UH Hilo Center for Maunakea Stewardship - Research Library

An arthropod assessment within selected areas within the Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Task 4 and Task 5 preliminary report. An assessment of arthropod occurrence in selected buffer zone habitats and a comparison of wekiu bug occurrence between summit and buffer habitats

Brenner, Gregory J., Howarth, Francis G.
An arthropod assessment within selected areas within the Mauna Kea Science Reserve, Task 4 and Task 5 preliminary report. An assessment of arthropod occurrence in selected buffer zone habitats and a comparison of wekiu bug occurrence between summit and buffer habitats
20 p.
Wekiu bug Nysius wekiuicola Mauna Kea Science Reserve
Task 4 of the 1997 Institute for Astronomy Request for Proposals called for an assessment of Wekiu bug habitat and arthropod populations within selected areas of the "buffer zone" within the Mauna Kea Science Reserve (MKSR). Sampling sites within the "buffer zone" were sampled for arthropod occurrence and diversity in July and September 1998. Task 5 of the Request for Proposals called for a comparison of arthropod diversity between the 1982 Bishop Museum Study area (summit) area and selected sites in the surrounding "buffer area" within the MKSR. Analysis of the data showed the Nysius wekiuicola (Wekiu bug) was virtually absent from "buffer areas" and that its distribution was largely restricted to the summit area. Data also showed that native lycosid spiders occurred in about equal abundance in both areas and that arthropod diversity (mostly as aeolian waifs) was approximately the same at the summit and surrounding "buffer areas". The implications of this information for MKSR management were discussed.
5 January 1999