hawaii's 'White Mountain'
- Stars over Mauna Kea: the past, present and future of astronomy atop Hawaii's White Mountain
- Stars, Science, Society II - Agenda
- State defends Mauna Kea policy
- State of high-altitude permafrost on tropical Maunakea volcano, Hawaii
- State pays dearly for salvage of sheep from Mauna Kea hunts
- State Plans to Protect 2 Peaks for Space Programs
- State wildlife grant implementation annual performance report, interim report
- Statistics
- Statistics of weather data, environmental data and the seeing of the Subaru Telescope
- Status and Distribution of Ants in the Crater District of Haleakala National Park
- Status and management of the Palila, an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper, 1987-1996
- Status and requirements of forest birds in the Hawaiian islands: a problem analysis
- Status and trends of native birds in the Keauhou and Kilauea forest, Hawaii Island
- Status of Akiapolaau at Kapapala, Hawaii
- Stephanie Nagata managing Mauna Kea
- Stewards of the stars - and aina - at Mauna Kea
- Stone adze economies in post-contact Hawaii
- Stone adze production and resource extraction at Pohakuloa, Hawaii Island
- Stone implements and stone work of the ancient Hawaiians
- Strategies for reducing feral cat threats to endangered Hawaiian birds
- Stratigraphy and chronology of late quaternary tephra along the South Rift Zone of Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii
- Stream flow in relation to ohia forest decline on the island of Hawaii
- Stream nutrient concentrations on the windward coast of Hawaii Island and their relationship to watershed characteristics
- Structure and dynamics of mixed-species flocks in a Hawaiian rain forest
- Structure and ontogeny of glandular trichomes of Madinae (Compositae)
- Studies in the anthropology of Oceania and Asia, presented in memory of Roland Burrage Dixon
- Studies on Madinae: anatomy, cytology, and evolutionary relationships
- Study of Lake Waiau (Big Island of Hawaii) sediments as a possible paleoclimatologic record: identification and isolation of diatoms from Lake Waiau sediments
- "Subaru dedicates supprt facility" and "Subaru Telescope project dedicates UH-Hilo facility"
- Subaru Groundbreaking Ceremony at Mauna Kea and Reception Dinner at Naniloa Hotel July 6, 1992 Agenda
- Subaru Telescope
- Subaru Telescope (a speech) and a letter to Mr. & Mrs. Akiyama June 25, 1998
- Subaru Telescope Dedication ceremony itinerary
- Subaru Telescope First Light Image
- Subaru Telescope first light image: Saturn and Jupiter, Orion Nebula, Orion KL Region, Part of Andromeda Galaxy (M31), NGC4051, Hickson Compact Group 40, PG1115+080 (Gravitational Lens), CI0939+47 (Abell 851), The Most Distant Quasar zt z=5.0
- Subaru telescope sees 'first light'
- Subaru telescope vicinity map
- Subaru Telescope: colored photos of Base Facility in the University Park, Hilo and Telescope at the Summit area of Mauna Kea
- Subaru: New telescope’s images dazzle astronomers (1999: a space peek)
- Sublease and non-exclusive easement agreement between TMT International Observatory, LLC and the University of Hawaii
- Submarine lavas from Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii: implications for Hawaiian shield stage processes
- Submission by Kealoha Pisciotta to Dialogue Between Nations
- Subsistence in a 'non-subsistence' environment, factors of production in a Hawaiian alpine desert adze quarry
- Subsurface architecture of two tropical alpine desert cinder cones that hold water
- Subzero temperature adaptations in arthropods from the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Subzero temperature tolerance in spiders: the role of thermal-hysteresis-factors
- Succession patterns after pig digging in grassland communities on Mauna Loa, Hawaii
- Suit filed over Mauna Kea grazing
- Sulfur distribution in kikuyugrass and Hanipoe soil on the slopes of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa
- Summer bird census on Mauna Kea
- Summer solstice: healing the white mountain
- Summer succession of the micro organisms inhabiting Lake Waiau, Hawaii
- Summit plan woes identified
- Summit road report for the Mauna Kea access road improvements project UHH-2014-407
- "Sun pales compared with Keck discovery", "UH astronomers frustrated", and "Final approval received for UH Hilo research"
- Suncups in Hawaiian snowbanks
- Sunset on Mauna Kea - Colored Photo by B.W. Hadley
- (super 230) Th dates for dedicatory corals from a remote alpine desert adze quarry on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Super-scope race backed
- Super-scope success
- Superimposition of an amakihi nest on one of an elepaio
- Supplement I: The climate of the IBP sites on Mauna Loa, Hawaii
- Supplement to archaeological, historical and traditional cultural property assessment for the Hawaii defense access road A-AD-6(1) and Saddle Road (SR200) project
- Supplement to the Manual of Hawaiian mosses
