Jeonju Hanok Village
Kalaʻi Grothmann
Chung-Ang University, South Korea
Everything I have experienced in South Korea has been extraordinary. There has not been one dull moment during my time in Seoul. One experience that stands out in particular though, was my trip to ʻ전주한 을’ (Jeonju Hanok Village). It was a cultural event set up by my university and students that signed up got to experience making traditional crafts, such as hand mirrors/fanmaking or natural dyeing. Afterwards, we were free to walk around the village for about three hours, and had missions to complete. The village had street food set up everywhere and everyone walked around in the traditional Korean get-up (Hanbok). It almost felt like I had time slipped into the past.
Visiting 전주한을 was such a profoud experience for me beacause I got to not only visit and explore an amazing traditional village that still exists in Korea, but I also got to do hands-on traditional Korea crafts with my international friends. It felt amazing to experience Korea this way with so many different people from all around the world. I definitely plan on coming back to전주한을 someday.