UH Hilo Brand Policy
Approved: May 5, 2023.
Last Updated May 2023.
I. Purpose and Context
The UH Hilo Brand Policy shall apply to all units within the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo, hereinafter called “UH Hilo.” Vendors providing goods and services working in conjunction with any unit must also abide by the UH Hilo Brand Policy. UH Hilo is a member of the 10-campus University of Hawaiʻi System and is governed by UH Board of Regents Policy and UH System Executive Policy as well as the guidelines set forth by the UH Collegiate Licensing Office.
This document sets out the University's policy on brand identity and the procedures and guidelines for its management and implementation.
Consistent and strategic brand management helps differentiate UH Hilo from other Hawaiʻi college campuses, and communicates core values and strengths to the global community. The University's diversity of cultures, island environments and hands-on learning experiences, as well as focus on the student’s journey, are all key to UH Hilo’s brand, mission and vision. Units and vendors should refer to the UH Hilo Brand Guide for more detailed guidelines and information.
Clear and effective brand management policy and procedures are required to protect the image, visual identity and logos of the University. It also provides a framework for stakeholders for the consistent development of high-quality internal and external communications that support the integrity of the brand.
The UH Hilo Brand Policy applies to all forms of promotion and to any material using the official University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo logo and/or name, which includes printed and digital materials produced for external circulation by faculty, staff and students.
II. Definitions
For the purposes of this Policy:
- Unit
- a college, department, center, institute, or other similar University organization, including faculty, staff and/or students
- Vendor
- any external organization providing goods and/or services to our campus units
- UH Hilo Marketing and Social Media Advisory Group Brand Policy and Guidelines Committee
- a committee of the Marketing and Social Media Advisory Group (MSMAG) facilitated and convened by the Director of Institutional Marketing that focuses on brand policy and guidelines
- University Material
- material produced or controlled by the University or any of its units for the purposes of promoting or representing the University, including courses and services
- publications (hard copy printed material such as, but not limited to: brochures, journals, newsletters, newspapers, magazines, event publications, flyers, stationery, direct mail, etc.)
- electronic media (radio, television, film, photography, multimedia presentations, digital media files, etc.)
- websites, emails, social media content and text messages
- all forms of advertising
- University products and merchandise
- Advertising
- information and/or images published or broadcast in any media
- Brand
- system of values, benefits, attributes, culture and personality defining and differentiating the University
- The University Logo
- the University logo includes at least one of the following two elements:
i. the symbol (also known as the University seal)
ii. the wordmark - University of Hawaiʻi [at] Hilo
- Graphic Identifier
- unofficial visual or graphic marks created to identify a unit within the University, including colleges, departments, student organizations and other units on campus
III. Guidelines
The UH Hilo Brand Guide is a set of guidelines that apply to a range of visual applications for the University. These applications include materials produced across all communication platforms such as print, websites, digital media, photography and video, as well as stationery, signage and exhibits.
The UH Hilo Brand Toolkit offers units resources and templates for custom brand email signatures, PowerPoint templates and Zoom backgrounds.
University brand stationery items, including letterhead and business cards, are governed by UH System Brand Guidelines and may not be altered without permission.
The Institutional Marketing Office, in conjunction with Strategic Planning, Web and Graphics Services and the UH Hilo Marketing and Social Media Advisory Group, is responsible for leading and developing the UH Hilo’s brand systems and resources, and for interpreting and ruling on questions regarding the University brand.
IV. Policy Statement
References to UH Hilo
All faculty, staff and students have a responsibility to protect the University's brand. Units and vendors should refer to UH Hilo using one of the below authorized names:
- University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
- UH Hilo
- Ke Kulanui o Hawaiʻi ma Hilo
Unauthorized references to UH Hilo include, but are not limited to, the examples below and should not be used:
- University of Hawaiʻi Hilo
- University of Hawaiʻi – Hilo
- University of Hawaiʻi, Hilo
- UH-Hilo
UH Hilo Logos and Graphic Identifiers
University logos may not be used without prior approval from the Institutional Marketing Office, with the exception of pre-printed stationery, official University forms or pre-approved arrangements.
University logos are the sole visual identity representation of the University. No other logos, graphic identifiers or variations thereof are permitted.
The University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo has two approved logos: the official University seal logo and the Vulcan Athletics logo (please refer to the UH Hilo Brand Guide).
The development of new University logos, graphic identifiers (including colleges, departments and student organizations, etc.) or any change to University logos or trademarks must be done in conjunction with and endorsed by the Institutional Marketing Office and Web and Graphics Services.
In addition, requests involving official logos must be reviewed by the UH Hilo Marketing and Social Media Advisory Group Brand Policy and Guidelines Committee, with final approval by the UH Collegiate Licensing Office and UH Office of Communications.
Campus colleges, departments, student clubs and other campus units who choose to develop and/or use graphic identifiers, must either use the official UH Hilo seal logo and/or the University name (i.e. University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo or UH Hilo), in conjunction with the mark. For guidance on proper visual implementation that aligns with the brand, please contact Graphics Services directly.
Usage of the UH Hilo logo for marketing or endorsement purposes by outside contractors are not allowed. Listing of UH marks must be done in a factual manner and be of similar size and font as other partners. Such a listing cannot be deemed to serve as an endorsement. An agreement should specify that the Contractor will abide by UH brand identity standards, and the Contractor will abide by any request UH may make to remove or change UH's logo at any time. Further, the agreement should specify that Contractor should not use the UH name and logo for any other purpose not explicitly permitted by UH in writing in advance and shall immediately cease all uses of UH name and logo upon termination of the agreement.
UH Hilo Branding
Branding should not be equated with the production of logos or graphic identifiers, but rather as the application of design and communication in the development of an identity that is consistent at all times with the overarching University brand.
