UH Hilo Center for Maunakea Stewardship - Research Library

Final environmental impact statement for the basing of MV-22 and H-1 aircraft in support of III MEF elements in Hawaii

Dept. of the Navy,
Final environmental impact statement for the basing of MV-22 and H-1 aircraft in support of III MEF elements in Hawaii
2 v.
670, 776
Environmental impact analysis Kaneohe Bay Marine Corps Air Station/Mokapu Point Airport Kaneohe Hawaii Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA)
The proposed action addressed in this EIS would include: (1) basing and operation of up to two Marine Medium Tiltrotor (VMM) squadrons (24 aircraft) and one Marine Light Attack Helicopter (HMLA) squadron (27 aircraft) in Hawaii; (2) construction and renovation of facilities to accommodate and maintain the squadrons; and (3) conducting aviation training, readiness, and special exercise operations at training areas statewide. As a result of a systematic analysis to identify possible basing locations, only Marine Corps Base (MCB) Hawaii Kaneohe Bay met all requirements, and the alternatives evaluated in this EIS are facility siting alternatives at that installation. In Alternative A, all aviation facilities would be on the south side of the runway. In Alternative B, VMM facilities would be located on the northwest side of the runway at West Field, and would include construction of a runway underpass for access. New bachelor enlisted quarters (BEQ) would also differ between the two action alternatives. Aviation training activities associated with each action alternative would be identical. Approximately 1,000 active duty personnel, 22 civilian personnel, and 1,106 dependents would be associated with the VMM and HMLA squadrons. With the No Action Alternative, the squadrons would not be based in Hawaii, and no facilities would be constructed at MCB Hawaii Kaneohe Bay or any of the other training areas to support them. This EIS presents an analysis of potential environmental impacts on the following resources: land use (land use compatibility, quality of the built environment, land ownership, public access); airspace; air quality; noise; geology, soils, and topography; drainage, hydrology, and water quality; biological resources; cultural resources; safety and environmental health (natural hazards, hazardous materials/waste, airfield safety, aircraft safety, bird aircraft strike hazard, wildland fires, ordnance safety); socioeconomics; environmental justice and protection of children; infrastructure (roadways and traffic, public transit, potable water, wastewater, solid waste, electrical, telephone and cable); and energy use.
June 5, 2012