Institutional Accreditation

Master of Science in Clinical Psychopharmacology

Distance Learning Program

Contact: College of Pharmacy Associate Dean Edward Fisher, (808) 932-7698.

Degree Level: Master’s

Enrollments Fall 2012-Present: Fall 2012, 8; Spring 2013, 8; Summer 2013, 8; Fall 2013, 10; Fall 2014, 5.

Brief History of the MSCP as a DL Program:The Master of Science in Clinical Psychopharmacology program provides a postdoctoral training program to prepare PhD and PsyD clinical psychologists to safely and effectively use psychotropic medication as one component of their clinical practice. It began in Spring 2011 as an experimental program. It underwent substantive change review and was approved by WASC on June 24, 2011. The program is currently offered to students at the Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu and other qualified persons desiring advanced training in clinical psychopharmacology.

Platforms for Delivery:All required didactic lectures are available to students through Laulima, the online management system of UH. Content courses, such as the biochemical basis of therapeutics and human physiology, are presented in a combination of pre-recorded lectures made available asynchronously and online, seminar-style onsite workshops associated with the courses, and synchronous online discussions and review sessions. This multi-modal format enables students to master large amounts of information according to their own life and work schedules, while allowing for instructors to reinforce learning and provide prompt feedback. The practicum is conducted at a clinical location arranged by the student; thus far, these have all been located on the island of Oahu. Students have access to lecturers and program coordinators through email, online meeting programs and telephone.

Integration of MSCP Students into the Life/Culture of UH Hilo: MSCP students are not required to attend classes on the UH Hilo campus but are provided access to all library and College of Pharmacy student benefits.

Campus Support for Instructional Technology: UH Hilo's Office of Campus Technology provides a full range of technological services to support programs, as well as faculty workshops during the academic year. The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs offers online and one-on-one faculty training in online course development and delivery. The Distance Learning Advisory Committee, comprised of faculty, one IT staff, and the campus DL Coordinator, is charged with examining and recommending "institutional policies and practices for supporting the design, development, implementation and evaluation of distance learning program and course offerings with a focus upon quality and connection to the mission of the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo."

The University's Strategic Plan 2011-2015 includes priority actions 3.2 "Upgrade the university’s technology infrastructure including computer laboratories and classrooms, wireless broadband across all areas of the campus, and new technologies to better support student learning, teaching effectiveness, and research"; and 4.5 "Improve higher education access, outreach and support for non-traditional and underserved populations through, but not limited to, select, high-quality distance learning programs island-wide and beyond...."

Student Services and Library Services Available to DNP Students: The Division of Student Affairs offers online and on-campus students a full range of services; all offices are accessible by phone and email, and all offices have information-rich webpages. The Mookini Library provides both face-to-face and online assistance to students in use of both print and digital resources.

Faculty Participation in Curriculum Development, Teaching, and Assessment: At the inception of this program 22 full-time tenured and tenure track faculty were responsible for producing lectures. Primarily assigned to instruction in the PharmD program, these faculty members have the appropriate areas of expertise to cover the didactic courses. College of Pharmacy faculty members participate in curriculum development, teaching and student performance assessment. A committee comprised of faculty members reviews and approves curriculum updates.

Comparability of Online and Face-to-Face Courses: Courses for the MSCP are unique to the program and consistent with MSCP program learning outcomes. The MSCP program courses combine recorded lectures from the College of Pharmacy and assignments from existing PharmD courses, enriched with  live online videochats and live workshops.

Retention and Graduation Rates:

  • 1st cohort – 4 started, 2 graduated, 1 successfully passed certification exam.
  • 2nd cohort – 4 started, 4 will graduate, 2 plan to take the certification exam;
  • 3rd cohort – 5 started, 4 are entering their second year. [Readmission/catch-up, certification exam]

Note: Completion rates vary because many students are part of the active military and may be deployed during program enrollment. Every effort is made to enable these students to complete their MSCP training according to their military or employment timelines. Certification is also dependent upon employment location of candidates as not all states allow prescriptive authority for clinical psychologists at the current time

Program Assessment: Learning Outcomes, Curriculum Map, Assessment Plan, Assessment Results: The MSCP has a fully developed assessment system (PDF).

Contracts, Memoranda of Agreement with External Organizations: The mutual responsibilities of the University of Hawaii at Hilo through the MSCP and the Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu are specified in a memorandum of agreement (PDF). This includes provision for training for up to ten students per cohort per year.