UH Hilo Center for Maunakea Stewardship - Research Library

Natural resources management plan for the UH management areas on Mauna Kea: a sub-plan of the Mauna Kea comprehensive management plan

Sustainable Resources Group Intn'l, Inc.
Natural resources management plan for the UH management areas on Mauna Kea: a sub-plan of the Mauna Kea comprehensive management plan
Mauna Kea Plans
Mauna Kea Natural Resources Management Plan Natural resources management Office of Mauna Kea Management (OMKM) Mauna Kea Comprehensive Management Plan sub-plans
The development of the Mauna Kea Natural Resources Management Plan (NRMP) was initiated as a project of the Mauna Kea Management Board (MKMB) Environment Committee. Completion and approval of the NRMP was a conditional requirement made pursuant to approval of the Mauna Kea Comprehensive Management Plan (CMP) by the Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) in April 2009. The NRMP is unique because it is the first plan to focus on the protection and preservation of natural resources in the UH Management Areas on Mauna Kea (Mauna Kea Science Reserve (MKSR), Summit Access Road, and Hale Pohaku). While the CMP provides an overview and major recommendations pertaining to natural resources, the NRMP provides detailed information on the status of and threats to natural resources and development of a management program to conserve these resources. The NRMP is based on a scientific framework that includes comprehensive review of existing scientific studies, biological inventories, and historical documentation that identifies the current state of knowledge of resources and management activities and the effectiveness of current management actions. Community consultation was also part of the process, with surveys, email and phone interviews, and meetings held in Hilo and Honolulu to gather input from scientific experts, natural resource managers and concerned members of the public. The NRMP examines human uses of the area, with particular emphasis on their current and potential impacts on natural resources. This plan offers specific management actions to reduce the identified threats to natural resources and to guide adaptive responses to future threats. It also details a process for establishing and implementing a natural resources management program. The implementation plan reflects the input of multiple stakeholders, each of which sees different challenges and opportunities related to the management of Mauna Kea's natural resources. The traditional Hawaiian culture and belief system in which the natural and spiritual realms are intertwined provides a framework for integrated management of cultural and natural resources. In most cases, the cultural, spiritual, and religious aspects cannot be examined separately from the physical or scientific aspects. Within the context it was hoped that stakeholder involvement and cooperation by both cultural and natural resource practitioners would result in the development of a plan that resulted in the long-term protection of all resources. The information and recommendations contained in the NRMP are considered in a broader context, including opportunities and constraints presented by policy, operational and cultural resource considerations. The overarching goal of this NRMP is to help the Office of Mauna Kea Management achieve its mission by providing natural resource management goals, objectives, and activities that protect, preserve, and enhance the natural resources of Mauna Kea. The concepts by which the NRMP was developed, is included in this document.
September 2009