Office of the Registrar Home

Banner, STAR, and Academic Logic Access

  1. Banner Access Requests
  2. Access to STAR for Advisors
  3. Access to STAR Academic Logic (reports)
  4. Useful Links

Banner Access Requests

Banner Student Information System access is only available to current UH Hilo employees or student workers. Please complete the UH Banner Request for Access Privileges Form to request for access. Step-by-step instructions and screenshots are included below. To submit the form, the user requesting Banner access must have completed the Information Security Awareness Training (ISAT) within the past year. The form cannot be submitted with an invalid ISAT. The ISAT is replacing the previously used FERPA Tutorial. Actual Banner access will be determined by the appropriate departmental director.

You can access the UH Banner Request for Access Privileges Form through the direct link or searching for the form in KualiBuild. Both options require you to sign into KualiBuild with your UH username and password.

To search for the form, type in "Banner" in the search bar in the upper right corner. The result will populate an icon named “UH Banner Request for Access Privileges”. Select the icon to go to the online Banner Access Request Form

Once on the UH Banner Request for Access Privileges Form, instructions are listed at the top of the form.

Your information will auto-populate under “I. SUBMITTERS INFORMATION (Person filling out this form)” from signing in with your UH username and password.

  • Select Yes or No under “Is this access request for a student assistant?”

Under “II. USER'S INFORMATION (Person who this access request is for)”, select a request type. Definitions of the request types are listed to the right of the form.

  • Enter your name under “Name of User” and select it from the drop-down menu
    • If you are submitting a Banner request on behalf of someone else, include their information (the Banner user) in this section
  • Once you select the user's name, under the “Supervisor Information” section, it will auto-populate the user's supervisor’s information. Please allow for a couple of moments for the form to populate this information (as indicated by the green dial).
  • If the correct supervisor displays, select “Yes, the supervisor’s name is correct”. If the supervisor displayed is incorrect, select “No, a different name should be listed”.
    • If selecting for a different supervisor name to be listed, a new field will populate to “Manually enter the name of the supervisor or designee. The request will be routed to this individual for approval.”
  • Enter in the “User's Department / Office”
  • Under “User's Home UH Campus / System”, select “HIL” for UH Hilo
  • Under “UH Campus / System Access Requested by User”, select “HIL” for UH Hilo
  • Enter in the “Justification for Request”
  • If you already completed the ISAT, the completion date will be listed under “UH Information Security Awareness Training (ISAT)”

Under “III: USER ACCESS REQUEST DETAILS”, select from one of the following under “Functional Area”:

  • Student/Catalog/Schedule: “S” screens
    • Example: SGASTDN
  • Financial Aid: “R” screens
    • Example: RPAAWRD
  • Accounts Receivable: “T” screens
    • Example: TSAAREV
  • Once you select a Functional Area, it will ask for the “Student Database Access Type”:
    • PROD/TRAINING (Production/Training) – Live data
      • Most users will only select this option
    • PPRD (Pre-production) – Used for testing purposes
      • This option is only needed if you need access to testing scenarios
    • You can check off both boxes if you need access to both
  • Select the type of access being requested under “Access by Class”
    • On the form, there is a link of the different Banner Classes and their Privileges. You can also access the link here.
      • Example: Most General Office Student Assistants need “ BAN_SH5_C - General Student Maintenance”
  • If you don’t need access to an entire class of Banner screens and just need particular banner screens, enter the Banner screen information under “Request for Additional Access”
    • This section is also used for a current Banner user that needs access to a new Banner screen
    • If you need just the Banner screens listed under the Banner Class, leave this section blank
  • The “SSH Secured File Transfer Option” section is to request access to upload files to Banner for things such as a popload or to run a Banner job. SSH is not normally necessary for most Banner users.
  • For Submissions: Please locate the Actions section and click/tap on the green Submit button. On mobile devices, the Actions section is located below the form. Clicking/tapping Submit will constitute your digital signature.

Once submitted, you can go back to the original KualiBuild homepage to review the status of your form

  • Select the “Submissions” button at the top in KualiBuild. Click/tap on the online form you want to monitor. Slide the View switch from Review to Status. Review the status of your form.
  • If you are the approving supervisor/department director, any Banner access requests that you need to review will be listed under the “Action List” button at the top in KualiBuild.