- Supporting the Imiloa Astronomy Center to further its role in developing and leading educational efforts concerning the cultural, natural, and historic resources on Mauna Kea at Hale Pohaku, a resolution, No.2018-24
- Survey and test excavations of the Puu Kalepeamoa site, Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Survey of acute mountain sickness on Mauna Kea
- Survey of invasive ants at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge
- Survey reports: environmental assessment for the proposed JNLT telescope and support facilities at Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Survey showing the effect of environment and behavior upon parasite levels in the Hawaii Amakihi (Loxops virens) (Aves: Drepanididae)
- Surveying Big Island birds and plants
- Surveys reveal decline of the palila
- Survival and physiologic response of common Amakihi and Japanese white-eyes during simulated translocation
- Survival of Feral Cats, Felis catus (Carnivora: Felidae), on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, Based on Tooth Cementum Lines
- Sustaining health & performance in the cold: environmental medicine guidance for cold-weather operations
- Synoptic list of ants reported from the Hawaiian Islands
- Systematic foraging by a nectar-feeding bird, the Amakihi (Loxop virens)
- Systematic patterns of foraging for nectar by amakihi (Loxops virens)
- "T-H wins top honors” and a hand written note from Kevin Krisciunas thanking Mr. Akiyama (November 30, 1985)
- "Taking the measure of the Moon" and "Back in orbit"
- Talk story: Kaialii Kahele
- "Talks slated on Huge Mauna Kea Telescope" and "Fish and Game Association Opposes Big New Telescope"
- Tarweeds & silverswords : evolution of the Madiinae (Asteraceae)
- "Technological advances help capture a great show by Jove" and "Astronomers shed light on dark matter"
- Telegram from Carl Gillespie to Mr. Akiyama
- Telegram to Mitsuo Akiyama from Camille Morris (Univ. of Arizona)
- Telegram to Mr. Akiyama from C.M. Gillespie October 8, 1964
- Telegram to Mr. Akiyama from Carl Gillespie
- Telegram to Mr. Akiyama from Daniel Inouye
- Telegram to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard Kuiper and an apartment listing to make reservations for Dr. Johnson and family
- Telegram to Mr. Akiyama from Gerard P. Kuiper June 23, 1964
- Telescope clash deeply rooted in Hawaii's past
- "Telescope construction resuming at Mauna Kea", "Club stands back on observatory issue", "No foul play in observatory fire", "Notice of Completion", and "Three roads affected in transfer of lens"
- Telescope dedicated on summit
- "Telescope OKd for Mauna Kea" and "Regents OK Mauna Kea master plan"
- Telescope on Mauna Kea will have great capacity
- "Telescope project underway", "Environment, local issues compete with astronomy", and "UH chief to initiate Mauna Kea plan"
- Telescope re-dedication: first facility on Mauna Kea now located at UH Hilo
- Telescope that couldn’t be built stuns skeptics: Mauna Kea is changing astronomy
- Telescopes on Mauna Kea: Culture, history and astronomy (Student Paper)
- Telescopes present … and future
- Telescopes working in unison helps scientists peer into space
- Temperature regulation in two endangered Hawaiian honeycreepers: the palila (Psittirostra Bailleui) and the Laysan finch (Psittirostra Cantans)
- Temperatures and precipitation of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa observatories 1955-1974
- Tempers flare as TMT contested case closes out third month of hearings
- Temporal variability of the trade wind inversion: measured with a boundary layer vertical profiler
- Temporary optical test sites for the W. M. Keck observatory twin Keck telescope interferometer, Mauna Kea, Hawaii, September 1998. Final environmental assessment
- Temporary optical test sites for the W. M. Keck Observatory Twin Keck Telescope Interferometer; Project description and environmental review
- Temporary optical test sites for the W. M. Keck Observatory Twin Telescope Interferometer, Mauna Kea, Hawaii, June 1998. Draft environmental assessment
- Testimonial honors Helene Hale
- Testimony - Mauna Kea Science Reserve Master Plan. 1999
- Testimony at public hearing on commercial use of Conservation District Lands, 11 April 1974
- Testimony before the board of regents regarding Mauna Kea and Keck Outrigger telescopes application
- Testimony in opposition to the proposed UARC - Mauna Kea Anaina Hou and the Royal Order of Kamehameha I
- Testimony in opposition to the TMT project conservation district use application, the University of Hawaii and the Thirty Meter Telescope Observatory Corporation's conservation district use application (CDUA HA-3568)
- Testimony in support for the call to stop secret military research in our oceans and atop Mauna Kea, and the militarization of our school of higher learning
- Testimony: recommendations on the draft plan for Mauna Kea to Board of Land and Natural Resources
