Center for Global Education and Exchange

Planning to Return to Campus

On this page:

While abroad, the student may need to make decisions and plan for upcoming semesters on UH Hilo campus. These few pages are some important things the student should be planning for:

Pay Outstanding Bills

Students should make an effort to visit the host university's business office to make sure all fees (e.g. housing fees) have been paid for prior to leaving country.

Request Official Transcript from Host University

Students are required to request an official transcript with all final grades and have it sent to the Center for Global Education and Exchange office.

Register for Courses at UH Hilo

It is the student's responsibility to register for UH Hilo courses while abroad. Registration is through STAR. Students should refer to UH Hilo's registration guide for more details.

A student will not be able to register for courses if he/she has outstanding financial obligations to Student Accounts, Student Loans, or the library. If a student has serious extenuating circumstances (not including personal travel or time zone differences) and will not have Internet access during the set registration time, or if the student is encountering problems, contact the Office of the Registrar.

Find Housing After Study Abroad

Students who are intending to live on-campus after studying abroad must make note of the deadline to apply for on-campus housing.

Confirm Attendance for Study Abroad Alumni Gathering

An opportunity for returning students to transition back to campus life at UH Hilo is by getting together with cohort of students who went abroad. The Re-entry session will re-introduce various intercultural activities to help students discuss their educational experiences abroad. It's a great way meet to other returning students and talk story about your experiences abroad. Contact the Center for Global Education and Exchange for more details.