Mauna Kea location ideal for telescopes
- Author:
- Title:
- Mauna Kea location ideal for telescopes
- Periodical:
- Hawaii Tribune Herald
- Year:
- 1983
- Volume:
- V4
- Pages:
- 5a
- Subject:
Mauna Kea Observatories
Canada France Hawaii Telescope (CFHT)
Infrared Telescope Facility
- Summary:
- Astronomers from Mauna Kea observatories and University of Hawaii talked about the new discoveries made by telescopes on Mauna Kea and why Mauna Kea is a ideal location for astronomical observatories. For example, NASA's IRTF measured the sizes of Uranus moons and aided the Voyager 2 spacecraft which is heading for Uranus.
- Date:
- September 25, 1983
- Collection:
- Akiyama