- The 'rediscovery' of the adze quarry
- The "10 most-wanted" management actions for terrestrial Hawaiian ecosystems: a survey
- The (super 40)Ar/(super 39)Ar and K/Ar dating of lavas from the Hilo 1-km core hole, Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project
- The (super 40)Ar/(super 39)Ar dating of core recovered by the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project (phase 2), Hilo, Hawaii
- The 1973 Hawaii earthquake: a double earthquake beneath the volcano Mauna Kea
- The 320 kyr Pb isotope evolution of Mauna Kea lavas recorded in the HSDP-2 drill core
- The adz makers of Mauna Kea
- The arborescent indigenous legumes of Hawaii
- The archaeology of human foraging and bird resources on the island of Hawaii: the evolutionary ecology of avian predation, resource intensification, extirpation, and extinction
- The archives of the Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, Honolulu
- The ascent of Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- The atmosphere above Mauna Kea at mid-infrared wavelengths
- The avifauna of Laysan and the neighbouring islands : with a complete history to date of the birds of the Hawaiian possessions
- The axis deer – impending threat to the Big Island
- The B. P. Bishop Museum Mauna Kea Adz Quarry Project
- The behavior of (super 232)Th and the (super 238)U decay chain nuclides during magma formation and volcanism
- The big fence on the Big Island
- The bioecology of Psylla uncatoides in the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and the Acacia koaia sanctuary
- The biological control of Psylla uncatoides (Ferris & Klyver) (Homoptera Psyllidae) on Hawaii
- The biology of an endangered species, the dark-rumped petrel (Pterodroma phaeopygia), in the Galapagos Islands
- The biology, host range, parasites, and hyperparasites of koa seed insects in Hawaii: a review
- The bird-hunters of ancient Hawaii
- The birdman of Hakalau
- The birds of Puu Ahumoa
- The breeding ecology of the Amakihi (Loxops virens) and Palila (Psittirostra bailleui) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- The breeding season of the Hawaii amakihi
- The broad scope of soils engineering
- The Canada-France-Hawaiʻi Telescope brochure
- The Canoe, The Wind, And The Mountain: Shunting the “Rashomon Effect” of Mauna Kea
- The challenge of islands
- The chiefs who went around Hawaii
- The coldest places in Hawaii: The ice-preserving microclimates of high-altitude craters and caves on tropical island volcanoes
- The concurrent emergence and causes of double volcanic hotspot tracks on the Pacific plate
- The cross of Hawaii
- The crystallization process of basalt
- The Daly glacier on Mauna Kea
- The density of the earth as calculated from the densities of Mauna Kea and Haleakala
- The density of the Island of Hawaii, and density distribution in the earth's crust
- The destruction of the forests
- The determination and distribution of various trace elements in natural waters by x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
- The diatoms of contemporary and ancient sediments from Lake Waiau, Hawaii, and their geochemical environment
- The early serial publications of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
- The ecologic/socioeconomic interface of biofuel development in Hawaii : silviculture on the slopes of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa
- The economic impact of astronomy in Hawaii
- The economy of astronomy
- The effect of alien predatory ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on Hawaiian endemic spiders (Araneae: Tetragnathidae)
- The effect of cattle grazing on koa reproduction in Hawaii Volcano National Park
- The effects of feral goats (Capra hircus) on island ecosystems
- The effects of feral pigs on a montane rain forest in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
- The effects of precipitation on the surface temperature and airflow over the island of Hawaii
- The eggs and young of the palila, an endangered species
- The elepaio of Hawaii
- The epizootiology and ecological significance of malaria in Hawaiian land birds
- The evolution of flightlessness in Hawaiian moths
- The evolution of Mauna Kea volcano, Hawaii: petrogenesis of tholeiitic and alkalic basalts
- "The Fieriest one-two punch: Comet's brightest chunks due to hit Jupiter" and "Emotions peak atop Mauna Kea"
- The first collection of Hawaiian plants by David Nelson in 1779. Hawaiian Plant Studies, 55
- The forests of Hawaii
- The forests of the Hawaiian islands
- The fourth annual report of the U.S. Geological Survey
- The Genus Geocoris in the Hawaiian Islands (Lygaeidae, Hemitera)
- The geology and petrology of Mauna Kea volcano, Hawaii : a study of postshield volcanism
- The geomorphic and structural development of Hawaiian submarine rift zones
- The glacial-control theory of coral reefs
- "The Great Central Plain", "The Upper Forest Region", "Sophora L."
