College of Arts and Sciences, Koleke Pāheona a ʻEpekema

Manual of Policies and Procedures

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The purpose of a Manual of Policies and Procedures for the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) at the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo (UH Hilo) is to facilitate the work of administration and faculty in the realization of the purposes of the College. This manual should

  1. promote effective cooperation between administration and faculty by providing definite agencies for free discussion of matters of common concern,
  2. define and regularize structure, policies, and operating procedures,
  3. define and distribute responsibility, and
  4. provide for the accumulation of recorded experience.

Article I. The Faculty

Section 1. The Faculty

The Faculty of the CAS at UH Hilo shall consist of the tenure-track and tenured professors, associate professors, and assistant professors appointed in this College. Also members of the Faculty of the CAS are those holding temporary faculty appointments at the ranks of instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, and professor with renewable contract status. All members of the Faculty, as herein defined, shall have the right to vote upon or consent to any matter upon which action by the Faculty is taken or required, except those individuals from Arts and Sciences voting units with executive and management (E/M) positions in the administration of the University or one of its colleges.

Section 2. Faculty Membership List

The Office of the Dean shall maintain a list of members of the faculty. Each year the Office of the Dean shall prepare a revised faculty membership list for use during that academic year.

Article II. Faculty Governance

Approved by CAS Faculty vote on September 4, 2009.

The Faculty of the CAS, as defined above, participate in the governance of the College primarily through their representation on the College’s Curriculum Review Committee (CRC) and the Academic Policy Committee (APC).

Section 1. Curriculum Review Committee

The Curriculum Review Committee (CRC) shall consist of four (4) members elected from, and by, the Faculty, with at least one representative from each of the College’s three divisions – Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. The term of appointment is for two years. Faculty on the CRC must hold the rank of Assistant Professor (I-3), Associate professor (I-4), or Professor (I-5).

The CRC serves as the CAS’s reviewing body to advise the Dean of the College on requests from CAS faculty, departments, or programs for approval of (a) course modifications, (b) new courses, (c) program modifications, including termination of existing programs, and (d) new programs leading to certificates or baccalaureate degrees. In addition, the CRC may review periodically and, when necessary, suggest modifications of the procedures for review and approval of courses.

Section 2. Academic Policy Committee

The Academic Policy Committee (APC) shall consist of four (4) members elected from, and by, the Faculty, with at least one representative from each of the College’s three divisions – Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. The term of appointment is for two years. Faculty on the APC must hold the rank of Associate Professor (I-4) or Professor (I-5). The APC serves as the CAS’s reviewing body to advise the Dean of the College on (a) proposals to modify existing rules, regulations, and policies regarding the professional welfare of the CAS Faculty, or (b) proposals of new rules, regulations, and policies regarding the professional welfare of the CAS Faculty. In addition, the APC may review periodically and, when necessary, suggest modification of the procedures for review and approval of rules, regulations, and policies in the CAS.

Article III. Policies

Section 1. Faculty Load Apportionment

Approved by CAS Academic Policy Committee, February 24, 2010.

Instructional faculty members are expected to teach 24 credits per academic year, or 12 credits per semester. Instructional faculty at the rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor are normally granted a three (3) – credit release for scholarly and creative work, research, advising, academic committee work, and the like. To effectively offer courses needed by students, a faculty member may request a reapportionment for a particular academic year, such that the load is not evenly divided into 9 credits per semester. A faculty member may teach an unpaid overload (up to a maximum of 3 credits) in one semester and receive a correspondingly reduced load the following semester (or vice versa). This policy will enable individual faculty and departments to balance teaching loads in line with grants and research projects. Since the contract stipulates only that 18 hours be taught in an academic year, adjusting the hours should not cause a problem, as long as the totals add up. Only if the load reapportionment crosses from one academic year into another would signed approval from the Division Chair and Dean be required.

Section 2. Space Allocation

Approved by CAS Academic Policy Committee, April 16, 2010 4.

  1. Space is assigned to personnel in the CAS to enable them to carry out their assigned responsibilities, consistent with strategic planning initiatives of the CAS and the UH Hilo.
  2. Space allocations are based on the number of FTE in the unit, not the total number of individuals in the unit.
  3. In the assignment of office space:
    1. Tenured and tenure-track faculty, including visiting teaching faculty and faculty members on early (phase) retirement, will have first priority. Every effort will be made to provide such faculty with a private office and telephone;
    2. Full time instructors will have second priority. Every effort will be made to provide such faculty with a private office and telephone, but when adequate office space is not available, instructors may be asked to share offices.
    3. APTs and secretaries will have assigned office space and telephones within their assigned units, shared with similar personnel insomuch as possible.
    4. Lecturers are expected to share office space.
    5. When space is required for research purposes, requests for such space should be accompanied by a recommendation from the research council. The University will refrain from signing off on grants that require research space that is in fact not available.
    6. Faculty on sabbatical who are away from Hilo may be asked by their department chair to make their office space, and a minimum of drawer/file space, available to their replacement. Faculty on sabbatical who will be in Hilo for a significant portion of their sabbatical will be permitted to keep their office space if that space is necessary for the completion of their sabbatical project.
    7. Affiliate and emeritus faculty have no expectation of office space;
    8. Non-teaching visiting faculty will be assigned office space only when the needs of the regular faculty have been met; and
    9. Graduate TA/RAs are assigned desks in shared office space.
  4. When a unit has a reduction in its number of faculty or staff, or in its teaching, research, or service responsibilities, the Dean of the CAS may reallocate some space previously assigned to that unit. The following conditions will result in a space assignment analysis, the result of which may be the reversion of space to the central administration for reassignment:
    1. the absence of authorization to replace vacated personnel lines, to include faculty, graduate assistants, and staff;
    2. the relocation of a unit to different space;
    3. the loss of sponsored research support, or the loss of sponsored research support that results in a reduction of personnel supported by the research grant (the space which would continue to be assigned will be determined using an appropriate level of facility support per faculty member by discipline);
    4. the loss of students enrolled in courses for which space is assigned to the unit, such as teaching laboratories or special classrooms; and
    5. the phasing out of educational, research, or support programs, or adjustments made as the result of strategic planning.
  5. Office space assigned to a unit shall not be physically altered or modified without the expressed, written permission of the Dean of the CAS.

Article IV. Revision and Amendment

Section 1. Procedures for Revision of the Manual of Procedure

The College’s APC shall consider revision of the Manual at least once every seven years. If the APC decides that a revision is necessary, it shall prepare a revision which shall be presented to the Faculty of the College for ratification. The revision shall be transmitted to the Faculty at least 10 days in advance of the scheduled vote, which is to be conducted by secret written ballot. Ratification requires three-fifths majority of those voting thereon and the approval of the UH Hilo Chancellor; if, however, the Chancellor does not veto any portion of the revision within 60 days following its approval by the Faculty, the revision shall take effect.

Section 2. Procedures for Amendment of the Manual of Procedure

Amendments to the Manual may be introduced at any regular or special meeting of the College’s APC. If two-third of those present and voting so direct, the amendment(s) shall be transmitted to the Faculty at least 10 days in advance of the scheduled vote, which is to be conducted by secret written ballot. Ratification requires three-fifths majority of those voting thereon and the approval of the Chancellor; if, however, the Chancellor does not veto any amendment within 60 days following its approval by the Faculty, it shall become a part of this Manual.