2024 Excellence in Teaching Awards
To: UH Hilo Faculty, Staff and Students
From: Keiki Kawai‘ae‘a, Interim Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Subject: 2024 Excellence in Teaching Awards
Aloha UH Hilo faculty, staff, and students,
Please help recognize our hardworking teaching faculty. The nominations for the 2024 Excellence in Teaching Awards are now open. UH Hilo and the UH System annually honors excellent teachers who are nominated by their colleagues and students for the following three awards:
- The Board of Regents (BOR) Award for Excellence in Teaching is presented annually to a UH Hilo full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty member.
- The Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence is presented annually to a UH Hilo Instructor or Lecturer.
- The Frances Davis Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching is presented annually to a UH Hilo Instructor or Assistant Professor faculty member.
Nominations for these awards may be submitted by UH Hilo students, faculty and staff. (Please see the description which follows each award.) Supporting letter(s) are highly recommended. Nominators should explain how the nominee meets the specific criteria of the award.
Note: Faculty may win each award only once in their career. To see a list of past winners, please go to UH Hilo Faculty and Staff Awards.
Nominations will be accepted until January 31, 2024 and must be submitted electronically via Google Form: 2024 Excellence in Teaching Award Nomination.
As in the past, a student-faculty committee will select the 2024 award recipients. The committee has three faculty members (previous award recipients) and two students (the President of UHHSA and the President of the International Students' Association).
Important Note
The Committee has the authority to present or not to present an award in each category in any given year. The awards are not obligatory nor have they been awarded every year.
The Committee may choose not to present an award in a given category in a given year for any appropriate reason. Possible reasons include, but are not limited to, the pool of nominees in a given category may be insufficient to justify such a distinguished award and/or nominee(s) may not yet have demonstrated sustained excellence in teaching.These awards are highly competitive. Many excellent teachers have been nominated several times before being selected.
The Committee reserves the right to consider candidates for any of the three awards for which they qualify by rank, regardless of the award for which they have been nominated.