Office of Institutional Research
The Mission of the Office of Institutional Research at UH Hilo is keyed to the college’s 10 year strategic planning goals in supplying faculty, administration, and staff—as well as various external constituents—with consultation, statistics, and analyses deriving from student/alumni/community surveys, and from live operational and/or archival data sources that reflect, support, enhance, and inform organizational planning & decision processes, policy formulation, and ongoing institutional effectiveness/learning outcome assessment activities. Internal research support is provided for academic departments, faculty committees, and administrative offices. External reporting includes providing data about the college to federal and state agencies, to our accrediting agencies (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) and to various college guidebooks.
Reporting to the Chancellor, the Office of Institutional Research routinely engages institutional effectiveness and learning outcomes assessment efforts through:
- administering a robust schedule of semesterly, annual, biennial, quinquennial, and ad hoc student, alumni, and community surveys;
- developing specialized studies and analyses--through use of system-generated archival reports and/or campus-level operational data--that serve as evidence for the evaluation and enhancement of academic programs, and student learning/developmental outcomes; and
- supporting campus strategic goal attainment through disseminating the results of these activities, and bringing discussion and analyses of findings to bear on campus academic and student affairs planning and policy discourses.