The Study Abroad Newsletter

Golden Treasure

Michael Angelo Sagun

Biology major
Chung Ang University, South Korea

Michael Holding Certification Before studying abroad, I thought that the transition out here would be the hardest part, but it turns out that getting ready to leave this place and transitioning to home is even harder" is probably the most remarkable part for me when I gave a speech during the Spring 2016 Farewell Ceremony. (Certification with Dr. Jun Hyun Hong, Vice President for Chung-Ang University International Affairs).

It was an awesome experience during my study abroad that I wanted to stay longer in Korea and not want to come back home for a moment. It’s been a great year to study at Chung-Ang University where I made lots of memories, experiences, and especially met some amazing and wonderful people around the globe. My study abroad experience is something that I would never trade for anything. To me, it is a golden treasure that I will surely be keeping in me for my whole life.

Often, people asked what will I missed when I leave Korea. I usually take seconds or even a minute to think about it, but I couldn’t think of just one thing. I will miss everything in Korea, from the culture itself, food, historical places, and especially the people.

This experience is not only to broaden our horizon but also to enrich our life experience. Interacting and socializing with different kinds of people make us learn different perspectives and teach us things about life. Just learning the Korean culture itself is already fascinating, what’s more when you interact with other students around the globe. It makes everyone of us an open-minded individual, that learning something from individual’s culture is not different or bad but its an unique identity to be proud of.