- The growth and phenology of Metrosideros in Hawaii
- The Haleakala Argentine ant project: a synthesis of past research and prospects for the future
- The Haleakala Site Survey
- The Haleakala Site Survey - Seeing vs Time Graphs
- The Haleakala site survey - table 1, table 2, and table 3
- The Hawaii rare bird search 1994-1996
- The Hawaiian Archipelago: a microbial diversity hotspot
- The Hawaiian Archipelago. Six months among the palm groves, coral reefs and volcanoes of the Sandwich Islands
- The Hawaiian avifauna: biogeographic theory in evolutionary time
- The Hawaiian dark-rumped petrel reappears on Hawaii
- The Hawaiian elepaio
- The Hawaiian Endangered Bird Partnership for Captive Propagation and Associated Programs - five-year workplan (2001-2005)
- The Hawaiian honeycreepers (Aves, Drepaniidae)
- The Hawaiian Honeycreepers, 1778-1974
- The Hawaiian honeycreepers: Drepanidinae
- The Hawaiian romance of Laieikawai
- The Hawaiian silverswords; systematics, affinities, and phytogeographic problems of the genus Argyroxiphium
- The Hawaiian sisters, Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea
- The heat transfer in the region of the Mauna Kea (Hawaii) - constraints from borehole temperature measurements and coupled thermo-hydraulic modeling
- The highlands of Hawaiʻi
- The history, present distribution, and abundance of sandalwood on Oahu, Hawaiian Islands: Hawaiian Plant Studies 14
- The Hon. Walter F. Frear, Governor of the Territory, and his native guide, at the highest point of Hawaii
- "The house that John built" and "Jefferies gets new position in Arizona"
- The hybridization of the mouflon with the Hawaiian feral sheep as a management technique
- The impact of the prehistoric Polynesians on the Hawaiian ecosystem
- The importance of insect monitoring to conservation actions in Hawaii
- The incidence, importance, and prophylaxis of acute mountain sickness
- The incredible skies of Mauna Kea
- The influence of captive breeding management on founder representation and inbreeding in the Alala, the Hawaiian crow
- The influence of feral goats on koa (Acacia koa Gray) reproduction in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
- The influence of feral pigs on a native alpine grassland in Haleakala National Park
- The influence of food supplementation upon the reproductive strategy and movement patterns in the Hawaii amakihi (Loxops virens)
- The influence of nectar resources on nesting success and movement patterns of the common Amakihi (Hemignathus Virens)
- The influences of inversion height on precipitation and airflow over the island of Hawaii
- The interaction between downslope flow and trade-wind showers over the Island of Hawaii during 7-8 August, 1990
- The interaction of trade wind and sea breeze, Hawaii
- The internal structure of lava flows-insights from AMS measurements I: Near-vent aa
- The interplay of species concepts, taxonomy, and conservation: lessons from the Hawaiian avifauna
- The island edge of America: a political history of Hawaii
- The island of Hawaii : from sail to space
- The isolation and identification of diatoms from Lake Waiau sediments
- The isotasy of Hawaii
- The isotopic composition of postshield lavas from Mauna Kea volcano, Hawaii
- The Japanese National Large Telescope (JNLT) project
- The Kahala Hilton parties are always smashing affairs
- The Keck Telescope : persistence and precision
- The Kukaiau Cave, Mauna Kea, Hawaii, created by water erosion: a new Hawaiian cave type
- The lake that freezes at 12,000 feet above sea level on Mauna Kea
- The last of the summer snow on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- The lavas of the Hawaiian volcanoes
- The law of the splintered paddle
- The legends and myths of Hawaii : the fables and folk-lore of a strange people
- The legislative auditor's key findings: audit of the management of Mauna Kea and the Mauna Kea Science Reserve
- The life and science of Alfred H. Woodcock
- The light on white mountain
- The Light on White Mountain
- The Lunar and Planetary Laboratory - I & II
- The major features of an infestation by the invasive weed legume gorse (Ulex europaeus) on volcanic soils in Hawaii
- The Mauna Kea Adz quarry complex, Hawaii: a first analysis
- The Mauna Kea Adze Quarry Project : a summary of the 1975 field investigations
- The Mauna Kea Adze Quarry Project: a summary of the 1975 field investigations
- The Mauna Kea adze quarry: technological analyses and experimental tests
- The Mauna Kea astronomy education center, Hilo, Hawaii
- The Mauna Kea expedition
- The Mauna Kea expedition of 1935: Hawaiian Academy of Science
- The Mauna Kea Forest Reserve
- The Mauna Kea Forest Reserve - Report of the superintendent of forestry
- The Mauna Kea killing
- The Mauna Kea Plan. Honolulu, Dept. of Land and Natural Resources
- The Mauna Kea Plan. Honolulu, Dept. of Land and Natural Resources. 1976
- The Mauna Kea silversword : a species on the brink of extinction
- The Mauna Kea Site Survey
- The Mauna Kea Site Survey
- The Mauna Kea Weather Center: a case for custom seeing forecasts
- The mayor's view of things
- The Mosaic theory and the spatial dynamics of natural dieback and regeneration in Pacific forests
- The Most Distant Quasar at z=5.0
- The mother of the rainforest
- The mountain-top battle over the Thirty Meter Telescope
- The Native Hawaiian Insect Microbiome Initiative: a critical perspective for Hawaiian insect evolution
- The Nature Conservancy opens for business on the Big Island
- The nature of volcanic action
- The nest, egg, young, and aspects of the life history of the endangered Hawaii creeper
- The nest, eggs, and young of the Elepaio
- The nesting of the Apapane in lava caves on the island of Hawaii
- The nesting season June 1 - July 31, 1978, Hawaiian Islands region
- The nesting season, June 1 - July 31, 1979, Hawaiian Islands region
- The new Hawaii photography: a portfolio - Karl Lehmann
- The next generation of Oiwi activism: meet the young Hawaiian activists who are making a difference in the Islands
