UH Hilo Center for Maunakea Stewardship - Research Library

Draft finding of no significant impact for high-altitude mountainous environment training

U.S. Army Pacific-Hawaii, Mission Support Element,
Draft finding of no significant impact for high-altitude mountainous environment training
Environmental impact analysis High-Altitude Mountainous Environmental Training (HAMET) Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA) Helicopter pilots training United States Army Infantry Division 25th
This Environmental Assessment (EA) was for the purpose of training helicopter pilots and crews of the 25th Infantry Division-25th Combat Aviation Brigade in High-Altitude Mountainous Environmental Training (HAMET) flight operations in preparation for deployment to Afghanistan and to satisfy mandated annual training requirements. HAMET was conducted in conjunction with an aviator's individual and collective annual training at the Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA). HAMET entailed aviation aircrews only and was not used in conjunction with ground-maneuver training activities. Aircraft landing in the landing zones (LZs) would not pick up or drop off troops and supplies. Aircraft would spend a minimal amount of time in the LZs, and ground time would never exceed 10 minutes. Momentary landing might have occurred in order to switch crew stations or review maneuver training activities. The PTA HAMET EA evaluated a range of alternatives considered to be reasonable under the screening criteria of availability, the number of pilots that could be trained, feasibility and quality of life for the soldiers and their families. After careful review of this EA, it was determined that no significant environmental impacts were likely to result from implementing the proposed action. Impacts were found to be less than significant or of no impact. Based on this analysis and public comments received as part of this process, it was concluded that allowing use of the established LZs on Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea to provide high-altitude training of helicopter air crews was not a major federal action that would significantly affect the quality of the environment within the conditions of Section 102(2) (c) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended. Accordingly, the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement for this proposed action was not required.
December 2010