Ostertag, R., E. Sebastián-González, R. Peck, T. Hall, J. Kim, N. DiManno, D. Rayome, S. Cordell, P. Banko, and A. Uowolo. 2020. Linking plant and animal functional diversity with an experimental community restoration in a Hawaiian lowland wet forest. Food Webs e00171, doi.org/10.1016/j.fooweb.2020.e00171.
Dudley, B.D., R.F. Hughes, G.P. Asner, J.A. Baldwin, Y. Miyazawa, H. Dulai, C. Waters, J. Bishop, N.R. Vaughn, J. Yeh, S. Kettwich, R.A. MacKenzie, R. Ostertag, and T. Giambelluca. 2020. Hydrological effects of tree invasion on a dry coastal Hawaiian ecosystem. Forest Ecology and Management 458: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117653.
Amada, G., K. Kobayashi, A. Izuno, M. Mukail, R. Ostertag, K. Kitayama, and Y. Onoda. 2020. Leaf trichomes in Metrosideros polymorpha can contribute to avoiding extra water stress by impeding gall formations. Annals of Botany 125: 533–542.
Castro-Díez, P. and 36 others. 2019. Global effects of non-native tree species on multiple ecosystem services Biological Reviews 94: 1477–1501.
Rayome, D., N. DiManno, R. Ostertag, S. Cordell, B. Fung, A. Vizzone, P. Pante, and R. Tate. 2019. Restoring Ecosystem Services Tool (REST): A program for selecting species for restoration projects using a functional-trait approach. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-262. Albany, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station. 47 p.
Rozendaal, D. and 85 others. 2019. Biodiversity recovery of Neotropical secondary forests. Science Advances 5, eaau3114. 10.1126/sciadv.aau3114.
Menge, D.N.L. and 85 others. 2019. Patterns of nitrogen‐fixing tree abundance in forests across Asia and America. Journal of Ecology 107:2598-2610.
Johnson, D.J. and 42 others. 2018. Climate sensitive size-dependent survival in tropical trees. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2: 1436–1442.
Lutz, J.A. and 97 others.. 2018. Global importance of large diameter trees. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27: 849-864.
Medeiros, C.D., C. Scoffoni, G.P. John, M.K. Bartlett, F. Inman-Narahari, R. Ostertag, S. Cordell, C.P. Giardina, and L. Sack. 2019. An extensive suite of functional traits distinguishes Hawaiian wet and dry forests and enables prediction of species vital rates. Functional Ecology 33: 712-734.
Craven, D., T.M. Knight, K.E. Barton, L. Bialic-Murphy, S. Cordell, C.P. Giardina, T.W. Gillespie, R. Ostertag, L. Sack, and J.M. Chase. 2018. OpenNahele: the open Hawaiian forest plot database. Biodiversity Data Journal 6: e28406. https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.6.e28406.
Ibanez, T., G. Keppel, C. Baider, C. Birkinshaw, H. Culmsee, F.B.V. Florens, J. Franklin, T. Gillespie, M. Laidlaw, C.M. Litton, T. Martin, R. Ostertag, N. Parthasathy, R. Randrianaivo, M. Randrianjanahary, M. Rajkumar, L. Rasingam, F. Ratovoson, L. Reza, A. Shin-ichiro, E. Webb, T. Whitfeld, R. Zang, and P. Birnbaum. Regional forcing explains local species diversity and turnover on tropical islands. 2018. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27: 474-486.
Puniwai-Ganoot, N., S. Ziegler-Chong, R. Ostertag, M.U. Ching. 2018. Mentoring Pacific Island students for conservation careers. Scholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research (SPUR) 1: 25-32.
DiManno, N.M. and R. Ostertag. 2016. Reproductive response to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization along the Hawaiian archipelago's natural soil fertility gradient. Oecologia 180: 245-55.
Michaud, J., S. Cordell, T.C. Cole, and R. Ostertag. 2015. Drought stress in an invaded Hawaiian lowland wet forest. Pacific Science 69: 367-383.
Ostertag, R., L. Warman, S. Cordell, and P.M. Vitousek. 2015. Using plant functional traits to restore Hawaiian rainforest. Journal of Applied Ecology 52: 805-809.
Inman-Narahari, F., R. Ostertag, G. P. Asner, S. Cordell, S.P. Hubbell, and L. Sack. 2014. Trade-offs in seedling growth and survival within and across tropical forest microhabitats. Ecology and Evolution, doi: 10.1002/ece3.1196.
Celentano, D., R.A Zahawi, B. Finegan, F. Casanoves, R. Ostertag, R.J. Cole, K.D. Holl. 2011. Restauración ecológica de bosques tropicales en Costa Rica: efecto de varios modelos en la producción, acumulación y descomposición de hojarasca. Revista de Biología Tropical 59: 1323-1336.
Celentano, D., R.A. Zahawi, B. Finegan, R. Ostertag, R.J. Cole, and K.D. Holl. 2011. Litterfall dynamics and nutrient cycling under different tropical forest restoration strategies and young secondary forests. Biotropica 43: 279-287.
Holl, K. D. Holl, R.A. Zahawi, R.J. Cole, R. Ostertag, and S. Cordell. 2011. Planting seedlings in plantations versus tree islands as a large-scale tropical forest restoration strategy. Restoration Ecology 19:470-479.
Meyer, III, W.M., R. Ostertag, and R.H. Cowie. 2011. Macro-invertebrates accelerate litter decomposition and nutrient release in a young Hawaiian rainforest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43: 206-211.
Benner, J., P.M.Vitousek, and R. Ostertag. 2011. Nutrient cycling and nutrient limitation in tropical montane cloud forest. Pages 90-100 in Tropical Montane Cloud Forests: Science for Conservation and Management, editors. L.A. Bruijnzeel, F.N. Scatena, and L.S. Hamilton. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Marín-Spiotta, E., W. L. Silver, C.W. Swanston, and R. Ostertag. 2009. Soil carbon gain and loss during 80 years of reforestation of tropical pastures. Global Change Biology 15: 1584-1597.
Ostertag, R., C.P. Giardina, and S. Cordell. 2008. Understory colonization of Eucalyptus plantations in Hawaiʻi in relation to light and nutrient Levels. Restoration Ecology 16: 475-485.
Van Bloem, S. J., P.G. Murphy, A.E. Lugo, R. Ostertag, M. Rivera Costa, I. Ruiz Bernard, S. Molina Colón, and M. Canals Mora. 2005. The influence of hurricane winds on Caribbean dry forest structure and nutrient pools. Biotropica 37: 571-583.
Silver, W.L., R. Ostertag, and A.E. Lugo. 2000. The potential for carbon sequestration through reforestation of abandoned tropical agricultural and pasture lands. Restoration Ecology 8: 394-407.