Agricultural Farm Laboratory
The UH Hilo Farm is located south of Hilo, at 3551 Kanoelehua Ave, Hilo HI 96720.
Map Legend
Numbers in { curly braces } indicate the Inv. Building Number
- Farm Manager's Home {3374A}
- Offices/bathrooms {3374B}
- Machinery shed/tool room {3374I}
- Media/pots building {3374H}
- Matson storage containers (2)
- Greenhouse #1
- Greenhouse #2 {3374D}
- Pesticides storage {3374M}
- Orchid shadehouse
- Pavillion
- Shadehouse
- Poultry/storage *
- HawaiʻiCC poultry *
- Swine handling *
- Farrowing house *
15A. Swine waste lagoon and cesspool * {3374C} - HawaiʻiCC crop shelter {3374F}
- Hydroponics {3374G}
- Vegetable pack shed {3374J}
- Aquaculture
- Aqua pond-houses (2)
- Plant indexing (2) {3374E}
- Cattle AI Barn {3374K}
- Sheep & Goat handling barn {3374L}
- Shadehouse #2 {3374N}
- Horse arena
- Horse facility {3374P}
- Equestrians Arena {3374Q}
Points of Interest
Map: Forestry Plot
The Experimental Tropical Hardwood Plantation is located on a 3-acre parcel of land. The eight hardwood species used in this experiment are as follows:
- naio (Myoporum sandwicensis)
- narra (Pterocarpus indicus)
- kamani (Callophylum inophylum)
- koa (Acacia koa)
- milo (Thespesia populnea)
- gmelinia (Gmelinia inophyllum)
- rainbow eucalyptus (Eucalyptus deglupta)
- kou (Cordia subcordata)
The experiment has a twofold purpose. Primarily it is designed to test the benefits of growing hardwoods in association with Nitrogen-fixing trees. Additionally, it is hoped to identify high value hardwoods that thrive in Hawaiʻi, specifically a species that can grow at low elevations on unimproved ʻaʻa lava substrate.
Map: Apiary
Currently the apiary contains 12 hives that are used for teaching bee-keeping skills to students. Research on honey bees are also being conducted.
Map: 19/20
Pacific Aquaculture and Coastal Resources Center (PACRC) is constructing a pathology laboratory, quarantine facilities, a freshwater fish hatchery and several ponds. The primary purpose of the Farm Lab site will be quarantine, health management and integrated agriculture-aquaculture farming systems.
A cooperative project with USGS-Biological Resources Division to study native damsel flies is underway at the aquaculture center.
Map: Proposed Oceanic Institute Feed Mill
Final arrangements are being made for the construction of the Oceanic Institutes’ $1.5 million Aquatic Research Mill.
Map: 11
Van der Hoven Green House Builders, Netherlands, donated a state-of-the-art aluminized movable shade greenhouse. Dr. Marcel Tsang and Dr. William Sakai initiated an applied research project to study anthurium production. Two Kratky-type hoop greenhouses, housed within the movable shade greenhouse, are used for Dr. Tsang’s experiment and as a Nursery Operation Laboratory.
Map: 17
Economically-important crops are grown under circulating and non-circulating hydroponic techniques. Different methods are researched and tested here.
Map: Proposed Well & Pump
$509,000 state CIP funding has been designated for the design of a new well, pump, and water distribution at the Farm. We are awaiting release of the funding.
Map: Low Input Sustainable Agriculture Demo-Plot
$100,000 state-of-the-art compost facility is located on this demonstration plot. Crops based on the Waiʻanae Diet are being developed to support a future course in growing, harvesting, and preparing traditional Hawaiian food products.
Map: Horse pasture
The 12-acre equine pasture has been cleared, planted with pangola grass and fenced.
Map: 25
The equestrian/rodeo arena is completely fenced.
Map: 26
The equine surgery facility frame structure and concrete floor are completed.