Research: Peer-reviewed publications
The man who questions opinion is wise; the man who quarrels with facts is a fool.
Frank A. Garbutt
Lee, Su-Mi and Terence Roehrig. (Eds.) 2023. Negotiation Dynamics to Denuclearize North Korea: Cohesion and Disarray.* Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
- This book brings together negotiation scholars and country experts to provide a comprehensive examination of the goals, strategies, and motives of the six parties involved in North Korea denuclearization talks through the lens of negotiation theory.
Lee, Su-Mi. 2019. Good Mediator: Relational Characteristics of Effective Mediators. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
- This book examines how mediators’ relational characteristics can alter the outcome of mediation in international militarized disputes.
Book chapters
Lee, Su-Mi and Hanbeom Jeong. 2023. “The Dynamics of South Korea’s Space Trajectories.” In The Oxford Handbook of Space Security, eds. Saadia M. Pekkanen and P. J. Blount. New York: Oxford University Press.
Lee, Su-Mi and Terence Roehrig. 2023. “Introduction.” In Negotiation Dynamics to Denuclearize North Korea: Cohesion and Disarray, eds. Su-Mi Lee and Terence Roehrig. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.*
Lee, Su-Mi and Pamela Aall. 2023. “Negotiation: The Bedrock of Conflict Management.” Chap. 1 in Negotiation Dynamics to Denuclearize North Korea: Cohesion and Disarray), eds. Su-Mi Lee and Terence Roehrig. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.*
Lee, Su-Mi and Pamela Aall. 2023. “The Right Coalition, the Right Time, and the Right Framework: Lessons Learned from 40-Plus Years of Negotiation.” Chap. 9 in Negotiation Dynamics to Denuclearize North Korea: Cohesion and Disarray, eds. Su-Mi Lee and Terence Roehrig. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.*
Journal articles
Lee, Su-Mi. 2021. “South Korea’s Space Program and Its Implication.” The Korean Journal of Security Affairs 26(2): 69-88.
- Highlighting the ramifications of South Korea's recent space endeavors concerning the ROK-US alliance in the domain of outer space and regional security including South Korea's relations with China
Lee, Su-Mi and Hanbeom Jeong. 2020. “Cooperation in Outer Space: Need vs. Willingness.” The Korean Journal of Security Affairs 25(2): 26-44.
- Identifying push and pull factors of cooperation in outer space, this research examines how likely cooperation is to occur in the current state of outer space affairs.
Lee, Su-Mi. 2020. “Global Governance on COVID-19: Institutions are Fine.” RINSA FORUM 69: 1-4.
- This research highlights states' unwillingness to cooperate with one another to tackle global issues such as COVID-19.
Lee, Su-Mi. 2020. “Behind the Curtain: Syria’s 1979 Mediation in the Yemen Dispute.” Negotiation Journal 36(1): 43-55.
- This research seeks to illustrate how Syria’s relations with the Soviet Union influenced the former’s qualification as a mediator in the Yemen dispute.
Lee, Su-Mi, and J. Michael Greig. 2019. “The Conditional Effectiveness of Direction Mediation.” International Interaction 45(5): 838-863.
- This research seeks to identify favorable conditions for the effectiveness of directive mediation in interstate rivalries.
Lee, Su-Mi. 2019. “The Philippines’ 1963 Mediation in the Borneo Confrontation.” International Negotiation 24(2): 220-239.
- This study evaluates the Philippines’ qualifications as a mediator for the Borneo confrontation between Indonesia and Malaya in the 1960s.
Kim, Tae-Hyung, and Su-Mi Lee. 2015. “The Effectiveness of Directive Mediation Strategies and Disputants’ Interdependence and Trust in a Mediator.” International Joint Research Project: 45-98.
- This study examines the interactive effects of directive mediation strategies with disputants’ interdependence and their relations with a mediator on mediation outcome in international militarized disputes.
Lee, Su-Mi. 2015. “Understanding the Yalta and Riga Axioms through the Belief System of the Advocacy Coalition Framework.” Foreign Policy Analysis 11(3): 295-315.
- This research employs stakeholder analysis based on the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) to examine two coalitions of U.S. foreign policy during the postwar and early Cold War periods.
Bercovitch, Jacob, and Su-Mi Lee. 2003. “Mediating International Conflicts: Examining the Effectiveness of Directive Strategies.” International Journal of Peace Studies 8(1): 1-17.
- This paper examines some factors which may help to explain how mediators in international conflict structure their intervention and choose their behavior.
Translations: English to Korean
- Samuel P. Huntington. 2023. The Soldier and the State: The Theory and Politics of Civil-Military Relations. (Hanbeom Jeong and Su-Mi Lee, Trans.). Seoul, South Korea: Park Young-sa. (Original work published in 1957) ISBN: 979-11-303-1664-2.
- Charles A. Kupchan. 2021. How Enemies Become Friends. (Su-Mi Lee, [Trans].) Seoul, South Korea: Korea National Defense University Press. (Original work published in 2010)