UH Hilo Faculty and Staff Awards

Faculty and Staff Awards

On this page:

University of Hawaiʻi System Level Awards

UH Board of Regents' Medal for Excellence in Teaching

UH Board of Regents' Medal for Excellence in Research

Frances Davis Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

Willard Wilson Award for Distinguished Service to the University

President’s Award for Excellence in Building and Grounds Maintenance

UH Hilo Annual Campus Level Awards

Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching

Koichi and Taniyo Taniguchi Award for Excellence and Innovation

Outstanding Advisor/Mentor Award

Outstanding RCUH Employee Award

  • Outstanding RCUH Employee Award Criteria
  • Awarded annually.
  • Presented at UH Hilo’s Awards and Recognition Celebration.
  • Recognizes a RCUH employee who has made demonstrable, significant, and outstanding contributions to their University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo project throughout the past year or years.
  • Contact: uhhadmin@hawaii.edu

recipients of UH Hilo Annual Campus Level Awards.

UH Hilo Biennial Campus Level Awards

Award for Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activities

  • Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activities Award Criteria
  • Awarded biennially (odd-numbered years in the spring).
  • Chancellor's award. Established by Kormondy endowment.
  • Presented at UH Hilo’s Awards and Recognition Celebration.
  • Honors outstanding achievement in scholarly and/or creative endeavors, including publication of well-reviewed books, publication in refereed journals, or performances or exhibitions at the state or national levels at the University of Hawaiʻi.
  • Contact: uhhadmin@hawaii.edu

Outstanding University Support Employee Award

  • Outstanding University Support Employee Award Criteria
  • Awarded biennially (odd-numbered years in the spring).
  • Chancellor's award.
  • Presented at UH Hilo’s Awards and Recognition Celebration.
  • Presented to a university support service employee who has made significant contributions to the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo.
  • Contact: uhhadmin@hawaii.edu

Professional Staff Award

  • Professional Staff Award Criteria
  • Awarded biennially (odd-numbered years in the spring).
  • Chancellor's award. Established by Kormondy endowment.
  • Presented at UH Hilo’s Awards and Recognition Celebration.
  • Presented to a faculty/professional staff member who has made major professional contributions to his/her unit and to the university as a whole, and has made a positive impact on the welfare of students and colleagues at the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo.
  • Contact: uhhadmin@hawaii.edu

Excellence in Building & Grounds Maintenance Award

  • Excellence in Building & Grounds Maintenance Award Criteria
  • Awarded biennially (even-numbered years in the spring).
  • Chancellor’s award.
  • Presented at UH Hilo’s Awards and Recognition Celebration.
  • Presented to a building or ground maintenance employee who has made significant contributions to the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo.
  • Contact: uhhadmin@hawaii.edu

Excellence in Service Award

  • Excellence in Service Award Criteria
  • Awarded biennially (even-numbered years in the spring).
  • Chancellor’s award. Established by Kormondy endowment.
  • Presented at UH Hilo’s Awards and Recognition Celebration.
  • Presented to a UH Hilo tenure-track or full-time BOR-classified professional staff member who provides service related professional skills to the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo and their community.
  • Contact: uhhadmin@hawaii.edu

Pūlama ʻIke Award

  • Pūlama ʻIke Award Criteria
  • Awarded biennially (even-numbered years in the spring).
  • Chancellor’s award.
  • Presented at UH Hilo’s Awards and Recognition Celebration.
  • Presented to an individual who has made a significant contribution to developing and promoting the mission and spirit of the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo.
  • Contact: uhhadmin@hawaii.edu

Distinguished Service Award for Improving Student Life

  • Distinguished Service for Improving Student Life Award Criteria
  • Awarded biennially (even-numbered years in the spring).
  • Chancellor’s award.
  • Presented at UH Hilo’s Awards and Recognition Celebration.
  • Presented to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to student life beyond the boundaries of their official responsibilities at the University of Hawaiʻi.
  • Contact: uhhadmin@hawaii.edu

Recipients of UH Hilo Biennial Campus Level Awards.