Media Galleries
World Volcanoes Gallery: Images by Robert W. Decker and Colleagues
The World Volcanoes Gallery was designed by Robert Decker. Volcanoes are indexed so you can click on your favorite, or, browse through all the images by hitting "next." Each image includes a full description.
See hundreds of images, all searchable by key words, at our Smug Mug site!
The Smug Mug CSAV site is up and running! Photographs are arranged by category (including Volcanoes Hawaii, Volcanoes USA, Earthquakes.) You also can find images using key words, such as pahoehoe, Mount St. Helens, and so forth. Below, we've chosen a few samples from our Smug Mug site, to give you an idea of the variety of images available. We will be adding new material to the Smug Mug site periodically, so check back.