College of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resource Management, Koleke Mahiʻai, Kālaiululāʻau, a Hoʻokele Kumuwaiwai Kūlohelohe

Agricultural Farm Laboratory

The UH Hilo Farm is located south of Hilo, at 3551 Kanoelehua Ave, Hilo HI 96720.

Map Legend

Agricultural Farm mapThumbnail sketch of farm layout. Please see interactive map for detail.

Numbers in { curly braces } indicate the Inv. Building Number

  1. Farm Manager's Home {3374A}
  2. Offices/bathrooms {3374B}
  3. Machinery shed/tool room {3374I}
  4. Media/pots building {3374H}
  5. Matson storage containers (2)
  6. Greenhouse #1
  7. Greenhouse #2 {3374D}
  8. Pesticides storage {3374M}
  9. Orchid shadehouse
  10. Pavillion
  11. Shadehouse
  12. Poultry/storage *
  13. HawaiʻiCC poultry *
  14. Swine handling *
  15. Farrowing house *
    15A. Swine waste lagoon and cesspool * {3374C}
  16. HawaiʻiCC crop shelter {3374F}
  17. Hydroponics {3374G}
  18. Vegetable pack shed {3374J}
  19. Aquaculture
  20. Aqua pond-houses (2)
  21. Plant indexing (2) {3374E}
  22. Cattle AI Barn {3374K}
  23. Sheep & Goat handling barn {3374L}
  24. Shadehouse #2 {3374N}
  25. Horse arena
  26. Horse facility {3374P}
  27. Equestrians Arena {3374Q}

Points of Interest

Map: Forestry Plot

The Experimental Tropical Hardwood Plantation is located on a 3-acre parcel of land. The eight hardwood species used in this experiment are as follows:

  • naio (Myoporum sandwicensis)
  • narra (Pterocarpus indicus)
  • kamani (Callophylum inophylum)
  • koa (Acacia koa)
  • milo (Thespesia populnea)
  • gmelinia (Gmelinia inophyllum)
  • rainbow eucalyptus (Eucalyptus deglupta)
  • kou (Cordia subcordata)

The experiment has a twofold purpose. Primarily it is designed to test the benefits of growing hardwoods in association with Nitrogen-fixing trees. Additionally, it is hoped to identify high value hardwoods that thrive in Hawaiʻi, specifically a species that can grow at low elevations on unimproved ʻaʻa lava substrate.

Map: Apiary

Currently the apiary contains 12 hives that are used for teaching bee-keeping skills to students. Research on honey bees are also being conducted.

Map: 19/20

Pacific Aquaculture and Coastal Resources Center (PACRC) is constructing a pathology laboratory, quarantine facilities, a freshwater fish hatchery and several ponds. The primary purpose of the Farm Lab site will be quarantine, health management and integrated agriculture-aquaculture farming systems.

A cooperative project with USGS-Biological Resources Division to study native damsel flies is underway at the aquaculture center.

Map: Proposed Oceanic Institute Feed Mill

Final arrangements are being made for the construction of the Oceanic Institutes’ $1.5 million Aquatic Research Mill.

Map: 11

Van der Hoven Green House Builders, Netherlands, donated a state-of-the-art aluminized movable shade greenhouse. Dr. Marcel Tsang and Dr. William Sakai initiated an applied research project to study anthurium production. Two Kratky-type hoop greenhouses, housed within the movable shade greenhouse, are used for Dr. Tsang’s experiment and as a Nursery Operation Laboratory.

Map: 17

Economically-important crops are grown under circulating and non-circulating hydroponic techniques. Different methods are researched and tested here.

Map: Proposed Well & Pump

$509,000 state CIP funding has been designated for the design of a new well, pump, and water distribution at the Farm. We are awaiting release of the funding.

Map: Low Input Sustainable Agriculture Demo-Plot

$100,000 state-of-the-art compost facility is located on this demonstration plot. Crops based on the Waiʻanae Diet are being developed to support a future course in growing, harvesting, and preparing traditional Hawaiian food products.

Map: Horse pasture

The 12-acre equine pasture has been cleared, planted with pangola grass and fenced.

Map: 25

The equestrian/rodeo arena is completely fenced.

Map: 26

The equine surgery facility frame structure and concrete floor are completed.