Office of the Chancellor

Advisors to the Chancellor

Executive Leadership Team heading

The Chancellor's Executive Leadership Team is comprised of senior-level executives who report directly to the Chancellor. Charged with providing coordinated and effective leadership to the university, this group works with the chancellor to maximize UH Hilo’s resources and energies to move the university forward.

Executive Council heading

The Chancellor’s Executive Council is a broad based group of campus leaders: Vice Chancellors, Deans, Associate Deans, Division Chairs, Directors of major units, and the Faculty Congress Chair. The group meets monthly to share information about their units and provide input to the Chancellor on major issues affecting the university.

Hanakahi Council heading

The Hanakahi Council is a campus-based caucus group of faculty and staff who are Native Hawaiian or associated with campus programs, colleges, or departments in Hawaiian Studies, Hawaiian language, or Hawaiian education or targeted to serve Native Hawaiian students. The council advises the Chancellor on Hawaiian issues.

Cultural Protocol Kīpaepae Executive Committee heading

The Kīpaepae Executive Committee is housed at the Office of the Chancellor at Hawaiʻi Community College, University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo, and Maui College. Kīpaepae was conceived and is still supported by Hawaiʻi Community College's I Ola Hāloa Center for Hawaiʻi Life Styles. Kīpaepae continues to be operationalized by the Office of the Chancellor. Please visit the Kīpaepae Executive Committee website for the link to the Kīpaepae Request Form link.

UH Hilo Community Advisory Board heading

The primary purpose of the UH Hilo Community Advisory Board is to help support the mission and forward the vision of the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo in partnership with the Hawaiʻi Island community. The role of the board is similar to that of a corporate board of directors in terms of advocacy and providing guidance on strategic matters that will advance the educational, research, and outreach programs of the university.

Faculty Congress heading

The UH Hilo Faculty Congress speaks for the faculty on academic matters of concern to more than one unit.

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The Staff Council functions in an advisory capacity to the UH Hilo Chancellor and administration with the express goal of promoting the general welfare of the University through advocacy, the inclusion of staff perspectives, and providing opportunities to enhance the personal and professional knowledge, skills, and abilities of Civil Service and Administrative, Professional, and Technical (APT) employees.

Committee for Excellence in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion heading

The Committee for Excellence in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion provides recommendations and strategies for improving the campus climate for diversity, equity, and inclusion. The committee works toward the UH Hilo vision to create a campus environment that cultivates, sustains, and reflects a diverse, multicultural university that is rooted in the indigenous culture and history of Hawaiʻi.

Sustainability Committee heading

The Sustainability Committee is helping UH Hilo to "integrate sustainability across its Operations, Education, Research, Campus & Community Engagement and Cultural Connections". The committee provides broad input on ways to save on energy costs and have more sustainable practices on campus.

Committee on Access heading

The Committee on Access provides advice, consultation and recommendations to the chancellor and his senior leadership team regarding campus planning related to compliance with federal accessibility standards, including the prioritizing of accessibility improvements of facilities to meet those requirements; serves as a venue for facilitating campus-wide discussion of policies, procedures, programs, facilities, and other matters that assure the full inclusion of people with disabilities into our diverse campus community; serves to review matters related to disability access and shall make recommendation to the chancellor and his senior leadership team on its findings; and shall liaison with Hawaiʻi Community College on accessibility matters as appropriate.

Maunakea Management Board heading

The Maunakea Management Board is appointed by the UH Board of Regents to guide the operations of the UH Hilo Center for Maunakea Stewardship (CMS) and to advise the chancellor. The mission of CMS is to “Achieve harmony, balance and trust in the sustainable management and stewardship of the Maunakea Science Reserve through community involvement and programs that protect, preserve and enhance the natural, cultural and recreational resources of Maunakea while providing a world-class center dedicated to education, research and astronomy.”

Kahu Ku Mauna Council heading

The nine-member Kahu Ku Mauna Council advises the Maunakea Management Board, the Office of Maunakea Management, and the chancellor on Hawaiian cultural matters affecting the Maunakea Science Reserve.