UH Hilo Center for Maunakea Stewardship - Research Library

Preliminary report of work on an arthropod assessment within selected areas of the Mauna Kea science reserve, Part 1: reconnaissance and development of the trapping protocol

Howarth, Francis G., Brenner, Gregory J., Preston, D.J., Oboyski, Peter
Preliminary report of work on an arthropod assessment within selected areas of the Mauna Kea science reserve, Part 1: reconnaissance and development of the trapping protocol
Wekiu bug Nysius wekiuicola Mauna Kea Science Reserve
This preliminary report covers the first phase of the contract to Bishop Museum to conduct an arthropod assessment within selected areas of the Mauna Kea Science Reserve. Although work was begun on the first three core tasks of the contract, this report presents results from Task 1, which required "For areas included in the Bishop Museum study, assess current arthropod capture rates relative to those found in the 1982 study. Results relating to Task 2 ("Within a representative subset of these areas, investigate seasonal fluctuations in Wekiu [bugs] and, where feasible, other arthropods.") must await completion of the seasonal study. Task 3 ("Identify areas of promising Wekiu habitat in the buffer zone areas...") was completed in September, 1997, and the results submitted in a separate report. This report is divided into two parts: 1) a report of the reconnaissance work, including the development of trap design and protocols, and the report on the trapping program.
30 November 1997