UH Hilo Center for Maunakea Stewardship - Research Library

Draft environmental impact statement : Saddle Road (State Route 200) Mamalahoa Highway (State Route 190) to milepost 6, County of Hawaii, State of Hawaii, FHWA project no. A-AD-6(1)

United States. Federal Highway Administration,, Hawaii Dept. of Transportation,
Draft environmental impact statement : Saddle Road (State Route 200) Mamalahoa Highway (State Route 190) to milepost 6, County of Hawaii, State of Hawaii, FHWA project no. A-AD-6(1)
Roads environmental aspects Hawaii Island Highway planning Hawaii Island Saddle Road Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA)
This document presents the evaluation of impacts associated with the proposed improvement of the Saddle Road between the Mamalahoa Highway and Milepost 6 near Hilo. Twelve action alternatives under consideration incorporate the use of the existing alignment and potential new alignments. The action alternatives reconstruct the existing substandard two-lane roadway to a two-lane roadway with shoulders for a design speed of 80 to 100 kilometers per hour. The existing Saddle Road is a narrow, winding, two-lane road with steep grades, sharp curves, and poor pavement, with no shoulders and passes through key training areas of the U.S. Department of the Army's Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA), creating conflict between motorists and military training units. The project will improve pavement condition, increase safety and capacity, improve quality of traffic flow, decrease cross-island travel times, and stimulate economic growth and development. Some alternatives will realign the road within the PTA to minimize conflicts between military and public uses. Substantive issues include protected species of flora and fauna, Critical Habitat for the Endangered Palila, wetlands and biological habitats of importance, archaeological resources, fire hazard, residential displacement, and noise. Technical appendices are included in the following documents: Volume I. Westside botanical study, Eastside botanical study. Volume II. Ornithological and mammalian study, invertebrate study. (volume not available). Volume III. Biological assessment, wetlands determination. (volume not available). Volume IV. Archaeological, historic and traditional cultural assessment. Volume V. Social impact assessment, appendix A: impacts to hunting, appendix B: indigenous Hawaiian cultural values. (volume not available). Volume VI. Noise analysis, air quality analysis, hazardous materials survey. Volume VII. Visual resource impact assessment. (volume not available).