Institutional Report: WASC Special Visit
October 2009
October 14-15, 2009, the university will be visited by a WASC team who will meet with faculty, staff, students, and administration regarding two areas of concern to the Commission: institutional governance and the Hawaiian and Indigenous Language and Culture Revitalization. In preparation for the visit, the institution has prepared a report of progress in these two areas, as well as information on other recent developments of interest to the Commission.
The report concludes:
As we reflect as an institution, we believe that UH Hilo has responded effectively to WASC’s action letter of July 2008.
We have developed new processes and policies, and we have improved shared governance, curriculum/academic policy development, enrollment management, budget planning, and student service facilities. These reforms have received support campus-wide, with strong participation from all constituencies – demonstrated in “brown bag” luncheons, campus forums, and shared-governance meetings.
We have done much to clarify and strengthen the roles of our deans, defining their pivot-points of authority in developing curriculum, budgets, and policy. We have formed a Deans Council under the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs to ensure that the deans work collaboratively to institute and oversee these reforms.
We will continue to monitor and refine our new curricular and academic policies/processes. During AY09-10 we will carefully evaluate the ongoing effectiveness of campus entities such as EMIT, LRBPC, and the new CCRC to ensure that effective communication and policy-making occur throughout the institution.
The report and appendices may be read in full; click on the following links to PDF documents.
Special Visit Schedule, October 14-15, 2009 (Word file)
Report for October 2009 Special Visit (PDF)
Appendices (in PDF format)
- Academic Policy Review Flow Chart and Explanatory Notes (PDF)
- Academic Policies Effective August 2009 (PDF)
- Curriculum Review Flow Chart and Explanatory Notes (PDF)
- Meeting Notes, UHM Dean of the Graduate Division (PDF)
- External Reviewer Report on the Doctorate in HILCR (PDF)
- Online Catalog Descriptions of CHL Ph.D. and M.A. Programs (PDF)
- Matrix of Ph.D. and M.A. Courses (PDF)
- Assessment Plans, Ph.D. and M.A. Programs (PDF)
- Ph.D. Program Policies (PDF)
Material added October 12, 2009