1990 Gallery

International Training Program

Off to a good start! 1990 was the first year we offered the CSAV International Training Program in Volcano Hazards Monitoring. Participants came from Papua New Guinea, Mexico, and the Marianas Islands.

Ima with Don ThomasIma Itikarai and gas geochemist Don Thomas collect a sample from Sulphur Banks.

Ima with PortacorderIma Itakarai of PNG uses a PortaCorder to record earthquakes at Kalapana.

LutherLuther Sipison from Papua New Guinea breaks open the crust of a pahoehoe flow.

Jack SablanJack Sablan collects a sample of molten lava using a rock hammer.

LevelingThe CSAV crew assists Maurice Sako of HVO in leveling Puu Kohola.

Luther NAK2Luther Sipison takes a leveling measurement with the NAK-2 gun.

Ray ChongRay Chong learns how to install a telemetry station in the field with HVO.

EnriqueEnrique Carballido Sanchez samples lava.

Kaimu BayLava flows into Kaimu Bay, Kalapana, as CSAV participants Luther Sipison, Jack Sablan, and Ima Itikarai watch from a safe distance.

KojimaGeorge Kojima shows CSAV participants how to install a telemetry station, carefully burying the seismometer in tephra to avoid noise.