GEOL 112. History of the Earth and its Life
Spring 2011
Lecture Outlines and Material
Exam 1
- Introduction and History of Geologic Thought (word document)
- Fossils and Taxonomy (word document)
- Environments and Life (word document)
- Sedimentary Environments (word document)
- Correlation and Age Dating (word document)
- Continental Drift, Mountain Building, and Plate Tectonics (word document)
- Geochemical Cycles (word document)
- Archean (word document)
- Early Proterozoic (word document)
Exam 2
- Early Paleozoic Life and Mt. Building (word document)
- Middle Paleozoic Life (word document)
- Middle Paleozoic Mountain Building (word document)
- Late Paleozoic Life (word document)
- Late Paleozoic Rocks and Cyclothems (word document)
- Late Paleozoic Mountain Building (word document)
- Paleozoic Extinctions (word document)
Organize the main concepts of the Paleozoic by constructing a matrix of events and time. Example (this is not an exhaustive list) can be found here
Exam 1 Review Topics (MS Word)
Writing Assignment #1
Copies of the Article (Archean and Proterozoic crustal evolution: Evidence from crustal seismology, Geology v. 19, 1991, p. 606-609) available on Laulima
or find in the library.
Assignment sheet and instructions also on Laulima
- Exam 3 Review information
- Final Exam Review (word document)
- Review Topics (word document)