Crime Awareness and Campus Security

Contact Campus Security Office 24/7 at (808) 974-7911 (on campus, extension 7911). General Information: 808-932-7013 - Room 151, University Classroom Building (UCB).

Campus Security Director: Kalei Rapoza

Unit: Administrative Affairs
Office: UCB, room 151
Hours: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Monday - Friday
Phone: (808) 932-7644

CSO Title IX OEO Auxiliary Services Campus Security UCB 151 Main Entrance UniversityClassroomBuilding (UCB)

About Campus Security

Our Mission is Loyalty, Service and Integrity.

The University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for students, faculty, staff, and guests. Campus Security is located on the Main Campus in the University Classroom Building, Room 151, phone (808) 974-7911. The University of Hawaiʻi Board of Regents assigned authority for campus safety to the Chancellor, who delegated Campus Security operations to the Director of Campus Security.

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crimes Statistics Act (formerly Campus Security Act)

The University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo complies with the Campus Security Act by publishing, on an annual basis, crimes that occur on-campus, residence halls, non-campus and public property adjacent to the University Campus. These crimes include murder, negligent homicide, forcible and non forcible sex offenses, robbery, burglary, motor vehicle theft and arson. Additionally, hate crimes, weapons offenses, drug and alcohol use and arrests are reported.

Annual Security Report Availability

The University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo’s (UH Hilo) Annual Campus Security Report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on-campus, in certain off-campus buildings, property owned or controlled by the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo, and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies concerning sexual assault, and other matters. You can obtain a copy of this report by contacting UH Hilo Campus Security, (808) 974-7911, located in University Classroom Building, Room 151.

On this page:

Reporting of Crimes and Emergencies

The University encourages the prompt reporting of all emergencies, violations, and criminal incidents by calling the police (911) or to Campus Security (808) 974-7911. When a call is received by security, an Officer will be immediately dispatched. Often a quick report (PDF) will aid in the apprehension of the suspect and/ or prevention of a crime. All reported incidents are investigated and recorded. Incidents also can be reported to any University employee. Please read the memo regarding UH Hilo staff obligations to report criminal activity or potential criminal activity immediately.

Who Are Campus Security Authorities?

“Campus Security Authority (CSA)” is a Clery Act-specific term that encompasses four groups of individuals and organizations associated with an institution. An official is defined as any person who has the authority and the duty to take action or respond to particular issues on behalf of the institution.

(Double Click on Video for Full Screen)

Silent Witness Program and Online Incident Reporting

We at the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo live and work in what can be considered a small community. And, while we would wish otherwise, it is often true that members of our university family here on campus may cause problems for others. When crimes or incidents do occur on campus, several things can be said:

  • Because our campus community is small, it is almost certain that someone has either seen an incident take place or know of someone who did.
  • There is a greater likelihood that someone has heard or seen something or someone which leads them to believe that they were either involved or know the person(s) who were.
  • Someone wishes to provide the Campus Security with information but does not wish to be identified as the party providing the information.

To this end, we have provided a completely anonymous method of contacting the campus security department to provide timely information.

Whether you saw it, heard it, or heard about it, you may be able to assist us in resolving Campus crime and other issues by providing us with information.

If you see a crime or incident that you want to report to us, you can use our Silent Witness/Incident Report form.

Security and Crime Prevention

A successful campus safety program needs the cooperation, involvement and support of University students and employees. Throughout the year, Campus Security joins the efforts of the Counseling Center, Student Housing, and Freshman Year Program to train, inform, and educate our campus community in 1) Alcohol and Drug Awareness, 2) Sexual Assault, and 3) Helpful tips on room, car, and personal safety / security.

You can help Campus Security help you by exercising these common sense precautions:

  1. Report any suspicious persons or activities; report all incidents no matter how minor; report losses immediately.
  2. Be sure to lock and secure all windows and doors; lock your cars and bikes; store valuables in the trunk.
  3. Never loan keys to anyone (they are easily lost, stolen, or duplicated).
  4. Mark or engrave your belongings; don't leave belongings and valuables unattended for any amount of time i.e. laptops, electrical equipment, jewelry
  5. At night, travel and park in lighted areas; travel in pairs if possible; be aware of your surroundings.

Refer to the Crime Awareness Basics page for more information about reducing risks and taking steps to prevent crime.

Workplace Non-Violence Policy/Procedures

The University of Hawaiʻi system-wide has adopted a policy of zero tolerance fora any work related or workplace violence. In addition to physical attack or property damage, behaviors that express or intimate an intent to cause physical or mental harm to another person will be regarded as violence. All incidents must be reported and will be processed immediately according to statues, rules, contract agreements and other policies.

All employees are responsible for maintaining a harmonious work environment to enhance the institutions' abilities to fulfill missions and goals, to foster an environment that creates mutual respect between individuals, and ensure that all who interact do so in a caring manner.

