Lecturers, Adjunct, and Affiliate Faculty Appointments
The President or designee shall have authority to appoint lecturers in accordance with the following guidelines for appointment of lecturers:
- The fluctuating demand by students for various courses makes it impractical to provide a permanent staff to satisfy all such demands. Therefore, lecturers are hired on a temporary, part-time basis to fill this need when regular faculty members are not available.
- Since lecturers are temporary, part-time employees, the University cannot obligate itself to any guarantee of future employment or give any indication that continued employment is implied or intended.
- Each Chancellor shall develop academic standards for the hiring of lecturers on their respective campuses or divisions.
- Lecturers shall be paid according to the collective bargaining agreement. The rates shall be paid on the basis of the policies and rates in effect on the campus where the course is taught.
- Lecturers who are appointed to teach not more than six-credit hours at the Mānoa, Hilo, and West Oʻahu campuses and those appointed to teach not more than seven-credit hours at Community Colleges are carrying less than half-time load equivalent.
- Lecturers should not, as a general concept, be hired to teach a full instructional load equivalent of regular faculty, i.e., 15 credit hours for Community Colleges and 12 credit hours on four-year campuses per semester within the University system, since lecturers are hired to meet temporary, part-time requirements. In any event, lecturers should not be appointed for a total of more than the equivalent of 15 semester hours in the Community Colleges or 12 semester hours at the Mānoa, Hilo, and West Oʻahu campuses. Appropriate equivalencies should be developed for those who may lecture at both the Community Colleges and at the Mānoa, Hilo or West Oʻahu campuses at the same time.
- Lecturers employed full-time elsewhere (other than UH employment) should not be appointed for more than six-credit hours per semester or nine- credit hours during the academic year (the same limits as for full-time University faculty members).
- Lecturers are not eligible for tenure regardless of assigned workload or duration of appointments. Any period of appointment as a lecturer will not be counted as probationary service should a lecturer subsequently be appointed to a regular faculty position.
- Lecturer appointments are normally for one semester at a time.
- Lecturers who are appointed after the start of classes and who do not teach the full course(s) shall receive a pro-rata share of the lecturer stipend. The formula to be used is: the instructional class hours completed divided by the instructional class hours required for the course, multiplied by the total amount payable for the entire course.
Adjunct Faculty
Non compensated faculty appointments shall utilize the appropriate "adjunct" title in accordance with the following guidelines for employing the adjunct faculty series:
- The adjunct faculty series is intended to encourage the utilization of qualified, experienced persons from the local community in appropriate educational programs and thereby to enhance and improve the integration of practical real world experience with conceptual, theoretical, and vicarious instruction.
- The adjunct faculty series (which does not replace any current category of appointment) will be non-compensated appointments with each appointment appropriately ranked by training and experience analogous to regular faculty.
- The ranks in the adjunct faculty series will be:
- Adjunct Instructor
- Adjunct Assistant Professor
- Adjunct Associate Professor
- Adjunct Professor
- Appointments to this series will be upon invitation, will not exceed one year, and are to be the specific instructional term or terms for which the appointee has agreed to accept responsibilities.
- The appointment and ranking procedure utilized will be identical to that employed in the regular faculty appointment process with the exception that the recruiting and advertising aspects for compensated appointments will not be required.
- Reappointments of adjunct faculty at the same rank or at a different rank must be reviewed in the same manner as other faculty appointments. Changing the rank upward will require full appointment review by peers but will not involve a "promotion" process since each year's appointment is considered essentially as a new appointment.
- This series is effective immediately, may be utilized by all units, and appointments may be delegated to the Chancellor or designee.
Affiliate Faculty
- The title affiliate faculty is a non- compensated appointment to UH Hilo, usually to professional personnel in residence in Hawaiʻi County with a particular interest or capability which may contribute to the teaching or research program of the College; except for occasional lectures or consulting with individual students, affiliate faculty do no teaching.
- The Dean of the College recommends appointments to this title only after review and approval have taken place within the appropriate UH Hilo discipline. Appointments to this title carry no implied obligation for future appointment to instructional positions.