S.T.A.R. Awards (Staff That Are Remarkable)
The purpose of the S.T.A.R. Awards is to recognize those individuals who render exceptional service to students, faculty, staff, and others in the UH Hilo community, thus contributing to the Division of Student Affairs mission- to support student success. We all know staff members who we consistently rely on, get energized by, and are full of great ideas, but often these individuals go unsung. Now is the time to celebrate these special people.
The 15th Annual S.T.A.R. Awards will be presented at the DSA Retreat on Tuesday, July 23, 2024
With the exception of the Vice Chancellor's "Leadership" Award, winners are nominated and voted on by their peers in the Division of Student Affairs.
All faculty and staff members within the units that comprise the Division of Student Affairs are eligible and must be in good standing with their department. Those not eligible: the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs; faculty or staff in another University Division; Student Staff. An individual may win in one award category only. Recipients cannot receive the same award in two consecutive years.
Nominators may be from any Student Affairs employee. Nominations will be collected only via the S.T.A.R. Awards Nomination Form. Nominate a colleague today!
All nomination forms will be due by Friday, July 12, 2024. Nominators and the number of times a candidate is nominated will be kept confidential. All nominees will be recognized on the SCBC web site.
Winners will receive S.T.A.R. certificate of recognition and acknowledgement /photo on the DSA Social & Community Building web site. All Awards will be announced and given at the Year End Celebration)
The “Go To” Award
This award exemplifies a person whom others turn to for help or support. Characteristics of a “Go To” person include: diligent, selfless, consistent, pitch in to help, reliable, gets it done, team player, behind the scenes, If can…can!
The “Work Smarter” Award
This award exemplifies a person who directs their time and energy for the greatest impact by incorporating new ideas, technology, and other strategies to maximize a positive impact on the campus community. Characteristics of a “Work Smarter” person include: creative, thinks outside the box, innovative, change agent, fearless, cutting edge, idea person, progressive.
The “Positivity” Award
This award exemplifies a person whose positive attitude and outlook directly affects students and the greater campus community. Characteristics of a “Positivity” person include: positive energy, inspiring, aloha spirit, optimistic, cheerleader, encouraging, happy, calm in a crisis, collaborative, fun, takes lemons and makes lemonade.
The “Rising STAR” Award
This award exemplifies a casual hire staff who demonstrates a quality of performance that indicates they will continue to develop into an exemplary employee. Characteristics of a "Rising STAR" person include: shows passion for their work, professional, dedication to their department and the college.
VCSA’s "Leadership" Award
(Awarded by VCSA) This award exemplifies a person whose management skills and interpersonal style inspires and motivates others to achieve their full potential or helps groups, teams and/or units achieve a common goal. Characteristics of a “Leadership Award” recipient include: “first among equals”, mentor, respected, leads by example, ethical, principled, inspiring, advocates on behalf of others, mediator, bridge builder, courageous and forward thinking.
"Friends of DSA" Award
(Awarded by VCSA) This award exemplifies great campus collaborators and faculty partners.