All units are encouraged to meet directly with the Director of Institutional Marketing regarding branding their existing communication pieces. Units not in alignment with the brand guidance will be contacted to discuss compliance.
Units who are currently unable to conform to brand guidelines due to mitigating circumstances (budget, timeframe, etc.) are not excused from adherence and will need to submit a detailed plan and timeframe outlining eventual compliance.
Web and Graphics Services will develop a set of templates that can be used for brand consistency across different media and applications. Units should contact Web and Graphics Services directly to establish templates customized to their own needs. Templates include, but are not limited to:
- Newsletter headers (print and digital)
- Flyer footers (with proper UH Hilo logo and disability and access services information)
- Social media
- Digital ad templates
- Website templates
The UH Hilo Brand Guide will be the official source of information regarding the correct use of the University logo, institutional colors, fonts, design style, and use of visuals in a range of applications.
The applications include, but are not limited to, print materials (advertisements, brochures, magazines, direct mailings), websites, digital media, videos, signage, vehicles, display materials, and exhibits.
It is recognized that the University may seek to build partnerships or strategic alliances for its own purposes and to enhance the University brand position. Co-branding must be approved by the Chancellor on the recommendation of the Director of University Relations.
V. Procedures
The Institutional Marketing Office must approve all University material and advertising promoting the University to an external audience before publication or production.
Due to the immediacy required when publishing social media content, individual posts are excluded from policy review prior to posting. However, UH Hilo retains the right to review and request modifications if published social media posts are not in alignment with the University’s brand or social media policy.
The Institutional Marketing Office will maintain a register of all materials where use of the University brand and visual identity have been approved. The materials on the register may be used without seeking further approval. When items on the register require an alteration, modification or update, a new approval must be requested. Units should contact the Director of Institutional Marketing for consultation.
The Director of Institutional Marketing will review all requests for branding review. If further consideration is warranted, the director will consult with Web and Graphics Services and/or the UH Hilo Marketing and Social Media Advisory Group Brand Policy and Guidelines Committee.
The Institutional Marketing Office may delegate authority for approval of University material and advertising promoting the University to another office of the University or where such material or advertising relates to the promotion of a campus unit, to an officer of that unit. Delegated officers will be trained in UH Hilo brand guidelines and policy to ensure compliance.
Units should contact the Institutional Marketing Office and/or Web and Graphics Services at least two weeks in advance of usage when seeking approval for logos, graphic identifiers, materials and/or advertising. Information provided should include:
- Name(s) of applicant(s)
- University college, department, student club and/or campus unit
- A sample of the advertising material(s) and/or logo(s) and graphic identifier(s)
- Target audience (i.e. community members, prospective students, etc.)
- Type of media (i.e. television, radio, brochure, banner, etc.)
- Names of vendors involved (media placement, production company, etc.)
- Timeline of usage (i.e. one-time event, academic year, etc.)
- Any other relevant information
In addition, the following UH Collegiate Licensing guidelines apply to promotional items bearing UH Hilo logos and its graphic identifiers:
Any item that incorporates the use of official UH Hilo logos and/or its graphic identifiers requires UH Collegiate Licensing Office review and approval. This includes the words “University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo” without the seal, as well as graphic identifiers that have been authorized for colleges, departments, student clubs and other campus organizations.
Apparel and non-apparel items using the UH Hilo logo, namesake or other verbiage referring to the UH Hilo campus as indicated below, should incorporate the trademark symbol ™ in its design:
UH Hilo™
Hilo Vulcans™
UH Hilo Vulcans™
University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo™
Vulcans™Items should be purchased using one of the licensed vendors on the University of Hawaiʻi [approved vendor website].
Promotional items should be uploaded to the [approved vendor website] for UH Licensing review.
Royalty waivers are required for items that will not be resold and are designated for giveaway purposes. Contact the Institutional Marketing Office first to apply for a royalty waiver with the following information:
- Name of licensed vendor producing item
- Quantity being purchased
- Approximate price with formal quote
- Copy of graphic and/or final design
- Method of distribution
- Any other relevant information
After an initial review, the request will be sent to the UH Collegiate Licensing Office. Once the request has been acknowledged by the UH Collegiate Licensing Office and a royalty waiver has been issued, the vendor may post the final design for UH Licensing approval via the [approved vendor website].
Items for department’s use not intended for resale can be purchased through licensees with either a standard or internal use license. If items are to be sold, it must be through a licensee with a standard license. A Standard License allows the production of products for resale. An Internal Usage License allows licensees to produce products intended to be sold directly to the University that are not for resale. This does not include sales to the University Bookstore. This license only applies when items of internal usage are exempt from royalties.
The following items are exempt from UH Licensing review:
- Publications
- Banners and displays
- Building signage
Other exceptions are noted below:
- Tablecloths require a royalty waiver
- Items that are a health or safety concern (i.e lighters, pocket knives) are not licensed.
VI. Brand Policy Representatives
Director of Institutional Marketing
Office of University Relations
(808) 932-7668
Graphics Coordinator
Web and Graphics Services
(808) 932-7323
Graphic Designer
Web and Graphics Services
(808) 932-7323
VII. References
The following should be read and considered in conjunction with this Policy:
- UH Hilo Brand Guide
- UH Hilo Brand Toolkit
- University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo Website Style Guide
- UH Hilo Social Media Policy
- Social Media Briefing
- Social Media Standards
- Best Practices for Social Media Posts
- Accessibility on Social Media
- Best Practices for Sharing Videos
- UH Communication Standards
University of Hawaiʻi Style Guide
Graphics Standards
Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility
Hawaiian Language considerations - University of Hawaiʻi Collegiate Licensing