Access to STAR for Advisors

STAR for Advisors is only available to current UH Hilo employees or student workers. Please complete the Request for STAR Advisor Access Privileges to request for access. Step-by-step instructions and screenshots are included below. To submit the form, the user requesting STAR for Advisors access must have completed the Information Security Awareness Training (ISAT) within the past year. The form cannot be submitted with an invalid ISAT. The ISAT is replacing the previously used FERPA Tutorial. Actual STAR for Advisor access will be determined by the appropriate departmental director.

You can access the Request for STAR Advisor Access Privileges through the direct link or searching for the form in KualiBuild. Both options require you to sign into KualiBuild with your UH username and password.

To search for the form, type in "STAR" in the search bar in the upper right corner. The result will populate an icon named “Request for STAR Advisor Access Privileges”. Select the icon to go to the online STAR for Advisors Access Request Form

Once on the Request for STAR Advisor Access Privileges, instructions are listed at the top of the form.

Your information will auto-populate under “I. SUBMITTERS INFORMATION (Person filling out this form)” from signing in with your UH username and password.

  • Select Yes or No under “Is this access request for a student assistant?”

Under “II. USER'S INFORMATION (Person who this access request is for)”, select a request type. Definitions of the request types are listed to the right of the form.

  • Enter your name under “Name of User” and select it from the drop-down menu
    • If you are submitting a Banner request on behalf of someone else, include their information (the Banner user) in this section
  • Once you select the user's name, under the “Supervisor Information” section, it will auto-populate the user's supervisor’s information. Please allow for a couple of moments for the form to populate this information (as indicated by the green dial).
  • If the correct supervisor displays, select “Yes, the supervisor’s name is correct”. If the supervisor displayed is incorrect, select “No, a different name should be listed”.
    • If selecting for a different supervisor name to be listed, a new field will populate to “Manually enter the name of the supervisor or designee. The request will be routed to this individual for approval.”
  • Enter in the “User's Department / Office”
  • Enter in the "User's Job Title"
  • Under “User's Home UH Campus / System”, select “HIL” for UH Hilo
  • Enter in the “Justification for Request”

Under “III: USER ACCESS REQUEST DETAILS”, select the user role based on the user's job description and needs under “User Roles”.

  • For Submissions: Please locate the Actions section and click/tap on the green Submit button. On mobile devices, the Actions section is located below the form. Clicking/tapping Submit will constitute your digital signature.

Once submitted, you can go back to the original KualiBuild homepage to review the status of your form

  • Select the “Submissions” button at the top in KualiBuild. Click/tap on the online form you want to monitor. Slide the View switch from Review to Status. Review the status of your form.
  • If you are the approving supervisor/department director, any Banner access requests that you need to review will be listed under the “Action List” button at the top in KualiBuild.

Access to STAR Academic Logic (reports)

1. Obtain approval for STAR Academic Logic access

All College Deans, Department Chairs, and Directors do not need to obtain approval for Academic Logic access. Our office will automatically grant Academic Logic access to these individuals. Please email directly to request access. This is all that is required for these individuals, no additional action is needed.

All others must have their Departmental Director email a request for Academic Logic access to the Office of the Registrar,, with the following information:

  1. Name of person needing access to Academic Logic
  2. UH Username
  3. Position Title and Status (Staff)
  4. Report name or type of information needed
  5. Please proceed to next step to identify which report you are requesting access for.

The Office of the Registrar can give access to enrollment and graduation information only. Contact the following for access to other types of information:

  • For access to student financial aid information, please contact Sherrie Padilla, Director of Financial Aid
  • Please do not proceed to the next step until approval is obtained from Financial Aid and our office emails you with more information.

2. Log into Academic Logic

Log into Academic Logic using your UH username and password.

3. Click on the report needed

  • The pop-up below will appear asking if you would like to request access. Press Yes button. Academic Logic pop-up for access
  • A second pop-up will appear with your information and a Comments section. In the Comments section, please describe what access you would like to request in detail. Press Process button.

4. Check email for approval of access

An automatic email will be sent to you once access is granted to your Academic Logic report(s).

If you require training for either Banner, STAR or Academic Logic, please contact the Office of the Registrar; we will be happy to set up a short training session.

To contact the Office of the Registrar, email Questions regarding other University of Hawaiʻi campuses should be directed to the appropriate campus contact.