Environmental impact statement preparation notice / environmental assessment
- Author:
University of Hawaii at Hilo,
- Title:
- Environmental impact statement preparation notice / environmental assessment
- Periodical:
- Year:
- 2008
- Subject:
Mauna Kea Science Reserve
Outrigger Telescope Project
W.M. Keck Observatory
- Summary:
- A proposed Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) would be an optical/infrared telescope with a 30-meter diameter primary mirror. Such a telescope would be the most capable ground-based telescope in the world, with observational powers many time greater than any available today. The proposed action would involve the construction of this telescope on an estimated four acres of presently undeveloped land within the 525-acre Astronomy Precinct of the 11,288-acre Science Reserve near the top of Mauna Kea. The proposed telescope facility would be located within the western portion of the area known as the northern plateau within the Astronomy Precinct -- more specifically, an area that is in general vicinity of designed Area E in the Mauna Kea Science Reserve Master Plan (UH, 2000). This area ranges in elevation from 13,100 to 13,300 feet and is located approximately half a mile northwest of the nine existing optical/infrared telescopes located near the summit at elevations of 13,600 to 13,775 feet. The entire Science Reserve is designated part of the State of Hawaii Conservation District, resource subzone. The telescope developer, the TMT Observatory Corporation, is a non-profit organization and is committed to integrating culture, science, sustainability and education in the project.
- URL:
- http://oeqc2.doh.hawaii.gov/EA_EIS_Library/2008-09-23-HA-EISPN-Thirty-Meter-Telescope.PDF
- Date:
- September 23, 2008
- Collection: