International Training
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Dates for the International Course in 2025
New dates for 2025: Saturday 31 May through Saturday 26 July.
New! Just published, and you can read the article for free. Assessing Human Resources Development in Volcano Observatories Using the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Survey A study by Juan Pablo Sarmiento, Florida International University, interviewing scientists in countries around the world, to find out the impact of the CSAV International course.
Participants of CSAV International enjoy an evening view of the eruption of Halemaumau on 7 June 2023. Left to right: Olivier Munyamahoro of Democratic Republic of Congo; Leonardo van der Laat from Costa Rica; Wahyu Kusuma of Indonesia; Juan Idarraga of Colombia; Rodolfo Castro of El Salvador; Nelida Manrique of Peru; Laura Barrantes of Colombia; Gede Bagiarta of Indonesia; Lois Jumawan from Philippines; Andrea Aguillar of Chile; Dave Rivera from Philippines; and Javier Calderon of Peru.
Details of the International Training Course
The cost for this 8-week course is USD $9,000 (this cost includes housing). Participants need to provide their own airfare and food, in addition to the course fees.
To Apply: Download an Application Form; forms are due in the CSAV office on or before December 1.
Hawaiian volcanoes are among the most active in the world, but unlike violently explosive volcanoes they can be approached and studied without significant risk. As a result, the Center for the Study of Active Volcanoes provides the ideal environment for practicing volcano monitoring techniques.
Visit the Smug Mug International site to see photos!
The International Training Program is designed to assist developing nations in attaining self-sufficiency in monitoring volcanoes. The field training emphasizes volcano monitoring methods, both data collection and interpretation, in use by the U.S. Geological Survey; participants are taught the use and maintenance of volcano monitoring instruments. Besides learning to assess volcanic hazards, participants learn the interrelationship of scientists, governing officials, and the news media during volcanic crises. A gallery of former participants showcases the 290 scientists and technicians, from 32 countries, who have attended from 1990 - 2024. The instructors come from volcano observatories of the US Geological Survey, and from the University of Hawaii.
CSAV International scientists learn volcano monitoring techniques used by volcano observatories of the United States Geological Survey. Here, the 2011 CSAV group poses in front of the HVO sign at Kilauea Summit.
Course focus and objectives
The course is an introduction to a variety of volcano monitoring techniques, rather than detailed training with just one; hence, seismologists who attend will learn about deformation, gas geochemistry, and physical volcanology as well as geophysics. The course is not geared towards academics, but rather, addresses working in a crisis response mode, focusing on forecasting and rapid response to save lives and property.
Hawaiʻi Section: Six Weeks
The Hawaiʻi Section is held at the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo and covers physical geology, webcams, gas geochemistry, rock identification and mapping, Lahars, photogrammetry, seismology, remote sensing, deformation, and dealing with the press. Field work sites are Kīlauea and Mauna Loa.
View typical apartment housing where International scientists stay during the Hawaii section of the course.
Danny Hidayat (Indonesia) sets up a tribrach at UH Hilo, for a practice leveling survey.
Mikhail Herry (Papua New Guinea) collects a sample of molten lava near the ocean.
Philippine scientists work in the lab with samples of volcanic gas from Kilauea summit.
At the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, Matt Patrick shows the CSAV group how seismic, tilt, and other telemetered signals correlate.
Groups are small, usually less than 12 students, so everyone gets a chance to work with scientific instruments and computer data.
CSAV students collect GPS data near Mauna Ulu; the information gathered will be compared to earlier baseline studies.
CVO Section: Two weeks
The CVO section is held in Vancouver, Washington and includes work at Cascades Volcano Observatory as well as field work at Mount St. Helens. Topics covered are stratigraphic sections, mapping, power systems, public outreach, event trees, and the relationship of scientists to media and Civil Defense.
Mount St. Helens provides an ideal setting to analyze and map tephra deposits.
After hiking into the crater of Mount St. Helens, the CSAV group makes a rough map.
Pablo Masias of Peru views trees blasted by the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens.
After a day of field work, the CSAV group works on isopach maps of tephra.
At CVO, the CSAV scientists learn how to assemble a telemetry station.
The CSAV group participates in activities designed to teach the public about eruptions.
Who may apply
Scientists and technicians who work at volcano observatories in developing countries.
CSAV International participants come from volcano observatories throughout the developing world, including Peru, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Democratic Republic of Congo, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
Application deadline: Applications for each summer's course must be received in the CSAV office by December 1 before the year applied for. For the 2025 International Course, applications must be recieved by December 1 2024. Download the pdf version of the International Application Form.
If you are interested in learning about volcanology, but are NOT a scientist or civil worker in a developing country with active volcanoes, you may be interested in attending some of the exciting courses offered by the Geology Department of UH Hilo, including Geology of the Hawaiian Islands (GEOL 205 ) and Volcanology (GEOL 470 ). Read more about the Geology Department!
Written requests may be mailed to:
Center for the Study of Active VolcanoesUniversity of Hawaiʻi at Hilo
200 West Kāwili Street
Hilo, Hawaiʻi 96720-4091
Tel: (808) 932-7555
Fax: (808) 932-7547
CSAV participants come from 32 different countries around the world.
The 2024 Summer Training Course has 14 Participants!
We have a wonderful group, including scientists from Tonga and Rwanda, the first time ever for those countries.
CSAV 2024 participants are from Latin America, Vanuatu, Philippines, Tonga, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The CSAV participants attended the Monday staff meeting of the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.
The participants enjoyed an introduction to Hawaiian culture, by paddling across Hilo Bay in an outrigger canoe.
Jude Mallorca and Perly Sainson of the Philippines discuss the June 2024 eruption plume, visible in the distance.
Galleries of Recent Participants
- 2023 Gallery
- 2019 Gallery
- 2018 Gallery
- 2017 Gallery
- 2016 Gallery
- 2015 Gallery
- 2014 Gallery
- 2013 Gallery
- 2012 Gallery
- 2011 Gallery
- 2010 Gallery
- 2009 Gallery
- 2008 Gallery
- 2007 Gallery
- 2006 Gallery
- 2005 Gallery
- 2004 Gallery
- 2003 Gallery
- 2002 Gallery
- 2001 Gallery
- 2000 Gallery
- 1999 Gallery
- 1998 Gallery
- 1997 Gallery
- 1996 Gallery
- 1995 Gallery
- 1994 Gallery
- 1993 Gallery
- 1992 Gallery
- 1991 Gallery
- 1990 Gallery