Kilohana: The Academic Success Center

TurnItIn at UH Hilo

Turn it in

Faculty at UH Hilo have access to (TII), a web-based, plagiarism prevention program. To access Turnitin, please contact Karla Hayashi ( for the account information.

For Instructors

For Students

Prefer to watch a video?

Check out the training videos on .

All training videos are under 10 minutes and each covers a specific task in TII, such as basic setup, submitting a paper, using Grademark and Gradebook, and more. There are videos for students and instructors.

Turnitin Live Expert Training Webinars
Turnitin is a great teaching tool as well as a tool to help prevent plagiarism. These 1-hour Webinars feature college professors (and TII users) sharing creative ways to use TII in the classroom. Prerecorded topics available are listed below and can be viewed any time.
  • Plagiarism in the Digital Age: What's Happening on College Campuses Today?
  • Teaching the Writing Process with Turnitin
  • Teaching Students Accurate & Effective Source Integration with Turnitin
  • Assessing Student Writing with Turnitin for Instructors & Writing Programs
  • Managing Students & Coursework Online with Turnitin
  • Best Practice for Teaching with Turnitin