UH Hilo Math Placement Assessment
On this page:
Please read this message before you take this exam. You may take this exam only once ¹ so please be prepared before you begin by studying the review guide available on this website! This exam is timed for 1 hour. If you leave the exam during the hour you will not gain additional time. Once the exam times out, you may not take the exam again.
¹ Students who may require accommodations for this (or any) placement assessment should contact the Disability and Access Services office before taking the assessment.
A student who believes s/he is misplaced must contact the Math Department Chair.
Who should take the UH Hilo Math Placement Assessment?
Students who wish to enroll in MATH 140X Precalculus (4) (Formerly 104), MATH 135 Precalc: Elementary Functions (3) (Formerly 104F), MATH 140 Precalc:Trig/Analytic Geometry (3) (Formerly 104G), MATH 125 Applied Calculus (3) (Formerly 115), or MATH 241 Calculus I (4) must either satisfy the course prerequisites listed in the catalog or take the Math Placement Assessment.
Students wishing to enroll in MATH 242 Calculus II (4) or above without having completed the prerequisite at the college level must see a math department faculty member for advice and possible authorization to enroll.
The placement assessment is not required to register for MATH 100 Survey Of Math (3) , MATH 103 Intro to College Algebra (3) , or MATH 115 Intro to Stats and Prob (3) .
Note: Effective May 21, 2020 students planning to register for Chemistry 161 (previously Chemistry 124) must take and complete the Math Placement Assessment and meet one of the following pre-requisites.
Option 1
Complete the Math Placement Assessment with a Math 140 or higher placement
Option 2
Previously earn a grade of C or better in Math 125 or higher. This excludes Math 271, Math x99, and Math 496.
When will assessment scores be uploaded to your student record?
Your score will be entered on to your student record by Kilohana personnel in the order it is received on Monday or Thursday (excluding holidays):
If Monday or Thursday is a holiday the scores will be entered on to your student record as soon as possible after the holiday.
Scores will be entered on to your student record Monday through Friday (once daily; excluding holidays) during Orientation week and Early Advising/Early Registration week during the regular semester.
After your score is entered on to your student record you can register for the course you are placed into.
Taking your assessment early is strongly advised to allow the Coordinator time to enter your score on to your student record.
When and where can I take the UH Hilo Math Placement Assessment?
Students may take the Online Math Placement Assessment at any time.
Students who are unable to take the online assessment must contact Kilohana's STEM Coordinator,
Students may take the assessment only once; please be prepared before you begin! If you stop before completing the exam you will not be able to re-start the exam nor will you be able to re-take the exam.
It is strongly recommended that you spend a few days reviewing problems (PDF) similar to what will be on the assessment before taking it.
When and how can I get my results?
Your results will be entered on to your student record according to the schedule described in the section entitled "When will assessment scores be uploaded to your student record?"
You will see your assessment score when you complete and submit your assessment. Please remember that the score must be entered on your student record before you can register for the appropriate course.
Please contact Kilohana's STEM Coordinator,