- The Ngati Tiare adze cache: further evidence of prehistoric contact between West Polynesia and the Southern Cook Islands
- The NGS data sheet - Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- The observatory, on their own
- The occurrence of Pythium vexans in Hawaii and its relation to ohia decline
- The ohia dieback phenomenon in the Hawaiian rain forest
- The ohia dieback problem in Hawaii: a proposal for integrated research
- The ohia lehua trees of Hawaii : a revision of the Hawaiian species of the genus Metrosideros Banks, with special reference to the varieties and forms of Metrosideros collina (Forster) A. Gray subspecies polymorpha (Gaud) Rock
- The old ways for the old spirits
- The origin and evolution of the Hawaiian honeycreepers (Drepanididae)
- The origin of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
- The osteology and phylogeny of the Hawaiian finch radiation (Fringillidae: Drepanidini), including extinct taxa
- The Palila : an endangered Hawaiian bird
- The pathology of high altitude: an introduction to the disease states of high altitude
- The petrology and geochemistry of lavas from the west flank of Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii
- The phenology of the dryland forest of Mauna Kea, Hawaii, and the impact of recent environmental perturbations
- The physiologic basis of high-altitude diseases
- The phytosociological position of tree ferns (Cibotium spp.) in the montane rain forests on the Island of Hawaii
- The pig war
- The planning of NOAO 8 M telescope enclosure and facilities
- The plant ecology of Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- The Pohakuloa Chill Glass Quarry Complex, U.S. Army Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawaii Island
- The present status of the birds of Hawaii
- The princess of Pali-uli
- The princess of the rainbow
- The properties and genesis of four middle altitude dystrandept volcanic ash soils from Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- The properties and genesis of four middle altitude dystrandepts from Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- The Protect Mauna Kea Movement: Since Before the Overthrow in 1893
- The re-education of Hilo
- The relationships of the Hawaiian honeycreepers (Drepaninini) as indicated by DNA-DNA hybridization
- The relative ages of the Hawaiian landscapes
- The response of native species to removal of invasive exotic grasses in a seasonally dry Hawaiian woodland
- The rise of a new, global, indigenous left
- The role of abiotic conditions in shaping the long-term patterns of a high-elevation Argentine ant invasion
- The role of hemolymph proteins in the cold tolerance of insects
- The role of introduced diseases in the extinction of the endemic Hawaiian avifauna
- The role of Polynesians in the extinction of the avifauna of the Hawaiian islands
- The role of tonalite and diorite in Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii, magmatism: petrology of summit-region leucocratic xenoliths
- The roles of elevation, distance, and phenotype on the neutral genetic structure of Metrosideros polymorpha on east Hawaii Island
- The roots of ranching in Hawaii : from Vancouver to Parker and beyond
- The Saddle House; a historical perspective. Parts I and II
- The Saddle Road Corridor : An Archaeological Inventory Survey and Traditional Cultural Property Study for the Hawaii Defense Access Road A-AD-6(1) and Saddle Road (SR 200) Project, Districts of South Kohala, Hamakua, North Hilo, and South HiIo, Island of Hawaii, April 1999
- The Senate of the State of Hawaii Commending and Congratulating Mr. Mitsuo Akiyama for his outstanding efforts in developing Mauna Kea as a site for astronomy research
- The significance of color in the life history and behavior of the Hawaii Akepa
- The snows of Mauna Kea
- The snows of Mauna Kea
- The snows of Mauna Kea
- The Snows of Mauna Kea
- The State of the Birds 2010 report on climate change, United States of America
- The status of the Mauna Kea silversword
- The story of the forests of Hawaii
- The story of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory - a remarkable first 100 years of tracking eruptions and earthquakes
- The structure and emplacement of cinder cone fields
- The study of the Pohakuloa-Mauna Kea recreation area, County of Hawaii, State of Hawaii [by Robert W. McIntosh and David N. Milstein]
- The subgenera of Dubautia (Compositae) : Hawaiian Plant Studies 18
- The summit of Hawaii's highest peak, Mauna Kea, 14,000 feet
- The summit of Mauna Loa
- The sweet voice of the palila
- The top of Mauna Kea
- The Total Solar Eclipse of July 11, 1991, over Hawaii
- The tourists' guide through the Hawaiian Islands, descriptive of their scenes and scenery
- The trade wind inversion at the slopes of Mauna Loa, Hawaii
- "The upper limits of vegetation on Mauna Loa, Hawaii": a 50th-anniversary reassessment
- The use of sheep wool in nest construction by Hawaiian birds
- The use of sheep wool in nest construction by Hawaiian birds
- The volcanic origin of the Hawaiian Islands
- The volcano, Editor Gazette, Hilo, Jan. 27, 1887
- The voyage of the resolution and discovery 1776-1780
- The W. M. Keck Observatory (Strategic Plan 2004)
- The wekiu bug (Nysius wekiuicola)
- The Wilkes expedition: framework for American expansionism: the United States Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842
- The Winter Season December 1, 1978 - February 28, 1979, Hawaiian Islands region
- The world's highest astronomical observatory
- The world’s two most powerful telescopes are glorious—and vulnerable
- There’s a massive, icy underworld hiding inside one of Hawaii’s volcanoes
- Thermal mapping of Hawaiian volcanoes with ASTER satellite data
- Thermobarometry of mafic igneous rocks based on clinopyroxene-liquid equilibria, 0-30 kbar
- They Must Be Preserved, Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 1964 September 26. - Station on Mauna Loa To Be Built by A.E.C., Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 1964 September 19.
