Keaholoa STEM Program

About Us

Our Mission

The goal of the Keaholoa STEM Scholars Program (KSP) is to increase enrollment, support, and graduation rates of underrepresented minorities——with specific focus given to Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders——in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics disciplines. Since its inception, Keaholoa has become a program where students can engage in scientifically rigorous research that is grounded in indigenous cultural practices and knowledge systems.

Who We Are

Our community is composed of undergraduate and graduate students, university faculty and staff, and alumni from backgrounds that are traditionally underrepresented in STEM fields.

What We Do

Research and internship experiences

We offer a select group of scholars funded research and mentorship experiences throughout the academic school year that enables students to develop their own research project in conjunction with a mentor in their field of study. Scholars also have the opportunity to give back to their community by participating in outreach programs as well as work days in community gardens and fishponds. Students are also provided opportunities to produce papers that they present to their peers and the wider public. In this way they become valuable contributors to the community and the broader circulation of STEM knowledge.

Academic Support

We provide students with resources to excel academically, such as free access to computers, printing and scanning, school supplies, our textbook library, a safe space to work, and academic advising.

Peer Tutoring is also an important part of Keaholoa STEM Program. STEM faculty work with peer tutors to increase the learning, retention, and successful course completion of all students. Keaholoa partners with EPSCoR, Student Services, College of Arts and Sciences, and Kīpuka Native Hawaiian Student Center to offer tutoring services for students in Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Mathematics.

Professional Development

Through various workshops, our students gain professional development skills such as public speaking and scientific presentation, resume/CV writing, grant and scholarship writing, networking, and how to establish a professional presence in online social networks.

Culturally Relevant Huakaʻi

By participating in place-based service and learning projects via partnerships with various community organizations and stakeholders, students have the unique opportunity to build pilina (connection) with both land and people. These experiences provide robust possibilities for both current and future endeavors.

Where You Can Find Us

We are located in the red portables below Hale ʻIkena, room PB-13-2, near Kīpuka.