UH Hilo Center for Maunakea Stewardship - Research Library

Final Environmental Assessment. University of Hawaiʻi 24-Inch Telescope Observatory Renovation. Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Hamakua, Hawaiʻi, Hawaiʻi. August 2006

Helber Hastert & Fee, Inc.
Final Environmental Assessment. University of Hawaiʻi 24-Inch Telescope Observatory Renovation. Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Hamakua, Hawaiʻi, Hawaiʻi. August 2006
Astronomical observatories environmental aspects Environmental impact analysis Telescopes University of Hawaii 24-inch telescope observatory
The National Science Foundation (NSF) proposes to fund the proposal made by the University of Hawaii at Hilo (UH Hilo) to replace a 24-inch (0.6 meter [m]) telescope with a new 36-inch (0.9 m) telescope. UH Hilo further proposes to renovate the observatory building using State funds. The Proposed Action would occur at the 420 square foot (sf) University of Hawaiʻi (UH) 24-inch Telescope Observatory and a proposed renovation lay-down area comprised of less than 20,000 sf immediately north and south of the observatory building ("Project Site"). The Mauna Kea Science Reserve (MKSR) is located at the summit of Mauna Kea volcano and ceded lands and is part of Tax Map Key 4-4-15:009. The observatory and optical telescope are owned by UH and managed by the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Institute for Astronomy. After the completion of the Proposed Action, the observatory and telescope would be managed by UH Hilo. This Environmental Assessment (EA) analyses and documents potential environmental consequences associated with the Proposed Action and foreseeable reasonable alternatives. It was found that environmental consequences of the Proposed Action and Telescope Replacement Without Building Renovation alternative are expected to be limited to the local and/or regional setting. There should be minor benefits at the island-wide level due to the beneficial economic effects associated with renovation and a modest increase in operational period employment levels (two additional staff) and increased opportunities for the State of Hawaiʻi and island of Hawaiʻi undergraduates to gain academic and practical experience in astronomical research. Impacts evaluated included short-term, long-term and cumulative impacts. The environmental impacts associated with the Proposed Action are temporary and not significant, or can be minimized through the application of appropriate design and engineering methods. The Proposed Action would not result in significant adverse impacts to the following resource areas: land use compatibility, cultural resources, visual environment, traffic, infrastructure, flood hazard, ground and surface water resources, topography, geology, soils, biological resources, climate and air quality, noise, and the socio-economic environment. The National Historic Preservation (NHPA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) processes were run concurrently, and public comments were invited. Based on a careful review and analysis, and in accordance with Section 106 of the NHPA, NSF has determined that the Proposed Action would result in "no historic property affected." NSF sought concurrence with the determination with the State Historic Preservation Division (SHPD), Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA), Kahu Ku Mauna, the Royal Order of Kamehameha I, and Mauna Kea Anaina Hou provided comments. No response was received from the Royal Order of Kamehameha I. Correspondence related to the Section 106 consultation process is provided in Appendix B. A previous environmental impact statement for the MKSR Master Plan (UH 1999), including the UH 24-inch Telescope Observatory site, incorporated a cultural impact assessment, which was completed in accordance with the Guidelines for Assessing Cultural Impacts issued by the State of Hawaii Office of Environmental Quality Control. That cultural assessment indicated that the Proposed Action would not impact cultural features, practices and beliefs at the Project Site. The Proposed Action would not create environmental health and safety risks that may disproportionately affect children and minority or disadvantaged population. When considered with other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions, the Proposed Action would not result in any significant adverse cumulative impacts. Based on the environmental analysis and review of NEPA and the significance criteria specified in Section 11-200-12, Hawaiʻi Administrative Rules (HAR), NSF and UH Hilo find that the action would not have a significant impact on human health or the environment and a Finding of No Significant Impact is warranted.
August 2006