- Things are looking up
- Things are looking up from the top of Mauna Kea
- Thirty Meter Telescope project, Island of Hawaii, final environmental impact statement, volume 1
- Thirty Meter Telescope project, Island of Hawaii, final environmental impact statement, volume 2 - Section 8.0 - Responses to Comments
- Thirty Meter Telescope project, Island of Hawaii, final environmental impact statement, volume 3 - Appendices
- Thirty Meter Telescope site testing I: overview
- Thirty Meter Telescope site testing V: seeing and isoplanatic angle
- Thirty Meter Telescope site testing VI: turbulence profiles
- Thirty Meter Telescope site testing VII: turbulence coherence time
- Thirty Meter Telescope site testing X: precipitable water vapor
- This month's Leonid Meteor Shower might put on a show
- Thoughts on TMT
- Three die in fire at Japan observatory
- Threshold model of feeding territoriality : a test with an Hawaiian honeycreeper
- Threshold model of feeding territoriality and test with a Hawaiian Honeycreeper
- Time-lapse infrared imaging of craters on Maunakea
- Timeline of astronomy in Hawaii
- Timeline of Mauna Kea legal actions since 2011
- Timing and nature of late Quaternary mountain glaciation
- Timing of breeding and molting in six species of Hawaiian honeycreepers
- Tissue elastic properties of eight Hawaiian Dubautia species that differ in habitat and diploid chromosome number
- TMT contested case hearing costs state thousands per day, opponents present case as hearing enters fifth month
- TMT decision upheld
- TMT Findings of fact, conclusions of law and decision and order
- TMT sublease remanded to BLNR/Human remains placed on TMT access road
- TMT Sublease Wins Initial Approval
- To list the wekiu bug as an endangered species
- To Speak on Famed Planet
- To study our climate: Douglass Archibald makes some suggestions
- Topping out on the Big Island: can one father, one son and one SUV conquer two mountains-Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa-in a row?
- Total solar eclipse over Hawaii, information bulletin IB-89-07 (May 1989) and 7 (revised February 1991)
- Toward ethical treatment of animals in Hawaii’s natural areas
- Toxic baiting of the Western Yellowjacket (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in Hawaii
- Trace elements in a suite of Hawaiian lavas
- Tracking dramatic changes at Hawaii's only alpine lake
- Trade wind rainfall near the windward coast of Hawaii
- Trade-wind clouds and Hawaiian rainbands
- Trail and access system, Hawaii: Puu Laau Road
- Trail-laying behavior during exploratory recruitment in the Argentine ant, Iridomyrmex humilis (mayr)
- Trails : from steppingstones to kerbstones
- Transcript of public meeting on the Mauna Kea Science Reserve master plan : held at Kealakehe School Kona May 27, 1999
- Transcript of public meeting on the Mauna Kea Science Reserve master plan : held at University of Hawaiʻi Hilo, Hilo May 27, 1999
- Transcript of public meeting on the Mauna Kea Science Reserve master plan : Waimea May 27, 1999
- Transfer Order Excess Personal Property - calculator
- Transfer Order Excess Personal Property - vehicle
- Translocation of the Palila, an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper
- Transportation Control and Movement Document, Invoice/Shipping Document for Monroe calculator
- Treated chicken eggs used to reduce predation on shearwater eggs
- Tree cover changes in Mamane (Sophora chrysophylla) forests grazed by sheep and cattle
- Tree densities in subalpine woodland on Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Tree-group death in North American and Hawaiian forests: a pathological problem or a new problem for vegetation ecology?
- Trek to a Star Party
- Trip report and findings for three related cultural resource/archaeological projects at Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA), Island of Hawaii
- Tripartite agreement charter of incorporation bylaws: operating and site development agreement for the Canada-France-UH telescope
- Tropic Snow Man Has Real Cool Job
- Tropical climate at the last glacial maximum inferrred from glacier mass-balance modeling
- Twenty-five years of forestry work on the island of Hawaii
- Twin Kecks to scope out past: paired as binoculars, they will rocket UH to astronomical eminence
- Twinkle, twinkle: a new program offers Hawaii residents a close-up look at Mauna Kea telescopes
- Two astronomical centers of the world: Mauna Kea and La Palma
- Two get Mauna Kea posts
- Two Help Wanted Ads for Keck Observatory positions
- Two more scopes being built on Mauna Kea
- Two new species in the Hawaiian endemic genus Dubautia (Compositae)
- Two postcards of Mauna Kea - Snowcapped Mauna Kea
- Two-year delay in plumage maturation of male and female elepaio
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service species assessment and listing priority assignment form - Wekiu bug
- U.S. Geological Survey radiocarbon dates IX
- U.S. Geological Survey radiocarbon dates X
- UC to build largest scope: a $100-million project - boost for Mauna Kea
- "UH Astronomer accepts NASA research job at California center" and "Former isle astronomer gets top post"
- UH astronomer finds great cosmic clumps
- UH astronomer hails reborn Hubble: Islanders get prime time on repaired scope
- "UH astronomer makes two far out discoveries", "Subaru telescope on Mauna Kea", and "Mauna Kea gets 6 inches of snow"
- UH astronomy program plans Big Island move
