Kilohana Tutoring
All tutoring is walk-in and no appointment is required. Email if you'd like to work with a tutor via Zoom.
Kilohana emphasizes support for historically challenging classes and gateway courses essential for multiple majors by providing knowledgeable peer staff and other resources from a wide range of subjects.
Kilohana's primary mission involves peer staff helping student visitors become confident, independent, and self-motivated learners who will eventually be able to do their own work without a peer staff at their side.
The UH Hilo Student Conduct Code is in effect at all times in all Kilohana Centers and Kilohana sponsored events.
Peer consultation is free and operates on a first-come, first-served basis. Please click on a subject below for a detailed daily schedule.
All tutors for science, math, and writing are in the Mookini Library, Room 123.
Computer Science tutoring is in CH 11.
Tip: After you click on the subject below, a Google Calendar will open. You can change the tab on the upper right-hand side to view the week or month; you can also search for a specific day's tutoring schedule.
In the fall and spring semesters, all Kilohana Centers begin operations the second week of instruction and end on the last day of instruction for the semester. Peer staff are available on an abbreviated schedule during final exam week to allow our student staff to prepare and study for their final exams.
All Kilohana Centers are closed for regularly scheduled campus holidays and breaks during and between semesters. Kilohana Math, Science, and Writing Centers are currently closed to the public.
In-Person and Online Tutoring
Kilohana is offering tutoring on a walk-in basis in-person and online.
If you would like to meet with a tutor online, please email and let us know which subject you'd like help with. A tutor will send you the appropriate Zoom link.
All online tutoring follows the same schedules posted above. If a tutor is on duty, they are available in-person and online unless otherwise stated.