
2024-2025 UH Hilo Catalog Header-Photo of UH Hilo campus with logo and red wavy lines

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An abridged version of the catalog is available for download in PDF format on the Back Issues page.


Prospective students who have questions may contact:

University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
Admissions Office
200 W. Kāwili Street
Hilo, HI 96720-4091

University main exchange: (808) 932-7000
Email: uhhadm@hawaii.edu
Website: hilo.hawaii.edu

This publication is available in alternate format upon request. Please contact Disability Services at (808) 932-7623 or 933-3334 (TTY).

It is the goal of the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo to publish a catalog that provides both an introduction and a practical, comprehensive guide to the programs, courses, policies, and related information regarding the University. Please direct any omissions or inaccuracies to: Catalog Editor, 200 W. Kāwili Street, Hilo, HI 96720-4091; (808) 932-7927 or catalog@hawaii.edu.


This document is published for informational purposes only. It provides general information about the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo’s programs and services and summarizes major policies and procedures as they relate to students. Because this catalog, however, is published annually or less frequently, it may not always reflect the most recent information concerning programs, courses, services, regulations, policies, procedures, and other matters contained herein. Students should check with their advisors to obtain the most recent academic information regarding their departments, courses, and programs; students should check with appropriate Student Affairs professionals for updated information about other facets of campus student life.

The University reserves the right to change, delete, supplement, or otherwise amend at any time any information, requirements, and policies contained in this catalog. This right extends to tuition and fee charges which are subject to change in accordance with Hawaiʻi state law and/or actions by the Board of Regents or University administration.