Emergency Operations Plan

Points of Contact

The following is a list of contacts related to the UH Hilo Emergency Operations.

Office Contact Person/Email Office Phone Office Fax
Director of Campus Security Kaleihiʻiikapoli “Kalei” Rapoza 932-7637 932-7644
Emergency Management Coordinator (Director, Environmental Health & Safety Office) Ken Ikeda 932-7638 932-7637
Director, Auxiliary Services William Walters 932-7858 932-7004
Director, Facilities/Planning Office Jerry Watanabe 974-7595 974-7609

In addition to the persons noted above, the Emergency Operations Plan lists the individuals identified in the Plan as having specific responsibilities in the event emergencies. The listed individuals can be found in the Attachment 1. Emergency Telephone Numbers & Building Administrators.

For individual buildings, building coordinators are listed in the Attachment 1. Emergency Telephone Numbers & Building Administrators.