Student Employment
The University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo utilizes an online student employment system. All job searches are done via the online system. Before you begin your on campus job search, please note the following academic eligibility requirements that must be met before a student will be able to search for and apply to an on-campus job.
- Be a currently enrolled UH Hilo student registered for at least six-semester credits (12 credits for students on F1 visas).
- Be a classified student working towards a degree.
- Have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher (not applicable to students beginning their first-semester as a UH student).
There are 2 types of on-campus positions that are listed via the SECE System—Federal Work Study positions, which are designated "FWS" in the "Job Program" field and General Funded positions, which are designated “UH” in the “Job Program” field. Please note that Federal Work Study positions are reserved for those students who have a Federal Work Study Award as part of their Financial Aid Award package.
You may begin your job search at the UH Student Employment & Co-operative Education (SECE) website. To log in to the SECE System, you will do so utilizing your UH Username and Password (Hint: the part of your email address that precedes the "@" sign and your email password).
Create your student profile and search for on-campus student employment opportunities
This site is usually not available between 4am and 5am HST because the database is updated during that time.
Other Resources
The University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution. Title IX Coordinator: Shaunda Makaimoku/Jenna Waipa,, (808) 932-7642.