Budget Office

UH Hilo Budget Office

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Director: Lois Fujiyoshi
Unit: Vice Chancellor of Administrative Affairs
Location: Bldg. 300A, Rm. 113
Hours: 7:45 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday - Friday

Aloha, and welcome to the UH Hilo Budget Office, a part of the Division of Administrative Affairs.

Pen and line chart and calculator

The Budget Office is dedicated to provide exceptional financial advice and leadership in all matters that pertain to budgetary analysis, formulation, and control processes involved in the allocation of resources; monitoring and review of operational expenditures; creation of multi-year financial plans; forecasting of program financial requirements; and performance of trend analyses of revenues and expenditures to assure a balanced budget. The Budget Office ensures that the needs of UH Hilo’s departments and programs are achieved through responsible fiscal practices, and that financial accountability is maintained while complying with administrative procedures, directives, laws, and policy decisions implemented by the University administration and the Board of Regents.


The mission of the Budget Office is to evaluate available resources, needs, current allocations, expenditures and monetary requests to recommend effective and efficient operating budgets for the major units of UH Hilo and the specific programs under the authority of the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs, as well as, Academic Affairs, Student Services, and areas under UH Hilo's Chancellor's Office. Dedication to enhancing the quality of education and the growth of UH Hilo through real time budget analyses and wise fiscal management is carried out through the following duties:

  • Providing technical advice
  • Performing complex evaluations of unit, systems, and government budgets
  • Resolution of problems that relate to the development of short and long term financial plans
  • Reviewing annual budget requests for areas in need and providing valuable input that results in positive outcomes

The Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs, and the employees of the division subscribe to the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) and adhere to the Code of Ethics proffered by this prestigious organization.

Budget Documents

Committees Related to Budget and Planning

Available Budget Documentation

View the Budget Documents Archive.