Partnerships for Reform through Investigative Science and Math - PRISM

Partnerships for Reform through Investigative Science and Math - PRISM

Aloha and welcome to the PRISM website!

The PRISM Program provides a scaffolded life science curriculum for grades K-8 that meets the needs of busy classroom teachers with easy-to-understand lesson plans that meet Hawaiʻi Content and Performance Standards (HCPS III).

This program began as a partnership between UH Hilo’s Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science Program and School of Education and Hawaiʻi Island K-8th grade schools. Collaboratively, we developed Hawaii-centered curriculum that focuses on the Hawaiian marine and terrestrial environments, and living Hawaiian culture. Graduate students from the TCBES Program partnered with classroom teachers to create novel inquiry-based lessons plans designed to excite students about science by doing science.

Close up drawingPRISM emphasizes hands-on learning activities This program was developed through a three-year grant from the National Science Foundation . During the 2010-2011 academic year, two graduate student fellows are available to assist you and your school with the implementation of PRISM curriculum. We can provide teacher-training mini-workshops and curriculum demonstrations, technological assistance, equipment loans, and limited in-classroom assistance. The earlier you contact us with your needs, the better we can assist you.

Please contact Colby McNaughton with your questions, ideas and interests, and we will reply promptly. Mahalo nui!

PRISM in action!

PRISM volunteers worked at the UH Hilo Earth Day Celebration where students learned about important parts of plants, an example of Hawaiʻi Forest curriculum.

PRISM at County FairPRISM Fellow Riley Bernard helps keiki connect with Hawaiʻi's native plants at the 2010 Hawaiʻi County Fair

Earth Day FairA participant at UH Hilo's Earth Day Fair