UH Hilo Center for Maunakea Stewardship - Research Library

Draft environmental impact statement : Saddle Road (State Route 200) Mamalahoa Highway (State Route 190) to milepost 6, county of Hawaii, state of Hawaii, FHWA project no. A-AD-6(1). Technical appendices - volume I

United States Federal Highway Administration,, Hawaii Department of Transportation,, Char, Winona P., Palmer, Rexford, Paul, David
Draft environmental impact statement : Saddle Road (State Route 200) Mamalahoa Highway (State Route 190) to milepost 6, county of Hawaii, state of Hawaii, FHWA project no. A-AD-6(1). Technical appendices - volume I
Roads environmental aspects Saddle Road Vegetation surveys Silene Hawaiiensis Akoko Chamaesyce olowaluana Highway planning Hawaii Island
A survey of the botanical resources found along all of the alignment segments from the Mamalahoa Highway to the Mauna Kea Access Road (westside study area) was conducted by Char and Associates for the proposed Saddle Road project. One threatened species, Silene hawaiiensis, and one species of concern, the akoko (Chamaesyce olowaluana), were found within some of the alignment corridors. A summary of the findings from the study, including potential impacts of the proposed project on the botanical resources, is presented in this report. Also included in Volume I of the Technical Appendices for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement Saddle Road (State Route 200) is the "Botanical Resources Survey" report prepared by Palmer & Associates Consulting, Pahoa, Hawaii. Rexford Palmer and David Paul prepared the maps and the report which described only results of surveys for Endangered, Threatened, Proposed, Candidate and Recommended Plant Species, and Plant Species of Concern, Rare Plants, unique Environmentally Sensitive Areas and Wetlands.