UH Hilo Center for Maunakea Stewardship - Research Library

Final report Architectural inventory survey for Hale Pohaku rest house 1 and 2 and comfort station, Kaohe Ahupuaa, Hamakua District, Hawaii Island, Hawaii. TMK (3)4-4-015: 12 (por.) (February 2010)

Pacific Consulting Services, Inc.
Final report Architectural inventory survey for Hale Pohaku rest house 1 and 2 and comfort station, Kaohe Ahupuaa, Hamakua District, Hawaii Island, Hawaii. TMK (3)4-4-015: 12 (por.) (February 2010)
Mauna Kea Plans
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Architectural surveys Mauna Kea Hale Pohaku
This is the Final Architectural Inventory Survey for Hale Pohaku Rest Houses 1 and 2 and Comfort Station that is located at Kaohe, Ahupuaa, Hamakua District, Hawaii Island, Hawaii. The Hale Pohaku Rest House No. 1 is a one story structure constructed in 1936 of basalt and measures 23 feet 4 inches by 10 feet 4 inches. The Survey recommends eligibility for the National and Hawaii Registers of Historic Places under Criteria A and C. Criteria A is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of history. In this case, the building reflects the growth of government as a result of the Great Depression, exemplified in this case by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) creating jobs for the unemployed when constructing the Hale Pohaku complex and other public recreational infrastructure. The building would also be eligible for listing under Criteria C as a property embodying distinctive characteristics of type, period, or method of construction. Hale Pohaku Rest House No. 1 is an example of Rustic / Regionalist architecture, using irregular cut basalt, metal clad gable, hipped roof, wide eaves, and windows to harmonize with its surroundings. Hale Pohaku Rest House No. 2 was similarly constructed in 1939, also by the CCC, as a one story structure measuring 62 feet by 18 feet. The Survey also recommends eligibility under Criteria A and C. The Hale Pohaku Comfort Station was constructed in 1950. This building was erected by the Territory of Hawaii's Division of Forestry using the same methods and materials as the previous two buildings. The Survey recommends this building as eligible for both Registers under Criteria A and C. Criteria A would apply as the project reflected a post-war government effort to again develop public recreational facilities. Criteria C would also apply as the project deliberately complemented the regional of the first two buildings.
February 2010