UH Hilo Center for Maunakea Stewardship - Research Library

Botanical survey of the Hale Pohaku Mid-elevation facilities construction staging area

Pacific Analytics (Albany OR)
Botanical survey of the Hale Pohaku Mid-elevation facilities construction staging area
Hale Pohaku Loxioides bailleui Outrigger Telescope Project Palila Vegetation surveys W.M. Keck Observatory
The Mauna Kea Science Reserve is located on the summit of Mauna Kea, the tallest mountain in Hawaii. Within the reserve are the world's two largest optical telescopes, constituting the W. M. Keck Observatory (WMKO). Current plans call for adding four to six Outrigger Telescopes on the WMKO site. The Outrigger Telescopes would be placed strategically around the existing Keck Telescopes. If approved, the Hale Pohaku Mid-Elevation Facilities will be used during construction of the proposed Outrigger Telescopes. The Hale Pohaku Mid-Elevation Facilities are located at the 2,804 m (9, 200 ft) elevation on the southwestern slope of Mauna Kea. The facilities are located within the designated critical habitat of the endangered Hawaiian bird, palila. The palila (Loxioides bailleui) is a small bird of the Hawaiian honeycreeper subfamily that has been Federally listed as an endangered species in 1966. One of the areas proposed for use is the existing 0.2 ha (0.5 ac) construction staging area at the lower limit of the mid-elevation facility. Because the facility lies within the palila critical habitat, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was concerned about potential impacts of the Outrigger Telescopes Project. NASA contracted Pacific Analytics, LLC, a natural resource consulting firm with expertise in Hawaiian native ecosystems, to conduct a botanical survey of the construction staging area that would be used by the proposed Outrigger Telescope project and of the resources surrounding this area. The survey would be provided to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to assist them in rendering an opinion about the potential impacts of the proposed Outrigger Telescopes Project on palila and their habitat. The botanical survey was conducted on May 22, 2004. No mamane (Sophora chrysophylla) trees were found within the existing construction staging area boundaries. The area within the Hale Pohaku Mid-Elevation Facilities boundaries within 31 m (100 ft) of the existing construction area was found to contain twelve mamane trees growing in a groundcover composed of a mixture of low growing introduced plants and grasses. The area within 31 m (100 ft) surrounding the construction staging area but outside the Hale Pohaku Mid-Elevation Facilities boundaries contained thirteen additional mamane trees growing amongst a similar groundcover. Besides the mamane trees, no other native plants were observed, except some scattered individual native grasses.