- "UH couple using Keck scrutinize dark matter" and "Big Isle's Keck Telescope won't have Hubble's trouble"
- "UH cuts scope of Mauna Kea plan: only three star facilities to be allowed" and "Munich prof to lead astronomy"
- UH director blames firing on politics
- "UH fires astronomy institute director" and "Astronomy institute picks acting director"
- UH Hilo breaks ground for astronomy institute
- UH Hilo expansion to cost $7 million
- "UH Manoa has joined an association of universities for astronomy research" and "Abercrombie questions Big Isle observatory site"
- UH Mauna Kea bill stalls in Legislature
- "UH Regents Accept Grants, Eye Progress" and "AF May Threaten Haleakala Science"
- UH regents OK Mauna Kea plan: Panel votes to approve document that dictates telescope development
- UH science program rated among best
- UH study due
- "UH success - Another 'niche' specialty", "Astronomer: UFO photo a hoax" and "Last chance"
- UH tries to reassure UH Hilo: hopes new projects blunt separation talk
- "UH wins contract to Help Develop Space Telescope" and "Big Isle sighting may aid Yoyager's Neptune trip"
- "UH’s Sidney Wolff gets Kitt Peak post" and "Wolff gets top post at Kitt Peak"
- UK astronomy facility opens
- "UK telescope holds dedication" and "Hilo telescope facility dedicates second phase"
- Uncertainty and the assessment of extinction probabilities
- Under the volcano: a telescope designed to be pointed into space is turned in the opposite direction
- Understanding Hawaiian forest Ecosystems : the key to biological conservation
- Unfortunate encounters? Novel interactions of native Mecyclothorax, alien Trechus obtusus (Coleoptera: Carabidae), and Argentine ant (Linepithema humile, Hymenoptera: Formicidae) across a Hawaiian landscape
- United Kingdom telescope marks 15th year
- University a key figure in stellar discoveries continued
- University of Hawaii Board of Regents’ Resolution Expressing Appreciation to Mr. Mitsuo Akiyama
- University of Hawaii Board of Regents’ Resolution in Recognition of Dr. Gerard Kuiper
- University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy Hilo Facility Groundbreaking - Program
- University of Washington Dates IV
- "University Park is growing" and "Committee selected for UH Hilo-tech park"
- University seeks deferral on new Mauna Kea leases
- University seeks new lease for Mauna Kea Observatories
- University telescope gets new face and name
- "University to start work on institute at UH Hilo" and "New chancelor dreams big plans for UH Hilo"
- Unsung Heroes
- Unveiling mysteries of the universe from atop a volcano
- Updated field reconnaissance of the TMT development site
- Upper limits of vegetation on Mauna Loa, Hawaiʻi
- Upper-montane plant invasions in the Hawaiian Islands: patterns and opportunities
- Urging the Hawaii State Legislature to establish the Mauna Kea Management Authority, a resolution, No.2018-42
- Urging the Hawaii State Legislature to request that the state auditor conduct an audit of the University of Hawaii's activities related to Mauna Kea, a resolution, No.2018-41
- Use of coarse woody debris by the plant community of a Hawaiian montane cloud forest
- Useful and conceptual astronomy in ancient Hawaii
- Using a snow drift model to simulate eolian drift and snowfall on the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Using population genetic tools to develop a control strategy for feral cats (Felis catus) in Hawaii
- Valuations and images of Hawaiian forests: a historical perspective
- Variable altitude muon detection and angular dependence of cosmic ray muon flux
- Variable altitude muon detection and energy dependence of cosmic ray muons
- Variation in male plumage and behavior of the Hawaii akepa
- Variation in the impact of exotic grasses on native plant composition in relation to fire across an elevation gradient in Hawaii
- Variation in the tissue water relations of two sympatric Hawaiian Dubautia species and their natural hybrid
- Vector movement underlies avian malaria at upper elevation in Hawaii: implications for transmission of human malaria
- Vegetation changes in a subalpine grassland in Hawaii following disturbance by feral pigs
- Vegetation maps of the upland plant communities on the islands of Hawaii, Maui, Molokai, and Lanai
- Vegetation of Hawaiian lava flows
- Vegetation of Lake Waiau, Hawaii
- Vegetation zones of Hawaii
- Vegetation zones of the Hawaiian Islands
- Vegetative anatomy of Dubautia, Argyroxiphium, and Wilkesia (Compositae)
- Vertebrata : Aves
- Very High tech
- Very low-temperature alteration of sideromelane in hyaloclastites and hyalotuffs from Kilauea and Mauna Kea volcanoes: implications for the mechanism of palagonite formation
- "Victims of Mauna Kea fire needed the work: three construction workers lived, died on the summit", "Observatory staffs endure cold, snow for premier view" and "Another lawsuit filed over fire on Mauna Kea"
- View from the top
- View from the top
- Viewing the heavens
- Visible and near-IR for aqueous alteration products (Palagonte, Phyllosilicates, Sulfates) of basaltic tephra on Mauna Kea Volcano, Hawaii
- Visions of Mauna Kea
- Visitor Information, Onizuka Center for International Astronomy and Mauna Kea harzards
- Visitors on many missions trek to towering peak
- Visual system effects of exercise on Mauna Kea at 2,200 and 4,200 meters altitude
- Voices and visions of Mauna Kea : Mauna Kea Science Reserve master plan and implementation process summary. March 2000.
