UH Hilo Center for Maunakea Stewardship - Research Library

Access way arthropod monitoring report: Thirty Meter Telescope project, astronomy precinct, Mauna Kea science reserve, Hamakua district, Island of Hawaii

Brenner, Gregory J., Eiben, Jesse, Pacific Analytics L.L.C.
Access way arthropod monitoring report: Thirty Meter Telescope project, astronomy precinct, Mauna Kea science reserve, Hamakua district, Island of Hawaii
Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) Wekiu bug Insects Mauna Kea Arthropods monitoring
The TMT Observatory is proposed to be located on Mauna Kea on Hawaii Island in the State of Hawaii. The Observatory would be located in the western portion of the area known as the Northern Plateau within the Astronomy Precinct approximately 1/2-mile northwest of the eight existing optical/infrared observatories located near the summit of Mauna Kea. The Final Environmental Impact Statement, Thirty Meter Telescope Project, dated May 8, 2009, (page 3-76 and page 3-195) commits the TMT Observatory Corporation to monitoring arthropods in the area of the Access Way on the alpine cinder cone habitat before, during, and for two years after construction of that portion of the Access Way. The extent of the Access Way construction activities within the alpine cinder cone habitat extend from the southern end of the Access Way and extends roughly 760 feet to the north where the Access Way enters a lava flow habitat. A proposed Arthropod Access Way Monitoring Plan was reviewed and modified by OMKM and DLNR and the revised plan was implemented in June 2011. The purpose of monitoring in the area of the Access Way is to provide data regarding the presence of arthropods, including wekiu bugs and potential invasive species prior to, during, and after construction. Monitoring along the Access Way will allow detection of trends in wekiu bugs that may be related to construction activities. With this knowledge OMKM then may change or implement new management strategies to reduce impacts to wekiu bugs and their habitat. The Monitoring Plan consists of four tasks. The first of these tasks were completed in June, 2011 by Pacific Analytics, LLC. This task, a single arthropod monitoring event prior to the start of construction activities, was conducted in six locations, at sites along the Access Way and two nearby control sites that are presumably beyond the potential area of effect of future TMT construction activities. Paired pitfall live-traps and a protein- and sugar-based trap were placed at the eight sites and allowed to sample for three days. A total of one hundred fifty-one (151) wekiu bugs were captured and later released. Thirteen (13) wekiu bugs were captured at the six sites along the Access Way, two (2) were captured at a control site above the Mauna Kea Loop Road on Puu Hauoki and one hundred thirty-six (136) were captured at a control site on Puu Poliahu. No invasive arthropods were found during the sampling.
April 2012