UH Hilo Center for Maunakea Stewardship - Research Library

Conservation biology of Hawaiian forest birds: implications for island avifauna

Pratt, Thane K., Atkinson, Carter T., Banko, Paul C., Jacobi, James D., Woodworth, Bethany L.
Conservation biology of Hawaiian forest birds: implications for island avifauna
707 p.
Forest birds Birds conservation Birds diseases Birds ecology Birds habitat Birds breeding
A collection of 25 articles on Hawaiian avifauna, describing the status and conservation needs of the Hawaiian forest birds. Include: Historic decline and extinction by Winston Banko and Paul Banko; Hawaiian culture and forest birds by Verna Amante-Helweg and Sheila Conant; Monitoring Hawaiian forest birds by Richard Camp et al.; Status and trends of native Hawaiian songbirds by P. Marcos Gorresen et al.; Loss, degradation, and persistence of habitats by Linda Pratt and James Jacobi; Evolution and ecology of food exploitation by P. Banko and W. Banko; Ecology and pathogenicity of avian malaria and pox by Carter Atkinson and Dennis LaPointe; Genetics and Conservation by Susan Jarvi et al; Small manmmals as predators and competitors by Gerald Landsey et al.; The ecology and comservation of Hawaiian raptors by John Klavitter; The history and impact of introduced birds by Jefferey Foster; Modeling the epidemiology of avian malaria and pox by Jorge Ahumada et al.; Preventing establishment and spread of invasive species: current status and needs by Lloyd Loope and Fred Kraus; Protecting forest bird populations across landscapes by Jonathan Price et al.; Managing disease by Dennis LaPointe et al.; Comtrolling small mammals by Steven Hess et al.; Captive propagation by Alan Lieberman and Cynthia Kuehler; Alala by Paul Banko; Poo-uli by Jim Groombridge; Puaiohi by Bethany Woodworth; Palila by Paul Banko et al.; Social and political obstacles to saving Hawaiian birds: realities and remedies by David Leonard Jr.; Can Hawaiian forest birds be saved? by Thane Pratt et al.