Counseling Services

Faculty and Staff Red Folder

On this page:


On Campus

Off Campus




  • Ulifeline - Anonymous online resource center for college students. Includes self evaluator.

Assisting Students in Distress

Response Tips

  • Be Private- Speak to the student in private and remind them that you can be private but not confidential.
  • Safety First- The welfare of the campus community should always be top priority. Listen Sensitively and Carefully- Use a calm voice and non threatening body language. Maintain eye contact and avoid judgmental or threatening responses.
  • Be Empathetic- Allow the student to discuss their thoughts and feelings, which often helps relieve pressure. Try to validate the students feelings and do not minimize them.
  • Be Proactive- Early intervention is best; engage a student as soon as you notice something.
  • Be Direct- Don’t be afraid to ask the question. Ask students directly if they’re under the influence, feeling confused or thinking of harming themselves. If the person is suicidal, do not leave them alone.
  • Follow Through- Direct a student to the appropriate resource. Give them information about the Counseling Center and offer to walk them over.
  • Consult and refer- Always share concerning interactions with your supervisor or consult Counseling Services/CARE team.
  • Follow up- Reach out to the student soon after to check in with them.


  1. Threat of suicide
  2. Threat of harming others
  3. Threat of a weapon
  4. Discrimination, violence, or harassment towards a student.
