Dr. Su-Mi Lee

Research: Peer-reviewed publications

The man who questions opinion is wise; the man who quarrels with facts is a fool.

Frank A. Garbutt


Book chapters

  • Lee, Su-Mi and Hanbeom Jeong. 2023. “The Dynamics of South Korea’s Space Trajectories.” In The Oxford Handbook of Space Security, eds. Saadia M. Pekkanen and P. J. Blount. New York: Oxford University Press.

  • Lee, Su-Mi and Terence Roehrig. 2023. “Introduction.” In Negotiation Dynamics to Denuclearize North Korea: Cohesion and Disarray, eds. Su-Mi Lee and Terence Roehrig. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.*

  • Lee, Su-Mi and Pamela Aall. 2023. “Negotiation: The Bedrock of Conflict Management.” Chap. 1 in Negotiation Dynamics to Denuclearize North Korea: Cohesion and Disarray), eds. Su-Mi Lee and Terence Roehrig. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.*

  • Lee, Su-Mi and Pamela Aall. 2023. “The Right Coalition, the Right Time, and the Right Framework: Lessons Learned from 40-Plus Years of Negotiation.” Chap. 9 in Negotiation Dynamics to Denuclearize North Korea: Cohesion and Disarray, eds. Su-Mi Lee and Terence Roehrig. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.*

Journal articles

  • Lee, Su-Mi. 2021. “South Korea’s Space Program and Its Implication.” The Korean Journal of Security Affairs 26(2): 69-88.

    • Highlighting the ramifications of South Korea's recent space endeavors concerning the ROK-US alliance in the domain of outer space and regional security including South Korea's relations with China
  • Lee, Su-Mi and Hanbeom Jeong. 2020. “Cooperation in Outer Space: Need vs. Willingness.” The Korean Journal of Security Affairs 25(2): 26-44.

    • Identifying push and pull factors of cooperation in outer space, this research examines how likely cooperation is to occur in the current state of outer space affairs.
  • Lee, Su-Mi. 2020. “Global Governance on COVID-19: Institutions are Fine.” RINSA FORUM 69: 1-4.

    • This research highlights states' unwillingness to cooperate with one another to tackle global issues such as COVID-19.
  • Lee, Su-Mi. 2020. “Behind the Curtain: Syria’s 1979 Mediation in the Yemen Dispute.” Negotiation Journal 36(1): 43-55. https://doi.org/10.1111/nejo.12308

    • This research seeks to illustrate how Syria’s relations with the Soviet Union influenced the former’s qualification as a mediator in the Yemen dispute.
  • Lee, Su-Mi, and J. Michael Greig. 2019. “The Conditional Effectiveness of Direction Mediation.” International Interaction 45(5): 838-863. https://doi.org/10.1080/03050629.2019.1614923

    • This research seeks to identify favorable conditions for the effectiveness of directive mediation in interstate rivalries.
  • Lee, Su-Mi. 2019. “The Philippines’ 1963 Mediation in the Borneo Confrontation.” International Negotiation 24(2): 220-239. https://doi.org/10.1163/15718069-24011173

    • This study evaluates the Philippines’ qualifications as a mediator for the Borneo confrontation between Indonesia and Malaya in the 1960s.
  • Kim, Tae-Hyung, and Su-Mi Lee. 2015. “The Effectiveness of Directive Mediation Strategies and Disputants’ Interdependence and Trust in a Mediator.” International Joint Research Project: 45-98.

    • This study examines the interactive effects of directive mediation strategies with disputants’ interdependence and their relations with a mediator on mediation outcome in international militarized disputes.
  • Lee, Su-Mi. 2015. “Understanding the Yalta and Riga Axioms through the Belief System of the Advocacy Coalition Framework.” Foreign Policy Analysis 11(3): 295-315. https://doi.org/10.1111/fpa.12040

    • This research employs stakeholder analysis based on the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) to examine two coalitions of U.S. foreign policy during the postwar and early Cold War periods.
  • Bercovitch, Jacob, and Su-Mi Lee. 2003. “Mediating International Conflicts: Examining the Effectiveness of Directive Strategies.” International Journal of Peace Studies 8(1): 1-17.

    • This paper examines some factors which may help to explain how mediators in international conflict structure their intervention and choose their behavior.

Translations: English to Korean

  • Samuel P. Huntington. 2023. The Soldier and the State: The Theory and Politics of Civil-Military Relations. (Hanbeom Jeong and Su-Mi Lee, Trans.). Seoul, South Korea: Park Young-sa. (Original work published in 1957) ISBN: 979-11-303-1664-2.
  • Charles A. Kupchan. 2021. How Enemies Become Friends. (Su-Mi Lee, [Trans].) Seoul, South Korea: Korea National Defense University Press. (Original work published in 2010) https://doi.org/10.979.1189811/099