On some of the birds of the Sandwich Islands
- Author:
Wilson, Scott
- Title:
- On some of the birds of the Sandwich Islands
- Periodical:
- Year:
- 1890
- Pages:
- 170-196
- Subject:
Birds Hawaii
Birds conservation
Birds habitat
Birds ecology
Birds protection
Forests and forestry Hawaii Island
- Summary:
- The Sandwich Islands form one of the most remote groups in the world that includes the islands of Hawaii, Maui, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe, Oahu, Kauai, and Niihau. However, of these, the two smallest islands, Kahoolawe and Niihau have no forests remaining. Here, the author appeals to the land-owners and the Legislature of Hawaii to unite in protecting the birds of Hawaii from the introduction of exotic birds. The author also asks for the fencing in of forested lands, (as practicable), in an effort to protect the forests from the ravages of feral cattle. This request was made in a hope to save the birds of Hawaii as they depend on the trees of Hawaii for their food and habitat.
- Label:
- Birds - General
- URL:
- http://archive.org/stream/ibis621890brit#page/170/mode/2up/
- Collection:
- Periodicals