Emergency Operations Plan

Emergency Operations Plan

Contact Security at (808) 974-7911 (extension 7911 on campus) in an emergency.

The Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) shall provide the necessary guidance to organize and direct University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo’s and Hawaiʻi Community College’s operation in the event of an emergency and/or civil defense action that may be necessary (University of Hawaiʻi APM A-9.700, Plan for Emergency and Civil Defense Events).

Download the full UH Hilo & HawCC Emergency Operations Plan (PDF) (updated 4/13/2013) and the UH Hilo Pandemic Flu Plan (PDF) (updated 6/13/2008).

The following is a list of contacts related to the UH Hilo Emergency Operations.

Office Contact Office Phone
Emergency Management Coordinator
(Safety & Security)
Bonnie D. Irwin (808) 932-7650
Assistant Emergency Management Coordinator
(Environmental Health & Safety Office)
Ken Ikeda (808) 932-7638
Campus Security Kaleihiʻiikapoli “Kalei” Rapoza (808) 932-7644
Auxiliary Services William Walters (808) 932-7858
Facilities/Planning Office Jerry Watanabe (808) 932-7941

Chancellor’s Statement

Safety is important at the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo. The University has a comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan outlining campus emergency response and recovery procedures. The Plan was established as a supplement to the administrative policies, procedures and practices followed during normal university operations. When implemented, it serves as the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo’s emergency operations plan, setting forth the authorities and policies for activation, personnel emergency assignments and operational procedures. The major goals of the Plan are the preservation of life, the protection of property and continuity of academic and business operations.

All decisions made in response to any emergency or disaster will be done in a thoughtful and measured manner. All facts and circumstances will be evaluated in relation to any decision making in formulating an on-going action or recovery plan. The purpose of a measured response is to insure that there isn’t an overreaction to any given situation and that appropriate action is taken to properly handle and mitigate any emergency or disaster.

Approved by Dr. Donald Straney, Chancellor UH Hilo, EOP Plan Executive, on 04/13/2013. Signature is on file.

Table of Contents

  1. Purpose and Authority

    1. Purpose
    2. Campus Priorities
    3. Emergency Classifications
      1. Type 1 (Minor Incident)
      2. Type 2 (Emergency)
      3. Type 3 (Disaster)
    4. Types of Emergencies
      1. Human-Caused Hazards
      2. Natural Hazards
    5. Reporting a Potential Emergency
    6. Authority
      1. State of Hawaiʻi
      2. University of Hawaiʻi and Community Colleges
      3. University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo (UH Hilo)
      4. Delegation of the UH Hilo Chancellor's Authority

  2. Organization

    1. Plan Responsibility and Control
      1. Plan Direction and Control - System wide
      2. Plan Direction and Control - UH Hilo
      3. UH Hilo Chain of Command
      4. Emergency Notification Procedure
      5. In the Absence of the UH Hilo Chancellor
      6. Emergency Telephone Numbers
    2. Plan Director
      1. Responsibility and Authority
      2. Policies and Procedures
      3. Updating and Maintenance of Emergency Operations Plan
      4. Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
      5. Records
      6. Liaison with and Use of Outside Agencies
      7. Notification Responsibilities
    3. Emergency Operations Plan Officers
    4. General Responsibilities of EOP Officers
      1. Command Staff
        1. Public Information Officer/Webmaster
        2. Safety Officer
        3. Outside Agency Liaison
        4. Campus Security
      2. General Staff
        1. Operations Section Chief
        2. Logistics Section Chief
        3. Planning Section Chief
        4. Finance/Human Resources Section Chief
        5. Personnel Support Section Chief
      3. Designated Plan Alternates
      4. Organizational Chart

  3. Dissemination of Emergency Information

    1. Communication Systems
      1. Mobile Loudspeakers (Audio Hailers)
      2. Radio
      3. Electronic Communications
      4. Building Fire Alarm Systems
      5. Campus Telephone System or Word of Mouth
    2. Emergency Announcements
      1. Alert
      2. Suspend Classes
      3. Evacuate Buildings and/or Campus
      4. Convert Campus
      5. Seek Shelter
    3. Email Alerts/Webpage Updates
    4. Civil Defense Warnings and Alert Signals

  4. Appendix A. Action to be Taken During Specific Emergencies

    1. Fire
    2. Earthquake
    3. Severe Windstorm
    4. Hurricane
    5. Tsunami or Flood
    6. Volcanic Eruption
    7. Hazardous Material Incident
    8. Major Utility Outage
    9. Explosion or Threat of Explosion
    10. Bomb Threat
    11. Exhibit A. Check List When You Receive a Bomb Threat
    12. Bio-terroristic Threat
    13. Workplace Violence
    14. Shooting Incidents
    15. Civil Disturbances/Labor Strikes
    16. War

  5. Appendix B. Hurricane Rating of University Space
  6. Appendix C. Civil Defense Designated Hurricane Evacuation Centers on Campus
  7. Attachments
  8. Addendum for Persons with Disabilities


Attachment 1. Emergency Telephone Numbers & Building Administrators

Emergency Telephone Numbers & Building Administrators

Attachment 2. Informational Brochure – Weather Safety: Hurricanes

NOAA Weather Safety: Hurricanes (PDF)
File no longer available

Attachment 3. Hurricane Safety Checklist

American Red Cross: Hurricane

Addendum for Persons with Disabilities

Please see the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo's Disabilities Services and Hawaiʻi Community College's Hāʻawi Kōkua Program.

Important Disclaimer

This manual has been prepared for your convenience. It is intended as a reference guide and contains general descriptions and summaries of various policies, benefits, procedures, and rules. This manual is not a contract or binding agreement. It does not supersede laws, rules, collective bargaining agreements, policies and procedures, and benefit plan documents pertaining to the various subject matters covered. Pay provisions and benefits vary by type of employment appointment and collective bargaining agreement, and are subject to change.

Please note that if the circumstances following any disaster require appropriate action, pursuant to Chapter 128, Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes (HRS), the Governor is authorized to proclaim that a disaster has occurred and, if necessary, suspend any law, which impedes or tends to impede or is detrimental to the expeditious and efficient execution of, or to conflict with, disaster relief or other emergency functions. This authority to suspend any law includes, but is not limited to, laws relating to procurement and civil service.

You should also be aware that pursuant to Chapter 128, HRS, the Governor may also order and direct government agencies, officers, and employees, state or local, to take such action and employ such measures for law enforcement, medical, health, fire fighting, traffic control, warnings and signals, engineering, rescue, construction, emergency housing, and other welfare, hospitalization, transportation, water supply, public information, training, and other civil defense and emergency functions as may be necessary, and utilize the services, materials, and facilities of the agencies and officers. All such agencies and officers are required to cooperate with and extend their services, materials, and facilities to the Governor as the Governor may request. Therefore, you should be prepared, should you be called upon, to provide civil defense and emergency functions outside of your normal employment duties. Of course, pursuant to Chapter 128, HRS, you will retain your salary and all of your employment benefits while engaged in civil defense function.

For further information, please contact your Departmental Personnel Office or refer to the applicable laws, rules, collective bargaining agreements, policies and procedures, or benefit plan documents.