UH Hilo Workplace Non-Violence Procedure

Other Documents:

Services Provided

Support Resources

Resource Contact
Narcotics Anonymous (808) 769-6016
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Groups (808) 935-0971
Family Crisis Shelter (Kona) (808) 322-7233
American Red Cross (808) 935-8305
Suicide Prevention & Crisis Hotline 1 (800) 753-6879
UH Alert Emergency Notification

Emergency Services

Emergency Response Phone
Police/Fire/Rescue/Ambulance 911
Campus Security (808) 974-7911
Campus Security dialing from an on-campus phone 47911
Poison Center 1-800-222-1222
Student Medical Services (808) 932-7369
Civil Defense Agency (808) 935-0031
Crime Stoppers 1 (808) 961-8300

Assistance Agencies

Organization Phone
UH Hilo Counseling (808) 932-7465
Hilo Women's Center (808) 932-7381
Hawaiʻi CC Counseling (808) 934-2720
Sexual Assault Crisis Line (808) 935-0677
Child Protective Services (808) 933-0350

Emergency Call Boxes and Blue Light Phones

The University has dispersed throughout the campus (yellow) emergency call boxes and blue light telephones for student and faculty use in the event of an emergency and/or the need for assistance.

Utilizing the emergency phone requires depressing the red button on the call box and this will place a call directly to Campus Security. The location of the call will be ascertained and the nature of the emergency or assistance will be addressed immediately. The blue light emergency phones provide direct communication to the security office, which can notify local law enforcement. The blue light emergency phones are tested on a monthly basis.

Campus Security Escort Program

The University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo offers the Escort Program seven days a week, 24 hours a day. The Program is available to ensure the safety of individual students, faculty and staff members. If someone feels uncomfortable about walking across the University Campus for any reason, they may contact the Security Department at (808) 974-7911 and they will be escorted to their requested on-campus destination.

Acquaintance Rape

When people think of rape, they might think of a stranger jumping out of a shadowy place and sexually attacking someone. But it's not only strangers who rape. In fact, about half of all people who are sexually assaulted know the person who attacked them.

Healthy relationships involve respect - including respect for the feelings of others. Someone who really cares about you will respect your wishes and not force or pressure you to have sex.

Alcohol and drugs are often involved in date rapes. Drinking can loosen inhibitions, dull common sense, and - for some people - allow aggressive tendencies to surface.

Drugs like rohypnol (roofies), gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), and Ketamine can easily be mixed in drinks to make a person black out and forget things that happen.

The best defense against acquaintance rape is to ensure that you have obtained clear consent from your partner before engaging in sexual activity. Avoiding alcohol or other drug use while making decisions about sexual activity also reduces the likelihood of miscommunication. Remember that each person has the right to say "no" at any time, regardless of the circumstances.

Student Housing Safety Tips

  1. Lock your dorm room door whenever you leave your room. Open doors are invitations. Most incidents of theft in Student Housing occur when an apartment or room is left unlocked. Lock your door even if you're going to the restroom or to a room next door.
  2. Put wallets, purses, jewelry, laptops, electrical equipment and other valuables in a safe locked place in your room. Leaving them out and unattended makes them (and you) an easy target.
  3. Never loan out you apartment/room key.
  4. Keep a record of all valuables with descriptions and serial numbers.
  5. Taking photos of your valuable items can be useful if stolen.
  6. Report all doors, locks and windows that need repair to your hall front desk immediately.
  7. Report all thefts to Housing Staff and Campus Security immediately.

Student Conduct

UH Hilo has a code of student conduct that specifies types of behavior that are not permissible, as well as the procedures for reporting and handling such behavior and possible disciplinary sanctions. For more information, visit the Student Conduct Code website.

UH Hilo Alcohol and Illegal Drug Policy

Missing Students Policy

If an individual has reason to believe that a student is missing, he/she should notify Campus Security (808) 974-7911, the Dean of Students (808) 932-7472, or the University Housing Office (808) 932-7403. In compliance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act, the University will follow certain procedures to assist in locating missing students who reside on campus. For students who reside off campus, the University may provide reasonable response and assistance as resources and time allow. See the University's Missing Student Notification Policy and Procedures.

Drugs/Weapons Policy

The possession or use of non-prescription drugs and paraphernalia or lethal weapons on University premises is strictly prohibited. Drugs include anything defined as a dangerous, harmful and/or detrimental substance. Lethal weapons include, but are not limited to, firearms, ammunition, spear guns, explosives, and other dangerous items. Any person found in violation is subject to the provisions of Hawaiʻi State Law, University policy and/or the Student Conduct Code.

UH Hilo Alcohol and Illegal Drug Policy

Access to Campus Facilities

Most facilities and programs are open and available to the public during normal hours of operation. To ensure personal safety and facility security, strict key control is maintained. Persons wishing to use facilities after hours need to make prior arrangements, and should carry proper University identification.

Campus Housing facilities are intended for University residents and guests. Visitors to Housing facilities are the responsibility of the resident host and overnight guests must make prior arrangements with the Hall Director.

Important Policies and Information