- Volcanic activity and ground deformation hazard analysis for the Hawaii Geothermal Project environmental impact statement
- Volcanic and seismic hazards on the island of Hawaii
- Volcanic emissions injury to plant foliage
- Volcanic eruptions of Mauna Loa, Hawaii
- Volcanic hazards in the Hawaiian Islands
- Volcanic hazards on the Island of Hawaii
- Volcanism and petrogenesis as illustrated in the Hawaiian Islands
- Volcano growth and evolution of the island of Hawaii
- Volcano of Mauna Loa: Letter from Doct. Andrews, Feb. 6th, 1843
- Volcanoes of Hawaii and the Pacific
- Voyage round the world during the years 1790, 1791, and 1792, chapter 1
- Voyager 1 televises amazing show on Jupiter satellite
- Vulnerable islands in the sky: science and management of tropical island alpine & sub-alpine ecosystems, International symposium: Hawaii August 4-7, 2012
- W.M. Keck Observatory interferometer Outrigger Telescope Project description
- W.M. Keck Observatory Outrigger Telescopes December 2000
- Waiakea, near Hilo, Mauna Kea in background
- Waiau lake is the only lake in Hawaii on which ice skating may be enjoyed
- Waihu Spring (50-Ha-G28-064) - Hawaiian Archaeological Survey (HAS) data
- Waihu Spring (50-Ha-G28-065) - Hawaiian Archaeological Survey (HAS) data
- Waimea is selected for Keck base
- Water balance and acute mountain sickness before and after arrival at high altitude of 4,350 m
- Water supply regulates structure, productivity, and water use efficiency of Acacia koa forest in Hawaii
- Weather and seeing on Mauna Kea
- Wekiu bug baseline monitoring, quarterly report
- Wekiu bug habitat quantitative cinder evaluation
- Wekiu bug mitigation plan
- Wekiu bug mitigation report
- Wekiu bug monitoring plan, revised January 20, 2001
- Wekiu bug monitoring plan, revised October 24, 2001
- Wekiu bug monitoring project (appeared on Malama Mauna Kea)
- Wekiu bug update
- Wekiu, E Homau I Ke Ola
- Wetland features that influence occupancy by the endangered Hawaiian duck
- "What does it take to become an astronomer on Mauna Kea?"
- What happened 12 billion years ago? Stay tuned
- What makes a volcano sacred? Astronomers and Native Hawaiian activists agree that Mauna Kea is a portal to the univrese, they just can't agree on how it should be used
- What threat do native avian predators pose to Hawaiian honeycreepers? two cases of predation by Pueo (asio Flammeus sandwichensis)
- What's astronomy's future in Hawaii
- When the ocean covered Hawaii
- 'Where man looks out at the universe' UH astronomy chief says future is clear for Mauna Kea
- Where Men Search for Starlight
- Where Men Search for Starlight continued
- White summits: the mauna in winter
- Whither Mauna Kea? "University charged with protection of the site" and "Plans defects mean years of more conflict"
- Who should manage and protect Mauna Kea?
- Whose view of heaven?
- Why are the bird-visited flowers predominately red?
- Why Hawaii is changing to the dibble-tube system of forestation
- Why Mauna Kea should be preserved and protected
- Why the Hawaii Creeper is an Oreomystis: what phenotypic characters reveal about the phylogeny of Hawaiian honeycreepers
- Wild sheep in Hawaii
- Wild sheep on Mauna Kea Forest Reserve
- Wildland fire management plan and critical habitat risk analysis for the Hawaiian Volcano, Mauna Kea
- Window to the stars
- Winter evaporation on a mountain slope, Hawaii
- Winter peril atop Mauna Kea: Summit trekkers must use caution
- With Lord Byron at the Sandwich Islands in 1825 : being extracts from the ms. diary of James Macrae
- Within-territory division of foraging space by male and female Amakihi (Loxops Virens)
- Work at high altitude and oxidative stress: antioxidant nutrients
- Work at high altitude: a clinical and physiological study at the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope, Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- Work Begins on Mauna Kea Access Road
- "Work begins on Mauna Kea fiber optic hookup", "Glaciers once atop Mauna Kea", and "Philanthropist Keck dead at 83"
- Work on Hilo astronomy base to begin
- "Work on Mauna Kea's new telescopes starts" and "Work begins on two telescopes"
- Working at high altitude
- Working at high altitude: medical problems, misconceptions, and solutions
- World premiere of Mauna Kea: On the verge of other worlds
- "World’s astronomers gather at UH-Hilo conference" and "Teachers visit summit"
- World’s largest telescope rises atop Mauna Kea
- Worldscope
- Worship and wilderness : culture, religion, and law in the management of public lands and resources
- Written in the stars
- Xenoliths in volcanic rocks from Mauna Kea, Hawaii. U.S.G.S. Open-File Report 82-201
- Yellowjacket (Vespula pensylvanica) biology and abatement in the national parks of Hawaii
- Yellowjacket (Vespula pensylvanica) predation at Hawaii Volcanoes and Haleakala National Parks: identity of prey items
- You can lead a horse to water