UH Hilo Center for Maunakea Stewardship - Research Library

Draft environmental assessment/anticipated finding of no significant impact, W. M. Keck Observatory Keck telescope interferometer Outrigger Telescope Project. Includes Addendum.

MCM Planning,
Draft environmental assessment/anticipated finding of no significant impact, W. M. Keck Observatory Keck telescope interferometer Outrigger Telescope Project. Includes Addendum.
Outrigger Telescope Project W.M. Keck Observatory Environmental impact analysis
The California Association for Research in Astronomy (CARA) has asked the University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy for permission to construct and operate four to six 1.8-meter telescopes on the W. M. Keck Observatory site within the Mauna Kea Science Reserve. These new telescopes -- called "Outriggers" -- will be placed strategically around the two existing 10-meter Keck Telescopes. A complex optical system will combine the light received simultaneously by various combinations of the Outriggers and the Keck telescopes to create a high resolution synthesized image. The Outriggers will be a permanent addition to the existing facility. Based on an evaluation of the information presented in this Environmental Assessment with the significance criteria set forth in the EIS Rules, the University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy has determined that, with the specified protective measures, the proposed project will not generate significant adverse effects on the environment. A finding of no significant impact is anticipated.